SOC-14 10K
In your own TU you are perfectly right. In the OTU, the definition of an Imperial warrant is that it was issued by the Emperor...
And an Imperial warrant is issued by the Emperor. The Emperor is the source of the authority.
Per the Library Data (CT) entry (see below*) nobles other than the Emperor may issue Imperial Warrants (though of lesser power/scope). Perhaps that is what you mean by "The Emperor is the source of the authority." above, as in while the other noble produces the warrant it is backed by the Emperor. I'm not sure I'd agree with that though. Or perhaps you're using other (later) sources that further define which other nobles may issue such warrants.
Imperial Warrant:
Instrument of power issued at the highest levels of government. A warrant is a written or electronic document provided to trusted agents of the Imperium as a method of bypassing the bureaucracy.
Typically, a warrant is provided by the Emperor to an individual who utilizes the power it provides to accomplish some mission. Missions may include establishment of colonies in areas requiring development, the assumption of military command in the midst of a crisis, and the unilateral establishment of new noble lines to administer provinces which have suffered from war or economic collapse.
It is possible for nobility other than the Emperor to issue a warrant, though the scope of the warrant is limited to the area of control of the nobility.*
See also Imperial Edict 97.

* NOTE: The above italicized line was in the Traveller Wiki entry but apparently is without supporting sources. The Wiki has been edited to more accurately reflect canon.
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