I am too lazy to query through all the errata threads and discussions to find the answers to these question from the Gun Maker rules in the 5.09 T5 Rules. and how to calculate damage.
I'm working with the Artillery pieces. The H1 values are "*" which indicates damage type comes from the selected category.
AutoCannon has Damage of */5D, a Plasma type has damage of Pen/3D, Burn/3D So how much damage does the Plasma Autocannon do? 5D, 3D, 8D, or something else?
There are no Artillery Laser weapons?
Machine Gun has a damage of Bullet/4D. The Assault type has damage of Bang/1D, Blast/2D. This means the Assault Machine Gun causes all three types of damage, correct?
The burden damage modifiers apply to One, Two, or all three damage types? So a Heavy burden weapon is D1/D2 is 1. The damage for the Plasma Autocannon is +1D for Pen damage, Burn Damage, or both?
With a Heavy Assault Machinegun, Does the +1D apply to the Bullet, Bang, and/or Blast ?
Same question for the D1 D2 values for Stage too.
I'm working with the Artillery pieces. The H1 values are "*" which indicates damage type comes from the selected category.
AutoCannon has Damage of */5D, a Plasma type has damage of Pen/3D, Burn/3D So how much damage does the Plasma Autocannon do? 5D, 3D, 8D, or something else?
There are no Artillery Laser weapons?
Machine Gun has a damage of Bullet/4D. The Assault type has damage of Bang/1D, Blast/2D. This means the Assault Machine Gun causes all three types of damage, correct?
The burden damage modifiers apply to One, Two, or all three damage types? So a Heavy burden weapon is D1/D2 is 1. The damage for the Plasma Autocannon is +1D for Pen damage, Burn Damage, or both?
With a Heavy Assault Machinegun, Does the +1D apply to the Bullet, Bang, and/or Blast ?
Same question for the D1 D2 values for Stage too.