How did you implement this? Was it a blanket 'subtract x from armour at point blank range', or did you have different armour ratings for different targets and a roll to hit table? Or something else?
I use a 'close range fighters can only be hit by turrets' rule, but I haven't used a special targeting table (yet). I use a group battery rule instead. Your idea sounds like an interesting option.
Thanks, it was fun but it did add a layer of complication. I'll have to dig that stuff up (it's boxed around here someplace...). I'll find it and post the particulars. It involved task rolls to match velocities after intercept, followed by targeting specific features with hit Dms based on the size of the specific target and penetration / damage rolls that were categorized by type of target (weapons, MD, airlocks, commo / sensor masts, etc.). If you missed your specific target you hit the general hull (kind of hard to miss something the size of a large starship from a few meters away...).
Edit: It's probably going to be the weekend before I can find the right stuff -- it's amazing how much stuff you can accumulate / box in 10+ years in the same house... I'll post it here when I find it.
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