Some notes on the Instruction Skill
In the discussion above, I think that there are some misconceptions about the Instruction skill. Let's look at that skill a little closer.
First off, the skill is meant for
military applications.
The skill reads...
Players with Instructional expertise are capable of training recruits to carry out basic military functions.
We're talking drill Sargents, here, not college professors. "Training large bodies of men" is discussed.
In order for the Instruction skill to work, the bot must have Instruction and the skill being taught. A recruit can be taught to one level lower than the Instruction skill AND the skill in question.
The example has the instructor with Instruction-4, Recon-5, and Demolitions-2. So, this instruction could teach up to Recon-3 and Demolitions-1.
The Instruction skill also takes time. It's not something that can be done while the campaign continues, like many of the normal Experience programs. It's more akin to the Education Sabbatical.
Each skill level takes six weeks of training. The suggestion is that the Ref curtail the campaign activities of both the instructor and the pupil.
Plus, you've got to have training areas. If you are training with explosives to get the Demotions skill, well, that's probably not something that can be done on a tramp freighter.
Even weapon skills. This will be up to the Ref. Maybe some electronic screen can be used, like an arcade game, for weapon practice. I would think, though, for a real skill level, that you'd have to really fire the gun. Which means, you need a firing range--again, probably not on the player's ship.
There is a note that the training time can be lengthened to six months per level (which makes more sense to me) where the character has more down time.
This is all up to the Ref, of course.
There's still a roll to see if the skill is improved at the end of the training time, and it's not a super easy throw. 9+ required for improvement. DMs of +1 or +2 can be had if the character has high INT.
So, the easiest throw is 7+ (if INT 10+)after six weeks instructions where the character's time is limited. If this fails, another six weeks must be devoted to get the skill improvement.
There is even a note in the skill description that says Refs should exercise great caution in allowing PCs to hire NPCs as instructors.
According to the training description, the Instruction skill can be used in two ways: for Basic Training*, or for Skill Training**.
*Again, we see that the Instruction skill is meant for military, drill Sargent type situations and not for general skill learning.
**The Instruction skill cannot be taught, according to the skill's description. I guess it's up to the Ref as to the method that Instructors become Instructors.
Involves weapon familiarization and small unit tactics. "Weapon familiarization" is the same as the Book 1 Default Weapon skills rule.
Any recruit graduating from Basic Training considers all small arms as Default Skills.
Note that anyone with Instruction skill can teach Basic Training, regardless of the other skills that they have. This indicates, again, that the Instruction skill is for military--not general--use.
Ref's using standard Traveller combat may want to read the section on morale in LBB4, as graduating from Basic Training improves a character's morale rating.
Instruction-1 is required for Basic Training.
Instruction-2 or higher is required for Skill Training. In addition, instructors must have the skill being taught at Level-2 or higher.
A roll is made at the end of training to improve.
An instructor can teach a skill to one level lower than his Instruction skill AND his expertise in the skill being taught.
In general, the difference seems to be that, with the Experience system, the character is training himself.
With the Education focus, the character seems to be taking courses--possibly recorded courses, to raise his general EDU score.
With the Weapon Expertise program, the character seems to be practicing at the range and reading up on his weapon.
With Skill Improvement, the character is limited to raising skills that he already has--not adding new skills. Thus, it seems like he is teaching himself.
The Physical Fitness program is obviously the character working out several times a week.
Except for the Education Sabbatical, this is all stuff that can be done while the character is adventuring. A lot of it can be done on a the player's ship.
With the Instructor method, the character's "off-time" is obviously limited, and this type of learning is more like the Sabbatical. The character goes off and entrenches himself into a learning program. When he comes out, he makes a roll, and if successful, he gets the increase. If he fails the roll, then he must spend more time learning.
With the Experience system, note how the skill improvement is immediate--not at the end of the program, as is the Instruction method.