Originally posted by rancke:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Bhoins:
Mora, Rhylanor, Trin and Glisten would have no problems coming up with a rather impressive, bleeding edge subsecctor fleet. The Lanth Subsector on the other end of the spectrum only has one Class A Starport and that system is only TLB so hand me downs would be very welcome in Lanth. Lanth is also sparsely populated at best.
Since Lanth is not a duchy [*] it wouldn't have a subsector navy. It would be patrolled by the IN fleets stationed there plus units of the Duchy of Regina Navy.
[*] Implied by p. 18 of GT:Nobles. I know some people don't accept GT material as canon, but I do. Anyway, a Duchy of Lanth would have an income of 2% that of the Duchy of Regina.</font>[/QUOTE]Well GT is alternative canon. But even if Lanth were not a Duchy, why Regina and not Rhylanor? Rhylanor is definitely the economic powerhouse of the two. I personally don't own much GT material. Alternative Canon is, I believe the accepted phrase.
) There are definitely major differences between GT and CT/MT/T20 in terms of basic concepts, economics being a serious one.
Besides one would think Regina would already have its hands full with both Regina and Jewell, (Which I seem to remember actually being part of Canon, that Jewell was administratively controlled from Regina.)
<EDIT> Well duh you just quoted one source in The Spinward Marches Campaign, it is also stated as such in Supp-3. </EDIT>
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />The best Regina can muster is a pair of Class A starports in systems with a TLD. Jewell is totally screwed, but would have a large concentration of Regular Imperial Navy Squadrons.
Jewell is a county under the Duke of Regina [The Spinward Marches Campaign] so it would be patrolled by the Regina Navy. But I agree that the Regina Navy would be happy to buy 40 year old TL 14 and 15 ships from he IN. </font>[/QUOTE]Well it is implied that part of the manufacturing process of the Kinunir class was constructed by General Shipyards' sattelite yards on EFATE and Pixie, though they lacked the facilities to produce ships of that size there. (So final assembly was carried out on Regina.) Could be why the Kinunir had no armor, after all at TLA it would be difficult to work with TLF armor.
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />While Subsectors have resources and ready cash that doesn't mean they can build current Naval ships. There are other factors involved.
It is possible that Efate has a starship technology of 14 (or even 15 IIRC). World Builder's Handbook opened for the possibility of certain sections of a world's technology being higher than its High Common TL. I think it allowed for a difference of two TLs, but I may be misremembering; it may only be one TL.
Hans </font>[/QUOTE]Well I just looked up a couple of things. According to Adventure 1, EFATE and Pixie have ancilliarly shipyards for General their capacity is limited to 600 tons each. Now that may be the General yards only and other companies might have other yards. (Blisten and LSP both having yards at GLISTEN for example.) I definitely don't see EFATE having a major naval shipyard. With it being home of the Ine Gvar terrorist movement and a quagmire for Imperial Army forces, putting a major naval shipyard that close to the border in that kind of unrest sounds like a really poor plan. (Not saying that it isn't done, it just seems less likely.)
Lacking a Depot system, I would think that major combatants would be built at Rhylanor, Trin, Mora and Glisten. (Or perhaps only two of them.) and other shipyards with naval contracts, even if they had the TL for more than maintenance, would build escorts. Or perhaps even slightly more likely that a handfull of Cruisers be built at two of those and Drednaughts/Battleships/Battleriders/Battletenders are only built out of the Sector.
We know there is a major Naval yard at Mora. (THat is where they stored the AHLs in the Sector that were in Ordinary, and the TL13 Voroshilef Battleships.) We don't know if they do actual construction. We do know that several of the AHL class ships were built in the Spinward Marches by LSP. We also know that the Empress Troyhune was built at Mora, though that is a large monitor.
There is no evidence of Drednaughts being built in the Marches. Interesting.