Originally posted by Hal:
What are the costs going to be for a world with 1,000 battalion's?
That makes me ask
so many questions. But the first, is, are you talking about IM battalions, PA battalions, or Huscarles?
No noble, Duke or otherwise, is going to maintain 1000 battalions of Huscarles. Even the Emperor only maintains slightly over a dozen extremely heavily reinforced regiments (The Imperial Guard) as his personal Huscarles. (Or, at least, I think of the Imperial Guard that way . . . they're never actually named as Huscarles.)
The IM has Imperial-level funding, and so has lots of money. But even they are unlikely to deploy 1000 battlions on anything more than a handful of staging worlds.
So, if we look at PAs, and if they're Pop A and TL-12+, then funding 1000 battalion is going to be a drop in the bucket. They could probably field 1000 divisions and not make their pocket-book break into a sweat. (Though I can imagine a Member World putting more money in their PN than in their PA, by far.)
Originally posted by Hal:
But I digress - outfitting a unit takes money, maintaining it takes less money - this is a given. But at some point in time, the Duke's huscarles cost him a pretty penny. In a time of war, having that unit Imperialized means that it is entirely possible the Duke might have to rebuild his unit after suffering 40% casualties and say, 80% equipment losses.
As I mentioned earlier, even if a noble's Huscarles are "Imperialized", the Duke's own will likely be treated a little differently by the IN and IM commanders.
But, in any event, The Duke of a sector has a huge income. Rebuilding a nine-battalion divion would be pocket change.
Oh, and I would like to point out, that even in a time of war, it's unlikely that 100% of any nobles Huscarles will be subsumed in the IM. The Huscarles are kept around as the noble's guards and security, and stripping them all away at the time they are likely most needed? Maybe 50%, 60%, tops, would be "Imperialized". And the deployed portions would be rotated with the non-deployed portions.
Originally posted by Hal:
This will NOT be something he can do cheaply.
Fortunately, the Duke has
lots of money.
In my taxation system, the
Annual Personal Stipend (Sector Duke), for the Spinward Marches, is: Cr630,595,958,251. This does not count his personal financial income from the his investments and the investments of his ancestors going back hundreds of years. His budget for Sector Ops is Cr20.809 Trillion. He could probably justify using Sector Ops funds on paying for his Huscarles use in a time of war, as it is Imperial Activity, so to speak. But honestly, he wouldn't have to.
Originally posted by Hal:
Add to the mix that he has other responsibilities, and other drains on his resources, and you can gather quite quickly, that the monetary resources he has at his disposal must be IMMENSE!
They are, if I do say so myself.