It is an issue to some extent (between "not much" and "a lot") everywhere now, since it's unambiguous that ships drop out of jump when their path intersects the 100D limit of any object in their way or at their destination.
This is great. Numbers are always better.
So my question is, in general, how many hours/days will masking add to a ships transit in a worst case scenario or on average.
I'll use a worst case analysis: the jump point, target star and target planet for a perfect line, and the target is exactly on the opposite side of the the ships entry point .
For the extra distance we will assume that the navigator is competent, and if the destination is exactly on the other side of the star or GG, he will set his exit point so as to minimize the distance; IIRC my geometry, that will be centered on the mass directly above a straight line thru it. So the max additional distance is SQRT( 2(jumplimit^2)). for equal arms, this can be estimated at 1.4* either of the arms.
I'll use 10m/s^2 for 1 G and fudge 1AU as 150 milliion Km
The examples are very helpful. If I do a cut an comment,here, it is only to figure a travel time for most cases...not an internet special line-by-line dissection
Using the continuous thrust travel time calculator at
and setting the turnover option we get the following additional times.
If a world is a satellite of a gas giant, then it will be dropped out of jump at the gas giant's 100D limit, which is at most (for a jupiter-size planet) about 15 million km (0.1 AU) from the gas giant, which is usually well beyond the orbits of its large satellites. So extra travel time is required there.
~25 hours extra, worst possible alignment.
For M Dwarf stars, the 100D limit is 0.1-0.35 AU from the star (depending on stellar radius). All planets in those stars' habitable zone are well within that distance, so it adds some extra sublight travel time there (not a lot, but some). Given that these stars are extremely common, this changes things for a lot of systems.
37 extra hours, worst possible alignment.
For other main sequence stars it shouldn't really be an issue since the stars' 100D limits would be inside their habitable zone, but there's still the chance that the planet is on the wrong side of the star (in the shadow of the star's 100D limit) relative to the system that the ship departed from, which means the ship would be pulled out of jump on the far side of the star..
Okay, we'll assume a 1AU jump limit which is a star a bit bigger than Sol.
Worst case extra distance is then SQRT(2AU)= 1.4 AU.
81 hours (3 days, 9 hours.), worst possible alignment.
It could matter in multiple star systems. {snip} A Far companion's 100D limit might cause an obstruction to ships coming in from systems along that line of sight, though this would be less probable.
Less of an issue. not only will the worst case alignment be less common with multiple bodies, one can still make a jump to a point near the target above a straight line with the elevation based on the largest Jump limit. In most cases, I'd suspect that it won't be more than (1.4^2 * jump limit ) additional distance. Call it double the jump limit. At the outside, I'd say 5 extra days (etc).
The 100D of more 'normal' red giant stars evolved from sun-like stars (e.g. Pollux, Arcturus) would be between 10-150 AU. Red Giant stars don't have habitable planets though, but they probably have "planets of interest" around them that will mostly be within 50 AU, so this could add significant sublight travel time.
so, worst case, 150 AU limit, travel time is in excess of 90 days from exit to a planet 50 AU out. However, this is
always the case, so presumably the stellar charts note that you need to pack extra supplies and fuel.
lets sum up.
Typical travel time and expenses allow for 1 week to jump point, 2 weeks in jump space, and one week in transit from exit.
Unmasked, perfect world Typical time to jump, and time to planetfall from exit can use the 100D limit both ways - which for earth is about 6 hours at 1G (both legs use turnover)For fun, I'm going to assume that jump time is always 2 weeks.
Unmasked, perfect world Typical time to jump, and time to planetfall from exit can use the 100D limit - which for earth is about 6 hours at 1G ; so best possible run between two big earth-types takes 14.5 days .
Generally, if the time is less than a week at either end, that just means that the ship has that much down time before the next trip . Budget and logistics cycle for a typical merchant is for 4 weeks per trip, or 28 days.
Masked gas giant moons, and planets masked by main sequence M-G stars should account for at least 90% of planets assuming that they are randomly distributed amongst the true distribution of star types, right ? overall, masking might add 3 days worst case, or 17.5 days. So, still good, only a little less time for R&R, maintainence, wheeling and dealing. The loss is probably less than the average delay for pratique, customs, red tape, etc.
In fact, one only exceeds the time budget of the 1 week planetfall if the distance from exit is in excess of 7 AU.
When one considers the distribution of giants, I'm guessing a very small proportion (of the remaining 10%) will have a jump limit in excess of 5AU (which under the worst conditions caused 1.4* as much distance to be added.)
One more consideration: all of the above are worst case configurations: the target planet is exactly on the other side of the star (GG) and right at the star's Jump limit. For half of the year, any extra distance is decreasing, and for the other half it is pretty close to zero. I'd argue that such worst case situations are very rare, and could mostly be solved by scheduling.
So what does this mean ?
1. Jump masking is a trivial issue with respect to trade or transit with
almost all planets. The extra time involved can almost always be subsumed in the standard operating schedule (which means that, surprise, those rules work, even after 35 years) For the rarest of cases, it can add significantly to the time, but that will always be the case for those destinations, and costs and supplies can and will be calculated accordingly. Now....those weird ones ? Those are where the Travellers go. And it effects them/us. But, that doesn't effect the cost of eggs in a galactic market...until they blow up the ancient machine supporting hyperspace, obviously.
2. The situation at Antares is unique, and can be deconstructed for cause without screwing up or setting precedent everywhere. Maybe it is an ancient project to observe Antares in great comfort; maybe an AMAZING ACCIDENT OF FATE !!!!!