The power plant fuel is rated for a month.
That's a Safety Margin Requirement.
Aviation instructors will teach you that there are 3 things in aviation that are COMPLETELY USELESS TO YOU regardless of how much you have of them you have:
- Altitude above you.
- Runway behind you.
- Fuel in the truck.
It's #3 that is most relevant to the point you're raising,
Under "generic/nominal" circumstances, you're going to spend a week in jump and a week in normal space as a tramp free trader, so you're working on a 2 jumps per month tempo a lot of the time. The reason why the 4 weeks of power plant fuel endurance is required for starships comes down to ... MARGIN. You want to have
plenty of margin and reserve fuel available in the event of a mishap, a casualty (such as a collision or battle damage) or other "unplanned event" occurring during your travels. That reserve is there to KEEP YOU ALIVE ... because without fuel, your starship is a very expensive COFFIN™.
So think of the 4 weeks requirement for starships as being something more akin to a standard emergency reserve, rather than something you're going to be constantly burning through (down to nothing) before you refuel.
Fuel in the truck ... is useless to you, no matter how much fuel is in that truck.
If the fuel isn't in your ship (or attached to your ship somehow), you can't use it.
Better (read: safer!) to Have and Not Need ... than it is to Need and Not Have.