OK so we are looking at the following input into our calculations for Jump.
1. Current vector of starship, relative to starting starsystem.
2. Vector of target starsystem, relative to starting starsystem.
3. Vector of target heavenly body within target system, relative to target starsystem.
4. Vector of any nearby, in respect to target heavenly body, heavenly bodies relative to target starsystem.
5. Ideal location of jump emergence point, relative to target starsystem.
6. Ideal vector of starship at emergence, relative to target starsystem.
7. Vector of any other heavenly bodies or other objects that may cause the ship to precipitate out of jump because the path of the ship within Jump space passed within 100 diameters of it.
Account for the following errors:
Arrival time is +/- 16.8 hours
Location of arrival is +/- 3000 KM
Accuracy of charts for target starsystem.
Arrival vector is +/- 5 degrees in each plane.
Arrival speed is +/- 10% from current speed. (The last two are not in the rules but based on everything else being inaccurate valid implied errors.)
Rogue Comets, Asteroids, planetoids, moons that may change things either at the time of arrival or before arrival.
Space traffic at the time of arrival.
Arrivals from this or other destinations in the same target jump emergence point.
Lurking ships at the target jump emergence point.
We're talking about, what, 7 unrelated differential equations? All of them dealing with 3D vectors, orbital mechanics and gravitational forces. And adding in 9 unrelated uncertainty factors to each of them? And we are going to make these calculations in under a half hour?
And that is just for a Jump-1.