Now there's an interesting pickle. Something able to commandeer any resources for any purposes (irresistable force) meets the Imperial bureaucracy (immovable object).
I imagine the resistance would be less obvious, and come from the structure of the bureaucracy itself. In other words:
"We'll get right on it, sir!!"
Whereupon the ranking official contacts half-a-dozen other ranking officials to start the wheels in motion to get the embassies of all concerned worlds to ratify the route. We will have to go through all the channels. The Warrant has allowed us to cut through applications processes and authority-related procurement issues.
In fact, that could be what's going on in Regina-Rhylanor now. There could be a Warrant involved. (Otherwise, I suspect the Xboat route would never change in the Marches).
Hengabar Spofulam: "Good My Liege, we present to you this item which we have recovered from a derelict 1200-ton cruiser in a local planetoid belt."
Duke Norris: "Thanks, Hengie. You say your cousin found the ship?"
Hengabar: "Quite so, My Liege. imarush*, actually, but our family isn't so Vilani about familial terms. She was, er, testing some prototypes, when she detected a weak signal and followed it to its source."
Norris: "Well well. I hope she didn't encounter any -- difficulties?"
Hengabar: "None at all, My Liege."
Norris: "Hmmmmm...."
Later that day...
Norris: "Branj, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
Branj: "Archdukedom?"
Norris: "Quite. And while I'm at it, might as well make things interesting... how about an Xboat route through Yori to Inthe?"
* imarush: sibling's child of the opposite sex as yourself; i.e. nephew or niece.
I imagine the resistance would be less obvious, and come from the structure of the bureaucracy itself. In other words:
"We'll get right on it, sir!!"
Whereupon the ranking official contacts half-a-dozen other ranking officials to start the wheels in motion to get the embassies of all concerned worlds to ratify the route. We will have to go through all the channels. The Warrant has allowed us to cut through applications processes and authority-related procurement issues.
In fact, that could be what's going on in Regina-Rhylanor now. There could be a Warrant involved. (Otherwise, I suspect the Xboat route would never change in the Marches).
Hengabar Spofulam: "Good My Liege, we present to you this item which we have recovered from a derelict 1200-ton cruiser in a local planetoid belt."
Duke Norris: "Thanks, Hengie. You say your cousin found the ship?"
Hengabar: "Quite so, My Liege. imarush*, actually, but our family isn't so Vilani about familial terms. She was, er, testing some prototypes, when she detected a weak signal and followed it to its source."
Norris: "Well well. I hope she didn't encounter any -- difficulties?"
Hengabar: "None at all, My Liege."
Norris: "Hmmmmm...."
Later that day...
Norris: "Branj, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
Branj: "Archdukedom?"
Norris: "Quite. And while I'm at it, might as well make things interesting... how about an Xboat route through Yori to Inthe?"
* imarush: sibling's child of the opposite sex as yourself; i.e. nephew or niece.