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Genetics, Cybernetics, and freaks, oh my

I was wondering if you guys put in any rules for cyber/genetic mods (usefull ones, not like cyberpunk) or anything like that. In case I have to chop off a thief's hand on a low tech world or someone steps on a land mine. Just in case mind you. Not that I'd evvvvvver do anything like that of course. It'd be totally their own fault.
I'm certainly planning to do some gene-tech in my campaign, though more a la Lois McMaster-Bujold than Shadowrun; Quaddies (Four-armed no legged zero-G humans) and Hermaphrodites are two examples of human offshoots, and though rare, they have societies of their own on the fringes of Solomani space.
Traveller's digest 13 and/or 14 has rules for bionics, replacement parts etc.

Also if you play Gurps Traveller then the Bio-Tech book has a lot of enhancements you could incorporate into a traveller game.

Personally IMTU there are genetically modified examples of Humaniti but they aren't common.
This area is touch upon (although rather lightly) in the T20 core book. You will (hopefully) see more in a forthcoming supplement.

Best source for gene mods is an little old game called Justifiers. :cool: Had a good story line but was a bit light on background. Useful to those with fertile imagination. Based on Corps using gene enginnered slaves to explore worlds.

In the end, Murphy will rule
I would like to see genetics and bionics in keeping with the hard science of Traveller. Meaning, they enhance or replace lost body parts without being freakish or creating super powered mutants. My players would take any super mutanat or cyber powers and runn all the way to the munchkin bank with them....
Originally posted by Commonman:
I would like to see genetics and bionics in keeping with the hard science of Traveller. Meaning, they enhance or replace lost body parts without being freakish or creating super powered mutants. My players would take any super mutanat or cyber powers and runn all the way to the munchkin bank with them....
Hmm. If we go the hard science route won't that mean pretty much eliminating bionics? Cloning more likely than mechanical hardware in a high-tech society? Bionics would be limited to simple prosthetics (like we have today). What could be done with cloning and gene therapy...well that's downright scary! :)

Just a thought.

Originally posted by RabidVargr:
My players for some reason just need replacement parts. ;) RV
Well, if you'd stop loading them into missiles to fire at hapless trader captains, maybe you wouldn't have that problem :D
TNE rules, under FFS1 had a section on cybernetics that addressed alot of this stuff. There were "hard" or "slick" options for most of the replacements as well as the governing tech levels and effects on the character.

I prefer to claim that any TL13+ hospital of any repute can re-grow replacement parts in a couple of months. Makes recouperation much easier for characters whom can afford the trip. I have also discouraged my players from having cyberware/bionics when possible. Most of these guys also play cyberpunk... if I open the door too wide they'll drive a cyber-enhanced mac truck through it.

Which brings up a possiblility: CP has a humanity cost for the change out of parts, although perhaps not a stiff enough one to prevent players from turning their characters into walking toasters. Perhaps a stiff charisma or wisdom penalty might be in order? The same could hold true for bio-modifications.
Originally posted by Solo:
Originally posted by Commonman:
If we go the hard science route won't that mean pretty much eliminating bionics? Cloning more likely than mechanical hardware in a high-tech society?
Yes, I'm sure it'd be more likely, but it's not going to be cloning only through every system. Heck, some systems may even assign prestiege to the amount of bionics on you, like tatoo's. Some may decide anyone with a disfiguring injury of any sort is unsuitible to exist and thus go on uglyhunts. There's so many options, I'd like to see rules for both, because there's so many systems out there, not all of them are the same.

Originally posted by Darth Sillyus:
Which brings up a possiblility: CP has a humanity cost for the change out of parts, although perhaps not a stiff enough one to prevent players from turning their characters into walking toasters. Perhaps a stiff charisma or wisdom penalty might be in order? The same could hold true for bio-modifications.
Definitely charisma (assuming T20) but most definitely SOC. The society of the 3I has as big an angst against cyber mods as it does towards Psi's - maybe even worse.

Perhaps a mod to Law Level checks that local law enforcement takes an interest in party:
Cyber eye, small data jack = +2
Each Obvious cyberlimb = +4
Anyone with cyber mods would have a hard time maintaining Social Status, right up there with people popin anagathics. Genetic enhancement would be right up there with being a PSI user. "Burn the witch!!!" :eek: Anything obvious as a gene enhancement, well, what else did IT enhance? :eek:
I like the idea of police harassment. Cusotms agents too. "Hey, take that arm off, we gotta strip search it, the leg too buster. Can't have you types trying to smuggle weapons or drugs on this slice of heaven."
As for genetic enhancements, try to buy a standard vacc suit with Popeye's arms.
Any cyber wear would make waring a vacc suit interesting indeed.

In the end, Murphy will rule
hmmm, thinking....
if one replaces a missing arm with a cybernetic that is greater that the original, not only would it look odd (a gorilla-like limb on a man?), but it seems to me it would create stress on the rest of the skeletal system being IT (the skeleton)was designed/evolved for the original, and what about stress at the attachment points?, the weight of the replacement and the body's distribution/ shifts as one moves? a lesser cybernetic limb (less strength than the original) would be less of a stress on the skeleton, and possibly offer room for 'enhancements' build in...a medical scanner with sensors in the finger tips and a flip-up display in the forearm? micro-tool kit, comminications gear....seems a fairer trade that way..
For a more realistic view of cybernetics than the movie/tv show ever was I highly reccomend the Martin Caiden novel CYBORG.

Steve Austin get's rebuilt not just because they have the technology but because he's one frikkin' nasty SOB who MAKES his prothesis work in some cases through sheer bloody mindedness. Oh and in the book He obeys the laws of physics.
Originally posted by Nurd_boy:
hmmm, thinking....
if one replaces a missing arm with a cybernetic that is greater that the original, not only would it look odd (a gorilla-like limb on a man?), but it seems to me it would create stress on the rest of the skeletal system being IT (the skeleton)was designed/evolved for the original, and what about stress at the attachment points?, the weight of the replacement and the body's distribution/ shifts as one moves? a lesser cybernetic limb (less strength than the original) would be less of a stress on the skeleton, and possibly offer room for 'enhancements' build in...a medical scanner with sensors in the finger tips and a flip-up display in the forearm? micro-tool kit, comminications gear....seems a fairer trade that way..
I'm not a medical type, but being an engineer I would think that a "stronger" arm replacement would require all sorts of alterations to the shoulder and upper torso to counter exactly what you are describing.

It might actually be *safer* to replace both arms in such a case, as you would then be able to build structural support all the way around the torso instead of having to stop when you run back into good organic material. Not that you couldn't do this with only one arm... just that its *easier* to design when using both.

As for the weight... that depends largely on design. Superior mechanical designs often weigh less than their weaker counterparts, as less material is required to properly support the design. Tech level could go a long way there too, as better materials come into play.

The whole "better, stronger, faster" thing makes for good sci-fi if handled properly. Handled wrongly it will ruin and unballance your game, or turn it into another version of cyberpunk. (Not that I have anything against CP.)

Which brings up another idea...
Feats: Elective cybernetic surgery. Required if you have "enhancements" in addition to the cost on charisma and soc. One slot buys the package. The feat can be purchased again later to add upgrades or extra stuff.

If you make it expensive to the character in terms of development, then players tend to think twice before doing it.
Discrete replacement parts should not incur a penalty. If it's not obvious, why bother.

Things which scar or are obvious will have negative connotations. A friend who has massive burn scaring is always noticed, and does get some disrespectful reactions from people. He is a nice guy, but mothers hide the kids by reaction.

Replacement legs that are NORMAL looking would not get anyone excited.
Metal showing where it should be flesh - major hit on Social Status.
People that end up looking half robot should be treated like they are robots.
Genetic tampering is a different roadkill dessert.
How does the person look diferent?

Changes in skin or hair color - might look like a minor race and be treated accordingly.
Full Conan body rebuild - Minor hit on Social Status.
Fangs and claws - quick, hide the babies, it's a monster.

Some areas that are anti PSI may be expected to have more polarized feelings about gene tampering. Think Mississippi, 1960. If they did that, what else did they do?

Of course, a human with fangs, claws and looking like the hulk may be welcome and given high Charisma in the Vargr worlds. :rolleyes:

Much will depend on the area, but, keep in mind the classic small town sheriff confronted with something strange. "Do I shoot before or after I ask the questions"
Hey all,

Are there any other D20 systems with Cybernetics rules? I believe that T20 are the first to put it in print.
