Originally posted by Fritz88:
OK, looking at numbers (and I probably programmed this badly the first time out) I get that if you have an attribute below 7, you will seldom succeed, regardless of skill level. What I mean is that if you have Att-6, it doesn't matter what skill level you have (up through 6) for a Formidable task, and it doesn't matter until you get to skill-3 for a Difficult task. Always/until skill-3, your odds of success are the same. Once your attribute gets above 6, every skill level matters.
For lower difficulty levels, the above does not hold true - every skill level counts.
Let's test this--
Let's do a little eye-ball test on a low-stat character and see if skill matters. Up above, in your quote, you tend to say it doesn't.
Here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to throw dice 20 times (I'll throw real dice, as I write, recording what I throw.) Then, we'll use those same 20 numbers at varying skill levels.
Let's see if skill has an impact on a set of 20 random tasks.
---> What you're going to see is that skill level will both promote higher average totals and provide more successes at the higher difficulty categoires. <---
Another thing you're going to see is that, with a low stat like this, the separation between the categories will be SMALL.
Which is what we want, right? We don't want our low stat guys making rolls as well as our high stat guys, right?
So, you will see some improvement between sets of tasks, but the improvement between the sets of tasks will be SMALLER than it would be for a character with better natural ability.
This is a feature of CTI (something this is desireable, in my opinion).
The point here is: YOU WILL SEE IMPROVEMENT in a character as his skill level goes up.
(Remember, the SAME dice rolls will be used for each test, and the Stat will stay the same. The only thing that will change is the skill level.)
Stat-5, Skill-0
5, 1 5 = 6 (Success on Easy task)
6, 5 = 11 (Success on Difficult task)
4, 2 4 = 6 (Success on Easy task)
6, 5 = 11 (Success on Difficult task)
1, 2 3 = 5 (Success on Very Easy task)
2, 4 3 = 7 (Success on Easy task)
4, 2 6, 1 = 9 (Success on Routine task)
2, 5 6, 3 = 14 (Success on Staggering task)
3, 4 1 = 5 (Success on Very Easy task)
5, 4 3 = 7 (Success on Easy task)
5, 3 4 = 7 (Success on Easy task)
2, 3 3 = 6 (Success on Easy task)
6, 3 = 9 (Success on Routine task)
5, 4 6, 1 = 11 (Success on Difficult task)
4, 6 3 = 9 (Success on Routine task)
1, 3 1 = 4 (Success on Very Easy task)
1, 2 5 = 7 (Success on Easy task)
5, 4 5 = 9 (Success on Routine task)
3, 5 1 = 6 (Success on Easy task)
2, 6 3 = 9 (Success on Routine task)
Average roll: 7.9
0 Failure
2 Very Easy
9 Easy
5 Routine
3 Difficult
0 Formidable
1 Staggering
0 Impossible
OK, so with Stat-5, Skill-0, we ended up hovering around the "Easy" category. With a low-stat, no-skill character, I'd expect that.
Let's move on. Same dice rolls. Just change the Skill level.
Stat-5, Skill-3
5, 1 5 = 6 (Success on Easy task)
6, 5 = 11 (Success on Difficult task)
4, 2 4 = 6 (Success on Easy task)
6, 5 = 11 (Success on Difficult task)
1, 2 3 = 6 (Success on Easy task)
2, 4 = 6 (Success on Easy task)
4, 2 6, 1 = 9 (Success on Routine task)
2, 5 = 7 (Success on Easy task)
3, 4 = 7 (Success on Easy task)
5, 4 3 = 7 (Success on Easy task)
5, 3 4 = 7 (Success on Easy task)
2, 3 3 = 8 (Success on Routine task)
6, 3 = 9 (Success on Routine task)
5, 4 6, 1 = 11 (Success on Difficult task)
4, 6 3 = 9 (Success on Routine task)
1, 3 1 = 5 (Success on Very Easy task)
1, 2 5 = 8 (Success on Routine task)
5, 4 5 = 9 (Success on Routine task)
3, 5 = 8 (Success on Routine task)
2, 6 3 = 11 (Success on Difficult task)
Average roll: 8.05
0 Failure
1 Very Easy
8 Easy
7 Routine
4 Difficult
0 Formidable
0 Staggering
0 Impossible
Notice that we're increasing our Routine and Difficult successes as we've improved in skill.
We also had, as I predicted above, a higher overall average.
OK, last test. Let's use a very high skill this time.
You're going to see the same trend--higher overall average task throw total and success more often in higher difficulty categories.
(remember, with a Skill-6+, we increase the governor stat for purposes of the Task roll. So, in the examples below, this dude would have an effective Stat-6)
Stat-5, Skill-6
5, 1 5 = 11 (Success on Difficult task)
6, 5 = 11 (Success on Difficult task)
4, 2 4 = 10 (Success on Difficult task)
6, 5 = 11 (Success on Difficult task)
1, 2 3 = 6 (Success on Easy task)
2, 4 5 = 11 (Success on Difficult task)
4, 2 6, 1 = 13 (Success on Formidable task)
2, 5 = 7 (Success on Easy task)
3, 4 = 7 (Success on Easy task)
5, 4 = 9 (Success on Routine task)
5, 3 = 8 (Success on Routine task)
2, 3 3 = 8 (Success on Routine task)
6, 3 = 9 (Success on Routine task)
5, 4 = 9 (Success on Routine task)
4, 6 3 = 13 (Success on Formidable task)
1, 3 1 = 5 (Success on Very Easy task)
1, 2 5 = 8 (Success on Routine task)
5, 4 = 9 (Success on Routine task)
3, 5 = 8 (Success on Routine task)
2, 6 3 = 11 (Success on Difficult task)
Average roll: 9.2
0 Failure
1 Very Easy
3 Easy
8 Routine
6 Difficult
2 Formidable
0 Staggering
0 Impossible
See the trend? As the character's skill increases, he starts rolling HIGHER average tasks, and he starts making more of the higher difficulty categories.
If you like, I can do a similar example with a high stat character--in that example, you'll see bigger increases as the skill goes up
CTI is right on the money, doing what it's supposed to do--and that is to make a character's stats more important than regular CT when task rolls are attempted.
Skill alone (as CT was originally written) is not enough to boost a character's average task throw total by a large amount. As I've shown you here, a skill increase WILL promote improvement in the character's task rolls.
But, you won't have that EDU-3, PILOT-2 guy flying as well as the EDU-9, PILOT-2 guy.
In fact, the EDU-3 guy is going to do a lot worst than the EDU-9 guy.
That's what CTI is all about.