Originally posted by Bhoins:
Well from the same Supplement 5, the Auxillarys converted from AHL class Cruisers also lost their bay weapons. (And were armed the same as the commercial version of the AHL. Since they are still owned by the Navy why plate over the bays? After all they are already there so it would be cheaper to actually retain them. Apparently the Imperial Navy would prefer to keep Bay and Spinal weapons in the combat vessels instead of on Auxillaries.
So if the Imperial Navy does it, all navies must do it?
There is no reason to plate over the bays, unless you want to make the new cargo space hold an atmosphere.
Perhaps it's due to some treaty with the Zhodani?
And if they are plated over, the space is still there to be used as a cargo hold.
Bays must still be accessible from inside the ship, so your new fifty ton cargo bay can still be loaded.
Removing the plates and rearming didn't take long though, did it?