I look at deck plans, and I sometimes marvel at the absence of a fresher. But then I also think 'hey wait, they don't even have a cupboard to store dinner in!'.
Now, one can handwave 30 days worth of food in various overhead (and otherwise invisible) bins given this is typical air/power duration - so that's okay.
But what about ships that need to go 'beyond normal supply'. They can carry skimmers and purifiers to address the fuel situation. They can carry an extra battery round or two of missiles. But what about food?
I'm going to guess that a human probably consumes 2-3 pounds of fresh food every day. No one wants to eat emergency rations, but assuming you did, you might make due with 1 pound (and probably lose weight if you're doing much). Maybe you could eat MRE equivalents for 2 pounds (we're high tech here, we may have dehydration, etc. down pat).
But even so, a crew of say 6 x 30 days x 2 kg = 360 kg of food. Not a lot, but probably takes a fair bit of space, like maybe a dTon or so.
But what if I'm a scout having to provision for a year outside normal space? Or two years? And I have a basic crew plus surveyors, etc? I start getting into some pretty significant food volumes.
How have other folks addressed this? Does anyone have some realistic guesses or a table of fresh/dried/survival rations weight/cost by TL? And how many days might fit in a dTon?
Now, one can handwave 30 days worth of food in various overhead (and otherwise invisible) bins given this is typical air/power duration - so that's okay.
But what about ships that need to go 'beyond normal supply'. They can carry skimmers and purifiers to address the fuel situation. They can carry an extra battery round or two of missiles. But what about food?
I'm going to guess that a human probably consumes 2-3 pounds of fresh food every day. No one wants to eat emergency rations, but assuming you did, you might make due with 1 pound (and probably lose weight if you're doing much). Maybe you could eat MRE equivalents for 2 pounds (we're high tech here, we may have dehydration, etc. down pat).
But even so, a crew of say 6 x 30 days x 2 kg = 360 kg of food. Not a lot, but probably takes a fair bit of space, like maybe a dTon or so.
But what if I'm a scout having to provision for a year outside normal space? Or two years? And I have a basic crew plus surveyors, etc? I start getting into some pretty significant food volumes.
How have other folks addressed this? Does anyone have some realistic guesses or a table of fresh/dried/survival rations weight/cost by TL? And how many days might fit in a dTon?