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Fleet Production

Thanks Oz, and great work by the way
Yes, excellent. This thread is quite productive; you guys have done a great job together. Did I already mention that?
Ya'll're welcome: I just hope we can come up with something that's useable. Here's the numbers I got for turning 8-ship squadrons of the Supplement #9 ships into FFW counters. I assumed that ships were not prepared for Bombardment, but did have sufficient escorts and cargo space.
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Ship
Class Attack Bomb Defense

Gionetti CL 4 0 4
Arakoine CS 6 2 4
Ghalalk CA 2 2 4
Azh Hi Ltng FI 3 2 0
Atlantic CR 6 1 5
Skimkish LC 0 5 0
Wind SC 2 7 7
Antiama FC 0 11/2 0 Bomb is as cruiser/battleship
Tigress BB 8 9 8
Plankwell BB 8 0 7
Kokirrak BB 8 0 8 Defense might be 9 if Black Globe included </pre>[/QUOTE]At first glance it's not too bad, except for my failure to handle the Defense rating of ships with really bad Agility or Computers. I think those should become modifers instead of multipliers, to keep them from reducing squadrons to Defenseless cripples. The lowest Defense strength of any squadron in FFW is 3: I think the lowest any "conversion" system should permit is 2.
Here's the numbers for the ships provided in the Power Projection:Fleet book, including a pair of battlerider squadrons (one Imperial, one Zhodani).
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Ship
Class Attack Bomb Defense Notes

Nolikian BR 5 0 3 20kt, 7 Nolikians in squadron + 1 BT

Anzha BR 7 0 1 28kt, 8 Anzha in sqdn + 4 BTs
Idlev BH 7 4 4 560kt, 80 fighters each
Shianzpla BB 6 1 0 300kt, TL13 design, Jump-4
Viepchakl BB 7 1 4 200kt, basic BB
Vrapkenchkinj BC 7 1 3 56kt, factor-S meson gun
Kefchenzh CA 3 1 3 52kt, PAW spinal
Driafria CS 4 9/2 3 100kt, Bomb as cruiser/battleship, 240 fighters each
Zhdavidlits CL 3 0 0 14kt</pre>[/QUOTE]All stats were calculated the same way as in the earlier post: not prepared for Bombardment but with sufficient cargo space and escorts.

The tech level differences really show up in the Defense ratings: the TL14 Zhodani are uniformly much less than the Imperials, just about half as much.
Here's a suggested revision of the methods for calculating FFW ratings for HG ships. The changes are in bold face.
Rating HG ships and squadrons for FFW


Main ship - A ship of the same type as the type of squadron; battleships and battleriders are the main ships of BatRons, cruisers are the main ships of CruRons, assault ships are the main ships of AssaultRons, tankers are the main ships of TankRons, and scouts are the main ships of ScoutRons.

Capital ship - A ship carrying a spinal mount, intended for the line of battle. Capital ships are usually armored and of high acceleration and Agility, carrying the best computers available.

Escort - A ship without a spinal mount, but intended for combat.

Fighter - A combat ship of less than 100 tons.

========================Calculating ratings==================
Attack rating: each spinal mount provides part of the Attack rating according to the table below. Add up the points from all the main ships in the squadron to get the total Attack rating, rounding fractions up.Divide spinal PAW ratings in half, rounding fractions up. The minimum rating can be zero but not less than zero.
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Wpn Value
A 0.1
B 0.15
C 0.15
D 0.25
E 0.3
F 0.35
G 0.4
H 0.5
J 0.55
K 0.6
L 0.65
M 0.7
N 0.75
P 0.8
Q 0.85
R 0.9
S 0.95
T 1.0</pre>[/QUOTE]Modifiers (applied after the total squadron rating is calculated):
  • -1 if total squadron escort tonnage is not at least 10% of total main ship tonnage.</font>
  • -1 if the average capital ship Computer rating is less than 7.</font>
Modifiers can reduce a squadron's Attack rating to zero, but not below zero.
Here's a suggestion for calculating the FFW Bombardment rating of a squadron of HG ships. The main assumption underlying these formulas is that battleships are too valuable to risk fighting SDBs or planetary defenses while cruisers can be more readily risked in such action. The same holds true for fighters based on ships in battleship squadrons; those fighters are assumed to be needed for screening the capital ships and therefore not to be expended.

Note: To find the number of "effective missile batteries" on a ship with turret missile racks, count the total number of missile racks (not turrets, not batteries, actual missile racks) on the ship and divide by 30.
For capital ship squadrons with main ships of size R or larger (battlecruisers, battleships, and dreadnoughts):
Bombardment = (# effective missile batteries/400), rounded to the nearest whole number, + (# fighters in the squadron/1000), rounded to the nearest whole number. It is possible for the result to be zero, but not negative.

For capital ship squadrons with main ships of size Q or smaller (cruisers, battleriders):
Bombardment = (# effective missile batteries/100), rounded to the nearest whole number, + (# fighters in the squadron/300), rounded to the nearest whole number. It is possible for the result to be zero, but not negative.
  • +1 if the squadron is prepared for Bombardment action. To get this modifier the squadron must have had some of the weapons removed from its weapons bays and deadfall ordnance placed in those bays. I would think that the Zhodani BatRons in FFW have had this done.</font>
  • -1 if the total escort ship tonnage in the squadron is not at least 10% of the total capital ship tonnage in the squadron.</font>
  • -1 if the total cargo hold tonnage in the squadron is not at least 5% of the total capital ship tonnage in the squadron.</font>
  • -1 if the average capital ship Computer rating is less than 7.</font>
Modifers can reduce a squadron's Bombardment rating to zero but cannot reduce it below zero.

Here's my suggestions for how to figure the Defense value for HG ships/squadrons in FFW terms.
FFW Defense rating: Base value (sum up points for all capital ships in the squadron, and round up)
1 point for every capital ship hull of 30ktons or larger.
0.5 point for every capital ship hull of less than 30ktons.
Modifiers (applied to squadron value and are cumulative). The minimum any squadron Defense rating can be is 2: enough capital ships must be in a squadron to bring the Defense rating to a value of 2.
  • -1 if the squadron does not have escort tonnage of at least 10% of the capital ship tonnage.</font>
  • -1 if the average capital ship Computer rating is less than 7.</font>[*]-1 if the average capital ship Agility rating is less than 5.</font>[*]-2 if the average capital ship Agility rating is less than 3.</font>[*]-1 if the average capital ship Meson Screen rating is less than 7.</font>[*]-1 if the average capital ship Nuclear Damper rating is less than 7.</font>[*]-1 if the average capital ship Armor rating is less than 9.</font>[*]-2 if the average capital ship Armor rating is less than 1.</font>
Here's the same ships as before, but with their FFW squadron ratings calculated according to the revised scheme. The Defense ratings are much better here. Squadron ratings were done with 8-ship squadrons (unless stated otherwise), with sufficient escorts, but not prepared for Bombardment and only the capital ship's inherent cargo tonnage.
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Ship
Class Attack Bomb Defense Notes
Gionetti CL 5 1 5
Arakoine CS 6 5 5
Ghalalk CA 2 2 6
Azh Hi Ltng FI 2 2 2
Atlantic CR 6 1 7
Skimkish LC 0 7 2 14 ships in squadron
Wind SC 3 6 7
Antiama FC 0 10/1 5 Bomb is as cruiser/battleship
Tigress BB 8 10 8
Plankwell BB 8 0 7
Kokirrak BB 8 0 8
Nolikian BR 6 0 4 20kt, 7 Nolikians in squadron + 1 BT </pre>[/QUOTE]</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Ship
Class Attack Bomb Defense Notes
Anzha BR 8 0 2 28kt, 8 Anzha in sqdn + 4 BTs
Idlev BH 8 6 6 560kt, 80 fighters each
Shianzpla BB 7 1 4 300kt, TL13 design, Jump-4
Viepchakl BB 8 1 6 200kt, basic BB
Vrapkenchkinj BC 8 1 5 56kt, factor-S meson gun
Kefchenzh CA 3 1 5 52kt, PAW spinal
Driafria CS 4 9/2 5 100kt, Bomb as cruiser/battleship, 240 fighters each
Zhdavidlits CL 5 0 2 14kt, 12 ships in squadron</pre>[/QUOTE]
Practice. Now that's a good idea.

Let's see... I need to know:

*1. All spinal mount types
2. Average capital ship computer rating
3. Escort tonnage to Main-ship tonnage %
4. Effective missile battery count
5. Fighter count
**6. Tradeoff of attack value for bombardment
7. Cargo hold tonnage to Capital-ship tonnage %
8. # of 30kton+ capital ship hulls
9. # of remaining capital ship hulls
10. Average capital ship agility
11. Average capital ship meson screen rating
12. Average capital ship damper rating
13. Average capital ship armor rating

* Is there a way to calculate the "Average" spinal weapon type?

** Suggestion: set a value for "bombardment preparation". If I sacrifice one point of attack value, how many bombardment points do I get? 2? 3? 4?
As a rough rule of thumb, for meson guns they tend to appear at each TL as light, medium and heavy.

Very light battle riders mount light meson guns, as do light cruisers.
Light battle riders mount medium meson guns, as do medium/heavy cruisers.
Medium battle riders mount heavy meson guns, as do battleships.

What counts as very light, light etc. for ships varies with TL as well ;)

The best way is to break out High Guard and build them ;)
I was intending to create a system to translate HG designs into FFW-like counters, so HG is the way to make the ships.

As for the +1 for preparing for Bombardment, I would say that you'd have to empty non-missile weapons bays equal to half that ship's number of missile batteries. This only works with weapon bays, you can't "remove" turret weapons. There are actually few existing ship designs with enough non-missile weapons bays to gain this advantage.

And a ship/squadron that prepares for Bombardment in this way does not lose any Attack value at all, since that is based solely on spinal mounts.
Re: Bombardment: Okay. Thank you.

As an intermediate level between squadrons and single ships, I'd been thinking about how to rate 'task forces': elements of a squadron consisting of a single main ship and its auxiliaries. I tentatively decided that there are two ways to do it:

Bottom-up: if the actual ship type is known, then calculate its values as usual, multiplying ATT and DEF by 8 [sort of arbitrary number]. The combat chart imposes penalties and bonuses based on the relative size difference between attacker and defender. Very high level.

Top-down: if the actual ship types are not known [i.e. we're just given a squadron], break it into N equal task forces, where N is the ATT value. Each task force inherits the ATT and DEF from the squadron stats, but the Bombardment value is not propagated -- it is distributed among the units as the player wishes.

I've also developed combat rules that work between squadron units, task force units, and single ship units. It occurs to me that I may have re-invented the wheel, though...
Did anyone ever take the methods outlined here and try to infer what capital ships were associated with different FFW counters by reverse-engineering the HG stats? For example, this unit was probably a Plankwell, etc.?

I'd be curious to try this with Invasion: Earth.

(Although 11 years old, there's some GREAT work in this thread!)
That was part of the driving force behind the original thread. Oz never could locate the Tigresses...
OK, I am interesting in trying this out for some hypothetical Solomani Rim battles. T20 has two very useful books detailing the period ships of the Imperium (Fighting Ships) and the Confederation (Fighting Ships of the Solomani Confederation), and since T20 ship design is so close to HG it seems like a good test case.

FSotSC details several different FleetRons that have very mixed composition—at most, four main ships of the same class and then up to six more destroyers or cruisers, plus unspecified support ships. While this is probably more realistic, for this exercise I will use the simplifying assumption that each squadron consists of 8 ships of the same type plus unspecified support ships. I will also assume these escorts constitute 10% of the tonnage of the main ships.

So let's begin with the Solomani Prometheus-class fast dreadnought. This is a TL 14, J-4 250,000 ship with class S meson spinal.

So this spinal has a value of 0.95 x 8 = 7.6, rounded to 8 for total Attack Rating.

The Prometheus is size S, so the formula for Bombardment is (# effective missile batteries/400), rounded down, + (# fighters in the squadron/1000), rounded down. There are no missile batteries, and only 30 fighter per ship, so the Bombardment Rating is 0.

The base value for the Defense Rating is 1 for every capital ship hull of 30ktons or larger, so 8. The following modifiers apply:
  • -1 if the average capital ship Agility rating is less than 5.
  • -1 if the average capital ship Meson Screen rating is less than 7.
  • -1 if the average capital ship Nuclear Damper rating is less than 7.
  • -1 if the average capital ship Armor rating is less than 9.
So, Defense Rating of 4.

The FFW squadron rating for the Prometheus-class, then, is 8-0-4. This seems to be in the ballpark compared to the Oz's calculations. The TL 15 rating of the Atlantic, for example, is 6-1-7.

Pretty nifty!
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OK, let's try a Solomani Zeus-class battlecruiser: a TL 13, 150kdt ship with a Class P meson spinal.

The Attack Rating is 8 x 0.8 = 6.4, rounded up to 7.

There are no fighters, but Zeus does have "22 Missile Magazines." Not sure if this counts as an "effective missile battery," but even so 22 x 8/400 = .44, rounded to 0 for Bombardment Rating.

For Defense Rating, 8 x 1 point for every capital ship hull of 30ktons or larger = 8. Modified by the following:
  • -1 if the average capital ship Meson Screen rating is less than 7.
  • -1 if the average capital ship Nuclear Damper rating is less than 7.
  • -1 if the average capital ship Armor rating is less than 9.
For a final Defense Rating of 5.

So the FFW squadron rating for the Zeus-class is 7-0-5.
Ship design algorithms can change from edition to edition.

Also, the Solomani Schlieffen Plan as described makes little sense to me.
One last one for tonight: a Victory-class battlecruiser, a TL 13, 130,000dt ship with a Class L meson spinal.

The Attack Rating is 8 x 0.65 = 5.2, rounded up to 6.

No fighters or missile batteries, so Bombardment is 0.

Defense Rating = 8 x 1 point for every capital ship hull of 30ktons or larger = 8, modified by the following:
  • -1 if the average capital ship Meson Screen rating is less than 7.
  • -1 if the average capital ship Nuclear Damper rating is less than 7.
  • -1 if the average capital ship Armor rating is less than 9.
For a final Defense Rating of 5.

The FFW counter rating is 6-0-5.
Here's my initial pass at working up squadrons of the Rim War. I finally found a use for Fighting Ships of the Shattered Imperium: using the "historic designs" to fill in likely gaps. At this level of granularity, the design problems in that book don't matter. For all squadrons I assumed 8 capital ships of the main class unless otherwise noted.

AlTLJumpkdtShip ClassTypeFFW RatingSource/Notes
Im144300Vrenairassault carrier0-0-2T20 FS
Im13350Huronbombardment cruiser0-2-3T20 FS
Im133150Giishudafleet carrier1-1-2T20 FS; assumes 1 carrier plus 2 heavy cruisers and 4 destroyers
Im134100Arlumerheavy cruiser3-0-2Adapted from FSotSI CA-13
Im144300Liasdifleet carrier2-4-4New class; assumes 1 carrier plus 2 heavy cruisers and 4 destroyers
Im14560AHLfleet intruder2-3-2T20 FS
Im14470Zahvatstrike cruiser4-0-4T20 FS; assumes 2 tenders and 6 total riders
Im13330Timarinbattle rider4-1-3T20 FS
Im14475Atlanticheavy cruiser4-2-4T20 FS
Im14490Effendiheavy cruiser2-3-2T20 FS
Im14430Quiquilatbattle rider6-1-2Mentioned in SMC, adapted from FSotSI BR-14M; assumes 1 Saktil-class tender and 6 riders
Im133350Tiananmenbattleship7-2-4T20 FS
Im144200Inkaalurlight battleship4-1-4New class inspired by High Passage 5 reference
Im144400Perisherfast dreadnought8-2-4T20 FS
Im144500Tritonheavy battleship8-4-4Adapted from FSotSI BH-14
Im144700Dlandreadnought8-6-3Adapted from FSotSI BI-14
So13030Valiantmonitor0-0-5T20 FSotSC
So133200Midwayfighter carrier1-2-4T20 FSotSC; assumes 1 carrier plus 2 heavy cruisers and 4 destroyers
So133100Zhukovtroop carrier1-3-2T20 FSotSC
So122100Cygnuscolonial cruiser2-0-3New class, extrapolated from FSotSI CA-12
So144200Hermesfighter carrier2-2-4Extrapolated from Midway-class; assumes 1 carrier plus 2 heavy cruisers and 4 destroyers
So13360Minskheavy cruiser3-0-5T20 FSotSC
So14440Beijingdeep strike cruiser4-1-3T20 FSotSC
So14470Normandyheavy cruiser4-1-4T20 FSotSC
So13330Hastabattle rider4-0-4New class inspired by reference in Challenge 53; Assumes 1 Virago-class tender plus 6 riders
So13350Yamamatostrike cruiser4-2-5T20 FSotSC
So133130Victorybattlecruiser6-0-5T20 FSotSC
So133150Zeusbattlecruiser7-0-5T20 FSotSC
So144250Prometheusfast dreadnought8-0-4T20 FSotSC
So144150Zeus IIbattlecruiser8-0-5New class; extrapolated from Zeus-class
So144300Planetdreadnought8-2-4New class; mentioned in FASA ACS v2
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To contrast this, here are the counters for Invasion: Earth:

AlTypeSquadron RatingUnits
ImAssaultRon0-0-460, 66, 80, 82
ImCruRon0-2-61452, Hiram
ImScoutRon0-3-422, 34
ImCruRon1-2-51625, 1648, 1662, 1691
ImBatRon2-2-23374, 3375, 3416, 3512
ImCruRon2-2-6652, 667, 669
ImCruRon2-2-6 2408, 2373
ImCruRon3-2-4260, 261
ImBatRon3-3-6327 329
ImBatRon4-4-4 620, 624, 683, 622, 625, 688
ImBatRon5-4-8734, 776
SoSDB Wing0-1-31246, 1252, 1267, 1260, 1269, 1268
SoSDB Wing0-2-21390, 1395, 1394
SoSDB Wing0-2-31372, 1387
SoSDB Wing0-2-41441, 1442, 1443, 1444, 1445, 1446
SoSDB Wing0-2-41386, 1426, 1437
SoSDB Wing0-2-41386, 1426, 1437
SoSDB Wing0-2-51336, 1369, 1303, 1288, 1289, 1281
SoSDB Wing0-3-41363, 1370
SoSDB Wing0-3-51347, 1349, 1350, 1351, 1362, 1368
SoFleetRon3-0-4409, 432
SoFleetRon6-2-6390, 375
So this doesn't actually line up particularly closely with my conversions, but the divergences seem fairly consistent, which mean they can probably be adjusted easily enough. The upper end of my Attack Ratings is higher than anything in Invasion Earth; the upper end of my Defense Ratings is lower than in Invasion Earth. Bombardment factors seem to be higher in IE, but those squadrons probably all benefit from the +1 bonus to being prepared for bombardment action, which would bridge the gap for that parameter. Need to think about this a little more.