I respectfully have to disagree with you aramis. I'm always a little leery of megaforce solutions, especially when the topic of insurgency is involved.
I'd have to say that even though the 3I isn't a democracy, the tone of the 3I in OTU materials has always had the tone that the 3I does care about what its people think and the truth does have a habit of getting out there no matter how much organizations might try to suppress it. There are references to "Freedom of Information" laws in the 3I (see the posts in the Traveller News Agency posts in the last days of MT-->TNE).
The argument that the media will be relatively ineffective rests on far more than an ability to suppress the media. The absence of immediate media communications, rather than any government suppressive ability, is the main reason I think that the 3I media will be unable to be used by insurgents they way they are in the 20th and 21st centuries. In addition, there's the basic fact that the 3I, however well intentioned, is an autocratic state. Popular opinion *must* be far less important in such states than in Western liberal democracies.
Consider the greatest insurgent media victory of the last 100 years -- the Tet Offensive. This operation was a military disaster that essentially destroyed the Viet Cong. Yet, US news media reports transmitted
during the offensive successfully portrayed the battle to the US people as a US defeat (much to the amazement of the North Vietnamese, who admit that they believed that they had suffered a major defeat).
Would the same result occur if the press had to wait weeks or months to get the story out? I seriously doubt it. The news would be stale by the time it reached a significant percentage of the populace and even if the populace got inflamed, how could it meaningfully hold the Imperium's leadership accountable?
Also, insurgent media manipulation relies heavily on self-criticism (and self loathing, seems to me) by the population of the invading power. This phenomenon is a very recent development and (so far) is confined to liberal Western democracies. I see no reason to impute this trait to an autocratic society like the 3I.
EDIT: I'd also caution Traveller referees about the conventional wisdom that "insurgencies can't be defeated". This claim is a statement of *belief* and is manifestly *not* supported by the historical record. There are ample historical examples of insurgencies being defeated, just as there are examples of insurgencies prevailing. In my opinion there's 1 key factor that explains the success of insurgencies in Vietnam and Afghanistan--the existence of an uninterruptable supply source for the insurgents (in Vietnam, the USSR and China; in Afghanistan, the US). Insurgencies that have lacked this advantage have generally failed (Malaysia, Iraq).
There's also the matter of honor in the 3I, especially amongst nobles. While it's never expressly explained, I've always sensed that the honor of the 3I I sense would be outraged at callously scrubbing people off of worlds because it's handy and safe.
Given the obliteration of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Tokyo, Dresden, Hamburg, Berlin, etc., I wouldn't count overly much on self-restraint, if the stakes are high enough. My essential point bears repeating--the insurgencies of the last 70 years against Western democracies are abberations (in historical terms) and are not useful models for how an autocratic society like the 3I would fight them.
Of course, this does not mean that insurgencies are impossible in the 3I. It just means that they probably won't be fought along the same lines as (say) Vietnam. Referees who want plausible insurgencies will have to create an environment where the 3I's superior firepower and technology (particularly in reconnaisance assets) are neutralized to a significant degree. Myself, I favor settings in which the occupying power is severely restricted in resources. Like France in Vietnam, for some reason they just can't deploy overwhelming assets. This is the typical setup in my Commonwealth campaign--most brushfire wars are fought by company troops and sepoy auxilliaries, rather than by Commonwealth Marines. (And since the Commonwealth is a democracy, the media
does have some influence and can occasionally inflame public sentiment against a particular war).
EDIT: An interesting alternative model for how the 3I might fight an insurgency might be the Soviets in Afghanistan. Of course, you have to correct for circumstances. In particular, a key reason the insurgency was successful was that they were armed by the US and the Soviets could not directly interdict or threaten that supply chain. (The same was true of the US in Vietnam--it couldn't interdict or threaten the Chinese and Soviet supply lines that kept the North Vietnamese armed). Such a condition would be *far* harder to justify, given the naval superiority of the 3I. Unlike 20th century Terran insurgencies, there are no overland lines of supply.