I'm not that good at huge spaceship battle stuff, and have read that fighters become ineffective at those scales (tech and size), but could you or someone give me a real gameplay example of what happens to fighters at TL15?
This a long post and it may not cover the detail you want. Just speak up if you want this expanded.
Bolded items are to aid skim reading, its not me yelling...
A general underlying assumption here is that our fighters are fighting an opponent at the same tech level. Ie: a TL15 fighter is facing a TL15 opponent.
The two big things are; the importance of computer size in a battle and the cost in MCr to field those computers.
At TL12 for example, the 54.5 ton Fighter I mentioned earlier has the best TL12 computer and costs 112.75 MCr (after discounts)
At TL15, fighters are too expensive. A 47.4 ton Fighter, Computer-9, Agility-6, the same weapons as the TL12 Fighter, costs 157.43 MCr (after discount). Thats a 40% increase in cost, to get a TL15 fighter to stay combat effective and it basically carries the same weapons as the TL12 fighter. Or to put it another way at TL15 you field only 72% of the fighter weapons you can at TL12.
So the
cost implications are large. And it can lead you to conclude that a TL15 140 MCr computer is better utilized on ships with more than 1 hardpoint. For example a 1000 ton TL15 SDB, Armour-15, Computer-9, Agility-6, 10 hardpoints & armed as per our fighter. Costs 742 MCr (after discount) or 74.2 MCr per hardpoint vs the TL15 Fighter at 157.43 MCr. Half the cost, and you get armour. This works for TL12 1000 ton ships to, but the cost per hardpoint difference isn't dramatic enough to make one hull more desirable than ten.
effect of computer size on combat is significant. If the computer used is the best one for the TL, the effect on combat is the same for all tech levels. (missile-1 or 2 assumed & long range) A 74 Kton Agility-6 ship is hit on 11+ and a 76 Kton ship Agility-0 is hit on 4+. Fighters cannot hit fighters. While the best anti-fighter weapon is a missile-9, hitting Agility-6 fighters on 10+. This is the same in any situation where both sides have the same computer.
Lets look at the
Rampart V. It has a 2bis computer, effectively computer-3. (The Rampart IV has a 1bis). The Rampart V hits the 74 Kton, Agility-6 ship on 17+ (impossible on 2d6) and the 76 Kton, Agility-0 ship on 10+ (& its a very large sitting duck...). It cannot hit other fighters with computer-9, but is hit by them on 8+. Missile-9 batteries hit them automatically (virtually guaranteed mission kill). (I'm ignoring the Ramparts battery fire, that is a different discussion for a different thread.)
Right, now for a real life battle report, sent to me by our trusty (& now missing) ref (alas, the perils of on-line gaming). This is at TL12 and involves computer-0 fighters, vs my computer-6 fighters. The to hit numbers involved are exactly the same as discussed for the Rampart V, as the computer penalty is +/- 6 in both cases.
So if you like, read this as a TL15 battle report involving attacking Rampart V's vs my defending computer-9 fighters.
Oh, and this was a sneak attack by an 'ally', while most of my fleet was away, enroute to attack another system.
To: Serendip political leaders
From: Serendip home guard command
Arrival week 3
We observed heavy fleet assets from xxxxx and believed them to be our allies arriving in system but they immediately deployed huge amount of fighters and closed range with our system defense squadrons. We sounded general alert and launched our fighter assets but it looked grim. Our sensors were filled with enemy fighters and analysis revealed them to be nearly 1.5 million fighters. Against them we sent some 16000 brave fighters of M class to try and stop them from long range. Our other assets were also launched but put in the second line at start.
To our surprise we noticed their fighters to be ill coordinated and without a good computer aboard they stood no chance to hit our fighters. Our fighters dodged millions of missiles without a single hit and returned fire with much more effect. We crippled 1600 enemy fighters that were left drifting in space. Another 2500 maneuvered away without any offensive weapons left.
The Enemy realized that they wouldn't win this battle and left another 5000 fighters to screen the retreat of the rest of their fleet that jumped out of system soon after.
We captured 2380 fighters intact and around 4300 damaged. We have taken 6680 enemy pilots alive.
The ref was 'rather surprised' at the result. So was the attacking player. I think he's rather grateful the game has collapsed

The point here, is that the greater the difference between computer size, the more ineffective your fighter becomes. It dies faster and it struggles to hit targets.
I have to also mention again that fighters have many more uses than just fleet combat. The Rampart V is ideal for many of those uses and is a fraction of the cost of a fleet combat fighter (26.6 MCr vs 157.43 MCr). Sometime quantity has a quality all of its own, just not when fielding low tech computers vs high tech computers.
Oh, & someone will ask. The computer difference DM in HG takes into account sensors, targeting, counter measures, counter-counter measures, etc, etc.
I hope this helps. (& is understandable...
