Hi Thierry Maitrejean. I figured the community would be along shortly to help you out with some T20 stats so I wasn't in a huge hurry with this.
I too started converting the Kinunir a couple months back and ran into a few snags so I put it away for a bit. When your post surfaced a few days ago I went hunting for it thinking it'd be a good time to tackle it again.
Unfortunately I've not yet found most of it and the same problems are still there to bedevil me
See, I'm taking a slightly different tack than the majority (heck, it's different than anyone else I've ever seen

). I'm trying to make it all work out to the original specs from Adventure 1 and HG v1 (I know both are a little broken but I like the pure gearheaded challenge and uniqueness, and the preservation of canon for it's own sake even after it's been officially 'corrected'
So, just in case you (or anyone else) are interested, here's my HG v1 version of the Kinunir class as my starting point and brief notes (marked by [#] ) for the elements. I hope to have the T20 one worked up some day but as I said there are some issues...
BC-9514 Kinunir BC - A2444G2 - 000010 - 50202 - 0 Mcr1232.16 before discount 1200.0T
batteries bearing 2 2 2 Crew 45
batteries total 2 2 2 TL13
Passengers 0 Lowberths 0 Cargo 63.0T Fuel 0.0T EP 0.0 Agility 0 Marines 35
+1200.0T Hull - Cone - Streamlined Mcr132.000 [1]
-40.0T Bridge - Standard Mcr6.000 [2]
-40.0T Bridge - Auxiliary Mcr6.000 [3]
-60.0T Jump Drive - 4P Mcr240.000
-480.0T Jump Fuel - 4 parsecs
-144.0T Maneuver Drive - 4G Mcr86.400
-48.0T Power Plant - 4P Mcr192.000
-48.0T Power Fuel - 4 weeks [4]
-5.0T Computer - Model 7 Fib Mcr90.000 [5]
-40.0T Officer Staterooms - 10 single occupancy Mcr5.0 [6]
-140.0T Crew Staterooms - 35 double occupancy Mcr17.5 [6]
-10.0T Black Globe - F1 Mcr400.000[7]
-8.0T Beam Laser - Double Turrets - 2 batts F5 Mcr20.000
-2.0T Particle Accelerator - Single Turrets - 2 batts F2 Mcr6.400 [8]
-2.0T Missile Launcher - Triple Turrets - 2 batts F2 Mcr6.500 [9]
-6.0T Missile Magazine - 1 batt Planetary Bombardment F6 Mcr0.060 [A]
-40.0T Pinnace - 1 Mcr21.000
-12.0T Heavy Grav APC - 1 Mcr1.500 [C]
-12.0T Air/Rafts - 3 Mcr1.800
-63.0T Cargo Hold
"Whoa," you say, "where do you get TL13 from? It doesn't list a TL in the design in Adventure 1." Right you are, in fact it doesn't even have a USP (well not in my copy anyway). OK, so I can't dodge the question
No worries
I get TL13 from the descriptive text, the required HG v1 components (excepting the noted special items), and a little sleuthing. The descriptive for the Kinunir notes it was built by General (Shipyards or Products) in the Spinward Marches c1074. General is described as having 3 shipyards. One on Regina capable of 5,000T builds at TL10. Regina is listed as the building yard for the ship. The other two are smaller 600T build capable yards, at Pixie and Efate, both at TL13. Clearly General imported the required TL13 materials to the yard at Regina for assembly (not quite kosher but hey it was a competitive market that General was desperate to crack at the time, so they bent the rules).
[1] The shape is more a wedge than a cone but HG v1 didn't have wedge and later HG v2 lumped wedge with needle rather than cone for some reason even though it describes the Kinunir as a "slightly flattened" cone. Isn't that a wedge? At least more so than a needle? Ah well...
[2] Yes. HG v1 says 20T per 1000T of hull, hence 40T, no messy % calculations. Trust me, though this is an obvious error per later editions it does make it add up right (and allows a little more leeway for the roomy deckplans in the bargain).
[3] As noted in the deckplan and key.
[4] Unfortunately there is no way to fit the described 200 days endurance of 320T fuel. This has to be an error or figures using some of the Jump fuel which still doesn't add up. In any case 4 weeks does add up.
[5] Yes it was actually a model 7.3 but the stats are the same as a standard model 7. The model 7 is TL13. The AI personality programming is an experimental TL15+ import from Core. (Definite shades of Virus in the computer in Adventure 1)
[6] Equivalent to at any rate. It seems to work with the descriptions, including all the other noted extra functions.
[7] The only screen listed in the original is the black globe, no nuke damper or meson screen as I've seen in some. The cost is factored just for maintenance because its an experimental or salvage piece and was essentially free.
[8] The trickiest bit of reasoning is here. The description says PA Beam turrets yet HG v1 does not have PA Beam turrets. It does have 10T PA Bays at TL13 but these are too big. All HG v1 turrets use 1.0T (including Fusion and Plasma but they are limited in number per) which does add up. HG v2 does have PA Beam turrets but at TL15 and 3.0T. So I figure it must have been another experimental platform courtesy "the powers that be" and I used the HG v2 USP and cost but in a single turret mount needing only the standard 1.0T fire control. Interestingly the major weapon table for Particle Accelerators in HG v1 hints at PA Beam turrets.
[9] Using the point value table of HG v1 a triple missile launcher has 3 points, divided by 1.2 is 2.5, rounds to 3, for USP F2 (no TL bonus in HG v1)
[A] Determined using the option rule of 1.0T per unaveraged points of all missile launchers, 6 in this case. This would imply a planetary bombardment option that is not described with a USP F6. I leave it to you to use it or not. Otherwise I'd say it's just 20 reloads for the turrets.
The Pinnace is described as a standard model with certain features. Using the base Book 2 version with 22.4T open dedicated to 8 seats (fold for 4.0T cargo) and 8.0T cargo (12.0T total cargo option) we can fit in the single beam laser fire control of 1.0T and have 9.4T left for added fuel (close to the listed 12.0T total listed, close enough for me). Why does it need 12T (11.4T actually) of fuel? Because the original Kinunir has no fuel scoops. In a dire emergency the Pinnace can be used as a slow refueler. Otherwise the Kinunir class is reliant on fuel tenders or stations, noting it also has no fuel purifiers. Yet another tragic design flaw perhaps relevant to the ships' penchant for explosive accidents.
[C] Cost guess based on size and equal volume of G Carrier from Book 2