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Flying Off the Shelf!

Alliance should be getting their re-order soon. They might already have it.

Is the book sold out? Not yet, but it's getting closer everyday.

And please remember you can always order the book from the website!

The Man Behind the Curtain
Originally posted by Bruce:
Alliance should be getting their re-order soon. They might already have it.

Is the book sold out? Not yet, but it's getting closer everyday.

And please remember you can always order the book from the website!

The Man Behind the Curtain
Yes, but I usually order from the internet as a last resort, I like my FLGS and like to send some cash their way.

Good news that there still are compies though, while I want the book to sell like hotcakes I still want a copy before it's OOP ;)

Thanks for the fast response, Bruce!
Originally posted by Squid:
My FLGS just got the word from their distributor, Alliance (sp?), that T20 is: "Sold out. No more to be found, go stuff yourselves silly swedes - no traveller goodness for you! Entire first printing sold out."
Okay, so that bit about silly swedes and stuffing I made up, but the rest was the line they got from their supplier of rpgs.
Thus, no Traveller Handbooks in Sweden. So I'd like to know, from someone who has the info:

1: Is this true, is the danged books sold out allready?

2: If yes, will there be a second printing? Pretty pretty please... :(
As an employee of Alliance I can say that is not the case... We sold out immediately on release (a good thing) and the good folks were swift in getting a restock out to us.

I fear the FLGS either misunderstood completely or exagerated the information... BUT I am getting with the Int'l sales rep to check - if necessary we'll flog him and send him back to offer more T20 goodness.

Originally posted by DrSkull:
Cripes, even Arkansas schmucks before me.




I mean, I'm in Pennsylvania for cripes sake, hardly far away or isolated, every schmuck on earth is getting his at least a day before me. ANd if it doesn't come today, I've got to wait until monday (the only good thing about USPS is that they, unlike UPS, deliver on Saturday)

I hate you guys, so very much
Any luck yet?
Oddly enough, none of the my Game Stores had any copies. I know one has not recieved its order yet, I am not sure about the others (they were Hasbro Stores.) So I decided to buy it on-line from the main site.

With Luck I could see it by this weekend. But who knows. It kind of surprised me since usualy one of them has copies of new games with in a week of release.

Oh Well.. At least the shipping was only a little more then what sales tax would of been.

-The Luddite
Originally posted by Nurd_boy:
ok, quick survey...

canada, uk, all 'others' how about the lowdown on the cost in your respective flgs (local currency..) :confused:
At my FLGS, it was CDN$63, about US$41 with the current exchange, or Cr20 :D .

Paul Nemeth
Hey Arsulon, there is a good sized gaming community here in London Ont. They just hide really well. If anyone from London or area wants to play T20, come down to L.A. MOOD's (the underground games lounge). Look for the guy behind the counter reading his copy of the T20 hardcover. :D
Our major FLGS (which is still a fairly minor operation as such things go but getting better) is being deluged with requests for the game. This is because I purchased the only copy he got in, and when he went to re-order, they told him it was out-of-stock. He has more on back order-three copies, I believe.

I wound up giving that copy I bought to a friend today who really wanted to get his hands on it. (Much as I love T20, I didn't need three copies of it <g>), as soon as I opened the box containing my comp copies.

As Freakazoid would say "Aw Nut-bunnies"
It's Friday, 5:45, and no UPS man.
I've flogging got to wait until flogging Monday.
I'm not blaming anyone, it just blows.
As they say, when life gives you lemons, shut up and eat your damned lemons.
Dont worry mink you will probably get yours befor i get mine (pre order).....if i ever do here in Nebraksa...heck i bet some one in afganistan will get theirs before i do...

the only good thing is that the local game store is getting more in so at least some more people around here will have them :D

Originally posted by The Mink:

It appears that there is a shipping strike on the west coast of the US - and books travelleing towards australia are affected.

Apparently it will be weeks before it arrives now!

It was due Tuesday just gone!

Looks like I'll be mail ordering direct from Quicklink - I wonder how this Paypal stuff works
Originally posted by DrSkull:
As Freakazoid would say "Aw Nut-bunnies"
It's Friday, 5:45, and no UPS man.
I've flogging got to wait until flogging Monday.
I'm not blaming anyone, it just blows.
As they say, when life gives you lemons, shut up and eat your damned lemons.
Guess I'm not the only one still waiting. <sigh> The UPS guys _promised_ it would get here Friday. I waited all damn day for that stupid truck to show up. It had better get here Monday...

By some sort of Divine Providence I have my books this weekend afterall. It was not at my house at 7:00 Friday night, but at 8:00 Saturday morning there it was on my front step. I guess UPS sometimes delivers late-night or Saturday morning afterall.

So, all you flogging schmucks can now breathe a sign of relief, you are flogging schmucks no longer.
I was quite surprised to be able to get a copy myself yesterday. (And it IS a really damn cool book!)

My gaming/comic store of choice has tried getting a couple of copies for the last two weeks and finally found out yesterday that they weren't going to be able to get any of them any time soon. Apparently, according to all three of the distributors they use for gaming materials, The Traveller's Handbook has such a small print run that every copy they (the distributors) had received was already allocated and they still weren't being able to meet all of the pre-orders.

Fortunately for me, I went by the other gaming store in town and was lucky enough to find a single copy left on their shelf, which I proceeded to claim!
Originally posted by BrennanHawkwood:
[QB]Apparently, according to all three of the distributors they use for gaming materials, The Traveller's Handbook has such a small print run that every copy they (the distributors) had received was already allocated and they still weren't being able to meet all of the pre-orders.
Hunter, if it's not a secret, ;) what was the print run of T20?

Originally posted by DrSkull:

By some sort of Divine Providence I have my books this weekend afterall. It was not at my house at 7:00 Friday night, but at 8:00 Saturday morning there it was on my front step. I guess UPS sometimes delivers late-night or Saturday morning afterall.

So, all you flogging schmucks can now breathe a sign of relief, you are flogging schmucks no longer.
Yes, but from MY Point of View, you, Herr Doktor Skull are a Flogging Schmuck!

However, it is just a matter of time until it will be mine!
The initial print run was not small.

However, many distributors ordered far less than the demand turned out to be, and some have made various excuses about small print runs. The reality of that is there is a delay in rerodering, that's all.

The truth is that the intial run was multiple-thousands, of which 80% have now been sold.

A second print run is scheduled for the precese moment we think we may be about to run out fairly soon... (!)
Go Quicklink, Go Quicklink, Go Quicklink,....

Good to see Traveller being THAT successful once again. Almost sold out? Whooo-haaaa!

Anyway, T20 has hit japanese shores on Friday, about 15 copies at the store I frequent, which they were just unpacking when I entered... Price was a steep 8000 Yen after tax, but what the heck, it's Traveller, so...
... I haven't stopped reading it yet. Good Work, guys...