On the original question: Jump Tapes--where does the concept first appear?
Did some research, and the concept of Jump tapes comes from those early CT '77 ships.
To be able to jump farther than Jump 1, generate your own course internally, and control the jump, you needed a Model 2 bis or larger computer.
Those that had Model 1 bis, or Model 2 computers were only capable of running the Jump (Required to Jump) and Navigate (Receives flight plans to control Jumps) Programs, but not the Generate (Generates flight plans internally) program due to CPU limits.
Note, that due to CPU limits and program sizes, no ship mounting a Model 1 could Jump farther than Jump 1, AND requires a course tape as it can not internally generate flight plans.
So there you go. Jump tapes come from a time when TL9 could build a J4 100 ton military courier, the 3rd Imperium was still simply the Imperium, and a dreadnought was 5000 Tons displacement and TL 15.