BIG reveal on one of the major plot points for the PCs,
117-2507 Gateway News Service- Gateway
Gateway News Service reporting on the Excalibur files. As is well known a commando raid was staged where the files were kept, and they were stolen by some unknown party. We had certain parts saved in a different location, and granted they were just a tiny portion of the file, but we are now able to say that the escaped genetic slave "D68G" was rescued from custody by one of the researchers who fell in love with her. He was killed during the process of her escape holding off pursuers.
We know that she fled, and was eventually taken to Sutekh where she went under the name of "Marjorie Dream". The "recovery specialists" of GeneCo spent over 20 years tracking her down and finally located her on Sutekh where she had been living a quiet life. She was rescued by members of her security forces, and Mr. Liam Homer was able to get her off planet, then he changed the data logs, and "took the fall" for her departure. We know that Liam Homer ended up on Coffeeville as well as "Arthur Robinson".
We are told that she ended up on Coffeeville under the name of Diana Wilder where she resided for a number of years before being re-discovered by the force of "recovery specialists" paid for by GeneCo, but only the unexpected gunfire provided by Mr. Floyd Risk prevented her from being re-taken by GeneCo. They fled and their current location is unknown at this time, but we do know that the Royal Sutekh Government has been involved in this matter.
So, you may ask, why is this woman so important, and why are the forces of GeneCo spending such effort invested in finding her. Well we at GNS can now reveal the story. D68G aka Marjorie Dream, aka Diana Wilder was the culmination of a star line of genetic experimentation by the evil scientists of GeneCo. We have discovered that she was mainly a "pleasure line slave", but had a stable increase in her intelligence, mental stability, and emotional stability which had been something that the scientists at GeneCo had spent centuries trying to breed into their experiments in order to make it both stable, and transmittable.
We are told that previous attempts to increase intelligence have been failures, or have led to other genetic "difficulties" where the subjects are victims of debilitating genetic diseases, and syndromes. Also the attempts have resulted in cases of severe paranoia, and other mental illnesses. D68G was the first successful result in their 400 year breeding program, with an estimated measured IQ of 175-200 but with mental and emotional stability which had so far eluded researchers. In addition she was a very beautiful woman, who had all of the enhancements of the pleasure lines which in her seemed to have turned out as a more "maternal" instinct due to her genetic mods.
We know that she escaped with three embryos which were implanted in her, and she gave birth to the three children, whose whereabouts are unknown at this time, or unknown to the extent of the files we still have. We do know that there were two male children born, and one female child. All of the children were "star line" genetic material, but the female had a severe lack of empathy due to the attempts to increase their intelligence and is suspected to have gravitated to organized crime.
The Excalibur file details orders being given at the very highest levels of GeneCo that "D68G" has to be recovered at all costs since their scientists estimate it will take an additional 100-200 years to re-create the genetic material inside of her. In the file are tantalizing tidbits linking the Cheval Family, the Thevins Family in the attempts to not only protect D68G, but to bring down the GeneCo "monsters" as they call them.
There are snippets of information showing that Sir Bingo Thevins, and Dorian Cheval were involved in some sort of clandestine effort to form a commando unit dedicated to the destruction of GeneCo, and the liberation of their slaves. Regrettably most of that information was lost in the raid on our secure facility. Do these commandos still exist or were they even ever formed? No one knows.
The question then becomes: Where is D68G, and what name is she using right now? As well as who is protecting her from the "recovery specialists" of GeneCo, and what is the link to Dunwich? What is also the link to Freedonia, New Texas, New Canberra, Sutekh and Xanadu in this mystery? Why and how were they protected for so long by the former government of Gateway, and are they still being protected?
Why Dunwich? That is a further mystery because many references to Dunwich are in the small part of the Excalibur File we have retained, but no specifics. Why is GeneCo so interested in Dunwich? What is there that makes it of such importance? We at GNS are looking into this matter, and hope to be able to bring you answers.