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Deckplan Challenge - Contest

CotI FILL THE VOID Deckplan Challenge Entry Announcement

Category - Medium Merchant Vessel

Design Rules - T20 (with CT Book 2 conversion perhaps)

Entrant - Dan "far-trader" Burns, CSA, for Journeyman Design Bureau, Marches division. JDB Marches is now under new managaement. The old management has returned to restore the good name of the company.

Capsule description:

Inspired by, the unkind would say derivitive of
the King Richard. I have been looking at that old ship again recently, but became frustrated with some problems in the official deckplans. I had started reworking it with an eye to sticking to the original as a for my own use project. That was proving difficult and the deck plans were diverging by neccessity. So now it's gonna be an entry here. Still very much like the KR in may respects it is a luxury liner for long slow tours of the Imperium by the ultra rich and powerful, full of potential for intrigue and adventure aboard ;)

Outline of ship stats:

5Kton, J2, 1G, 300 high passengers in pampered luxury and safety. Need I say more?
Originally posted by far-trader:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by flykiller:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />What I've come up with, subject to whim, is interpreting the minimum 10tons as being a required airlock (3tons), 5 workstations (5tons) and the minimum repair and maintencance gear lockers (2tons). The remaining 10tons may be used as access corridors, extra workstations, or airlocks, ...
in other words, no bridge. </font>[/QUOTE]Um, no, all that is the bridge, being items required to safely operate the ship.</font>[/QUOTE]in that context the word "bridge" no longer means anything, except "space for whatever".
*Warning Minor Necromancy*

Just wondering if anyone else had finished a design.

Not a lot of detail you can squeeze into 5000 dTon without ending up with a concept too large to conceptually envisage. I'm reasonably happy with it.

Posted on Gordons Site

Comments welcome. I've probably already noticed and kicked myself for the minor flaws but feel free to point them out if you want to.
Just time for a quick look veltyen but it's not bad. I have minor quibbles but nothing to lose sleep over, just my usual component volume issues, and on the large ships they tend to diminish as there is more volume to play with.

Nice presentation with the external views tour and the layout seems good.

It looks like (and is probably explained but I skimmed too quickly) the Maneuver drives are designated to be tailored to the customer's requirements, between 1G and 5G, with the space not for drives as added fuel and/or cargo. Nice utility feature.

As for my own first offering for the challenge, the retake of "The King Richard", I guess it's about 1/3 done but I haven't looked at it since I posted above a couple weeks back.

To be honest, when this contest was first announced I had my doubts about it getting the participation needed for successful completion. I didn't post anything because I didn't want my negativity to play a part in that. Finally I figured I'd try to kick some life back into it by resurrecting it with the discussion of bridge design thoughts and by throwing my own design hat on.

Sadly it seems to have not done much more than resurrect an old debate or two between myself and flykiller that never seems to resolve

I'm not sure what Randy Tyler has been up to, he's made a few posts around the board but nothing here since mid-February.

Randy, for this to have a shot you'll need to play a more active role in promoting it and keeping the thread alive. Sure it's stickied but it needs more than that. You don't have to post here every day but a couple times a week would be good. At the very least edit and update your post at the top of the thread with the confirmed entries, and a link to each entry as they are completed. Just my opinion and some friendly advice.
As of this day there are five people that have made a post either on this thread or another expressing interest and intent to submitting a deckplan. They are:

Employee 2-4601: 4000 dton spacestation
Far-Trader: 5000 dton merchant
Flykiller: 19,000 dton merchant
Kaladorn: 5000 dton military (or)
Kaladorn: ? dton Alien ship
Veltyen: 5000 dton merchant

(If I have you listed as entering and you're not, or I have the wrong ship design listed, please inform me and I will delete you from this list or make the necessary correction.)

There is still plenty of time to enter the contest. Please post a message to this thread with a capsule description of your intended starship and category that you will draw once you have made your selection.

As to how I have spent my time since my last post to this thread: Feb 19 - 26, writing CC2Pro deckplan essay, Feb 27 - Mar 5, received critical input about essay from reviewers, Mar 5-8, submitted essay to Gordon's Deckplan Challenge site ( http://spacecraft.sfrpg.net/essays.html ). I also submitted the essay to FreelanceTraveller.com but he had to redo my html to fit his website protocols. Since Mar 10 I have made a few posts here on the forum boards and played some Civ2 at home while I bang my head trying to decide if it would be proper for me to enter this contest with some of my own designs. Comments?

Yes, I have been absent far too long. Sorry!
...I bang my head trying to decide if it would be proper for me to enter this contest with some of my own designs. Comments?
yes, enter them.

if I do one it'll probably be a 19,000 dton general transport vessel, with modules. maybe in june.
Capsule Descriptions

Category Medium Merchant/Freighter
"Star Galleon", 5000dTon variable Jump/Maneveur, notes (but not deckplans as such) for military conversion. Designed ugly, primarily because of maximisation of main cargo hold, partly because I thought ugly was appropriate for a freighter.
Status: Complete, posted on spacecraft.sfrpg, could do with a touchup.

Category Other
Roving Temple, large (10,000 to 1,000,000dTon), J3/M1. Meant to be the extension of the power of a high tech based religion I have in my own games. Not useful for many other people.

Status: Notes and thoughts. Not a lot more.

Category Military gunboat
"Pike" 400dTon attack gunboat needle design. Delivery system for a 50dTon bay weapon (Missile/PA/Fusion). One of the primary attack craft IMTU. Max armor, max Agility. Non-Jump Vessel.
Status: 3d model done, specs done, variants fleshed out, deckplan still being tweaked.

Category Station/Other
Listening posts. Maximum ears minimum performance. Looking at both a 90dTon small craft version and a 200dTon buffered asteroid version. Military craft (armored and armed) basically a defensive version and a offensive version.
Status: Specs, preliminary dimensions and notes.

Of course I cannot garantee that I will have finished all of them for the comp. The temple is almost too large to have meaningful deckplans. The other 3 are likely.

Anyone have any thoughts on building REALLY large deckplans. I found the AHL deckplans kinda disappointing and haven't really seen that much else arround in the 20kdTon+ range.
My conjectural possibilities right now:

1. Assault Ship
5000 DTon Military
Oriented around deployment of first wave planetary assault troops. Will have to include insertion support, self-defence, and basic fire support for groundside forces as well as casevac and resupply capability. The size of all of these components will determine if it is a battalion sized vessel, a company sized vessel, etc.
NOTE: If anyone can refer me to standard Marine assault TO&E for any Traveller Version, I'd appreciate it (I probably have the reference material...).

2. Hospital Ship
5000 DTon Military/5000 DTon Civilian
The Hospital Ship is the third line of medical care for a fleet on the move, after on-scene medics and ship's doctors/medstations. This is where more serious trauma victims and longer term care/regen cases are sent. The military/civilian distinction is whether the ship has self-defence armaments or is entirely unarmed. The ship will have to include transfer shuttles and such specifically geared to handling casualties.

3. Colony Ship
5000 DTon Civilian
When a colony is to be established on a new world, there is a need for a ship to take the colonists there in cold sleep along with enough gear to get them established, and the transport to get them and the gear down to the world's surface (or the ship itself has to land). If the ship is a landing configuration, the design needs to consider if the ship itself is then cannibalized for further colonial resources. In that event, a small jump shuttle or 100 or 200 ton starship may be a requirement to get the crew home or to maintain contact/resupply with the colony.

4. Mobile Base Vessel, Aquatic
5000+ DTon Military
The Imperium has a lot of water worlds. Sometimes, they even have to field forces to fight on these worlds. They also have sufficient resources to allow for some very specialized forces. In this case, the idea will be to have a ship crewed by races like Githiasko or Tursiops Galactis that can land in a water ocean and act as a mobile sea-floor (or continental shelf floor) base for underwater operations.

5. Virushi Free Trader/Envoy
x DTon Civilian/Diplomatic
Virushi are big. They take up a lot of space and conventional ships don't seem well suited to accomodating them. Yet they appear all over the 3I as far away as Capital/Core. One would think they must get around in various ways. This would be one such way, and would be a vessel usable by a variety of air breathing larger-than-normal beings (workstations and sleeping accomodations may need adjusted, but the basic design should work). The idea would be this would be a combination of Beowulf and Yacht (depending on fitting out) but made for 'larger than man-sized' critters.

6. Bwap Mobile Administrative Hub
X DTon Government
To the Bwap way of thinking, many regions of the Imperium are not yet sufficiently organized. Yet it can take quite a bit of time to build an effective civil service establishment in an area, both from the strictly physical side and the team-building aspect. Well, the Bwaps are nothing if not analytic and methodical. So thus was born the idea of a mobile administrative hub. The idea would be to pre-construct a vessel which, once landed and settled, could become a de-facto physical center for the bureacracy. It could have representatives of a single Imperial Ministry or many (depending on the need). The staff would be pre-constructed as well, and familiar with one another and evaluated for team dynamics in advance, so a smoothly functioning unit could be deployed all at once as needed.
This unit could be deployed to newly contacted planets, to areas recieving an upgrade in Imperial presence and services, or for catastrophe situations where Imperial oversight is required on short notice to deal with a disaster management situation or to replace a pre-existing Imperial bureacracy unit damaged or destroyed by war or terrorism or natural disaster.
Just land, open the main hatches, and the Imperial Civil Service is open for business. (Of course, I'm skipping over the mandatory pre-landing site survey, the various paperwork stages along the way, and sundry other protocols....)

Those are my current thought experiments. I want to see which ones I can get Ships for Windows III to spec out for me (so at least they'll be consistent in design).
Ok, I think Im going to make a small change: from 4,000dton space sttion to 4,000dton Astroid Mining Rig. Is that OK with you?
I've got a couple of deckplans I've done up for games, but they're all hard copy (good ol' pen and paper).

Question: How many people use the bigger ships in their campaigns? In all the campaigns I've played/run, we've always tended to stay under 8oo ton. Generally we like to have the entire crew as PC's, and am not too keen on running lots of characters each......

p.s. Have found this an intreging thread... but all the ships are so big I'd never use them for anything other than 'backdrop' material...
I've used a 20 kdTon cruiser in an epic (as in storyline) T20 game. Each player had a "section" of the ship under their command (bridge, engineering, internal security and so on). It was interesting, but I don't think I'd do it again.

No deckplans for that ship. 20kdTon was not something I wanted to tackle.
How many people use the bigger ships in their campaigns?
I've used a 4k deckplan in two unrelated adventures. also have a 4k scout cruiser, crew about seventy-five, that could be commanded by pc's.
Originally posted by Rotters2:
Question: How many people use the bigger ships in their campaigns?
Biggest thing I've ever 'deckplanned' has been a 5000 dton 'P.F.Sloan' class, but that was the exception. I've never had players in anything larger than 400 dtons (our groups have always been small).
My Pirates have a 2,000 ton Cruiser... size should not be an object with the right presentation. Plus, Large Plans can be used for other things easily... modularity helps...
Is any one awake?

Unknown I guess

I don't have a problem with what you suggest. I do a lot of my initial layout and concept work on paper (though mainly the volumetric math rather then plans as such) before converting the same ship into a vector graphics and 3d modeling environment.