I wouldn't think that dumping the plant itself would be a solution, and as mentioned earlier by others, may even be a bigger problem all round.
Instead, I have formed the opinion that venting the core material through, for example, a ventral or dorsal blow-open panel, would be a much better bet; yes, you'd likely singe the fuselage as you dumped the material out the ventlock, yes, there'd be a RADHAZ problem in recovering any material that didn't cook itself in the immediate aftermath, but the reaction would be stopped cold (sic, appropriately enough), as additional fuel would be denied to the ongoing reaction, thus saving the day.
I think that's easy enough to follow. I now await mass driver shots punching holes in the idea ;-)
NOTE: The above relies on traditional Traveller Fusion cores for validity, forget trekkie-style AM this and that, I'm old school ;-)
Instead, I have formed the opinion that venting the core material through, for example, a ventral or dorsal blow-open panel, would be a much better bet; yes, you'd likely singe the fuselage as you dumped the material out the ventlock, yes, there'd be a RADHAZ problem in recovering any material that didn't cook itself in the immediate aftermath, but the reaction would be stopped cold (sic, appropriately enough), as additional fuel would be denied to the ongoing reaction, thus saving the day.
I think that's easy enough to follow. I now await mass driver shots punching holes in the idea ;-)
NOTE: The above relies on traditional Traveller Fusion cores for validity, forget trekkie-style AM this and that, I'm old school ;-)
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