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Kinunir frontier cruisers

I'd go with the idea that the Kinunir's were designed as experiment test beds. This allows a large number of variations to be used. (Incidently the TNE version of the Kinunir in the Brilliant Lances Technical manual has lost its Black Globe Generator and the 2 PAs are now 700Mj Lasers rated at 1/21-66 at all ranges) The game Battlerider has restored the ships black globe so perhaps its ommission in Brilliant Lances was an error?

If considered as a destroyer escort the class in TNE at least is not bad though I would modify the electronics suite somewhat (perhaps in another experimental version)

As another aside where are the Darrian Black Globes? They certainly achieved the TL to manufacture them prior to the Maghiz, and in TNE TL16 ships of Darrian design are being built by the Regency.
Adv 1 clearly states that the Kinunir was designed as a vanguard cruiser but converted to a colonial cruiser for the war. It is not unrealistic for the navy to beta test different weapon/defense systems on a ship.

No, mention of a line of cruisers just for experimentation. Also, no mention that they never were successful with shipboard AIs.

Originally posted by Antony:
As another aside where are the Darrian Black Globes? They certainly achieved the TL to manufacture them prior to the Maghiz, and in TNE TL16 ships of Darrian design are being built by the Regency.
My take is that they never figured out how to build them. The Imperium wouldn't have known how to if they hadn't reverse-engineered those Ancient black globe generators.

Just because you have the necessary tech level to build something (if you only knew how to) doesn't necessarily mean you know how to. One example is the special capacitors necessary for using drop tanks, which are TL 9, but wasn't invented until around 1080. Another is Fusion+ which is TL 12 but wasn't invented until around -30.

This is getting more interesting by the second
, especially the "Kinunir as test bed" bit. IMTU, things are the other way round. While being briefed about the class, one of my players (he of the Vargr XO) asked : "How come they put experimental systems like black globes on such a crummy ship? ", the reply why "Because it IS a crummy ship!". Navy High Command got loaded with 20 of these lemons, so they used a few of them for odd-jobs, like the testing of BG technology. After all, Kinunirs are expendable, aren't they ? Why risk a BG overload on a larger and better ship ?
IMTU, the few surviving BGs aboard Kinunirs are still ancient artefacts. 3rd imperium-era balck globes are the subject of much speculation in naval circles, but none have been installed except on some very hush-hush experimental platforms.
IMTU also, the AI discussed in ADV1 doesn't exist, period. It's some kind of "urban legend" to be discussed in front of a vilani beer at Brubeck's.
rancke wrote:

"My take is that they never figured out how to build them. The Imperium wouldn't have known how to if they hadn't reverse-engineered those Ancient black globe generators."

Mr. Rancke-Madsen,

Bingo. Knowing something is possible is half the battle. The Imperium has operating relic Ancient black globes to marvel over and the pre-Maghiz Darrians did not(1).

"Just because you have the necessary tech level to build something (if you only knew how to) doesn't necessarily mean you know how to."

Again, entirely correct. You can build a nifty refrigerator at TTL 1 or 2 with two clay pots, some fine sand, and water. Of course, you need an understanding of thermodynamics from TTL 5 or 6 to actually be aware of the possibility and design the gizmo in question. 'Ret-conning' technology; finagling mid-to-hi tech device designs for lo-tech manufacturing, is a very interesting part of playing with Traveller. All those -2 TTL worlds in the OTU won't have people wearing skins and hunting with spears.

Savage wrote:

"Adv 1 clearly states that the Kinunir was designed as a vanguard cruiser but converted to a colonial cruiser for the war."

Mr. Savage,

A:1 was also written prior to most of the materials that make up the OTU Setting. It contains bits that cannot be reconciled with later canoncial information. The Kinunirs predate HG2 and even small to midsized HG2 warships will stomp the Kinunirs flat. They may be hell-on-wheels in a LBB:2 Imperial Navy, but in an HG2 enviroment they are a liability.

The Kinunir globes have a USP rating of 1. They can either flicker at 10%; absorbing only 10% of all EPs from various weapon strikes, or 100%; absorbing all EPs. With no additional capacitors installed, the vessels' jump drives can only hold 900 EPs. A single factor-9 nuc missile battery would land that many EPs into a Kinunir globe operating at 100% flicker each time it hits. When operating at 10% the globe only gives the Kinunirs two additional levels of armor. No spinal mounts need be wasted against a Kinunir, even a flight of SDBs can overload that class' globes in 2 or 3 combat rounds.

"No, mention of a line of cruisers just for experimentation. Also, no mention that they never were successful with shipboard AIs."

As I said, it was an IMTU explanation. I could not make them 'fit' a HG2 Imperial Navy. Leaving their size aside, even their weapons load out, screen choices, gee rating, and agility are less than optimal. They can be used to add 'muscle' to a flotilla of 400 dTon patrollers. Their jump capsule tubes and marine quarters give them an interesting interface capability too. What I can't make work is the idea of them being 'vanguard', 'colonial', or any other type of cruiser. They may be in LBB:2 but that idea is ludicrous in HG2.

It's not the best thing to put your ancients tech on a ship that sucks unless your trying to improve it. BGs are useful but not for every battle and every situation hence they added nuclear dampers...

Savage wrote:

"It's not the best thing to put your ancients tech on a ship that sucks unless your trying to improve it."

Mr. Savage,

As I originally wrote, IMTU the globes aboard the Kinunirs are not relic Ancient technology. Instead, they are the first, partially deployable, wholly Imperial built black globes. What's more, the limited capabilities of these globes; both in flicker rate and volume shielded, drove the design of the Kinunir class of vessels.

These first, wholly Imperial built, globes could only shield a limited spherical volume, thus the Kinunirs are small vessels. 1250 dTons corresponds to a heavy SDB, not to a purported cruiser. The globes; with only two flicker rates, either 10% or 100%, provide very little in the way of protection, thus the Kinunirs are very little in the way of being actual combat vessels. They carry no additional capacitors, sport an odd weapons mix, have no armor, poor screens, low gees, and low agility.

So, we have a small, odd vessel of limited combat capability known for carrying various experimental pieces of equipment; black globes, HAL 5700, and who knows what else. What does that say to you? Is it a vanguard cruiser? A colonial cruiser? A pull toy for some admiral's kiddies? To my mind, it screams 'test bed', field operability testing, and special ops. YMMV.

"BGs are useful but not for every battle and every situation hence they added nuclear dampers..."

Yeah, right. Factor-5 nuc dampers that allow factor-9 nuc missile salvos to penetrate 26 times out of 36 tries; a 'to penetrate' roll of 6+. And the Kinunirs carry all of two factor-5 laser batteries, which allow a factor-9 missile strike to penetrate on a roll of 1+. No sandcasters either. Yup, the Kuninirs needn't use their globes in battle - not that they should be anywhere near a real battle in the first place. A well handled pair of Gazelles could take out a Kinunir; remember that globe works as armor for both the Kinunir carrying it and the vessels it is shooting at.

Let's see... Too small, crappy weapons, too slow, poor agility, no armor, so-so computer rating... Tell me, just what role do they fill IYTU's Imperial Navy?

IMTU, I've ret-conned them into an odd jobs role. A:1 had different plans for them but A:1 predates most of the OTU and no longer fits the setting. The Kinunirs no longer fit the OTU either. We must make stone soup with them.

Originally posted by Larsen E. Whipsnade:
So, we have a small, odd vessel of limited combat capability known for carrying various experimental pieces of equipment; black globes, HAL 5700, and who knows what else. What does that say to you? Is it a vanguard cruiser? A colonial cruiser? A pull toy for some admiral's kiddies? To my mind, it screams 'test bed', field operability testing, and special ops. YMMV.
It's actually quite obvious what it's for: toy licensing. Either that or Reality Trivee.

Nonsense aside, the stealth aspect of black globes isn't really represented in HG2. Of course, it's a very limited stealth, since the "cloaked" vessel can't see out either(!), but it's still real. That gives it a special ops capability that is actually useful.

But I still like the Virus weapon idea. It's Virus, which means that not everyone will be fond of the concept, but an experimental weapon that would make all existing capital ships obselete is actually good space opera nonsense. (It probably wasn't incredibly clever to install it in the main ship's computer, but...)

It's even better in that the form of Virus that was actually eventually deployed did sweep most of the existing capital ships away - and left vessels like the Kinunir class kings of the spaceways!

All good silliness. Stone soup indeed!

Alan B
I agree that it makes a good experimental platform. The concept IMTU is that they make an excellent SOF deployment ship. You can do a hell of alot of damage deploying three of them witht he right vector out of jump with the screens up for a close pass on a planet and dropping a Company of TL-15 Commandos on a planet before anyone knew you were in system. They definitely aren't good for much else. And each carrying only a small platoon, could be more of the Green Beret A-Team concept. (Reality, as in a cadre for the locals, not the TV series.
But that could prove extremely effective. Or add Grav-belts to your Battledress to make your Marines more like Mobile Infantry and rename the ship the Rodger Young.
Since SOF deployment has always been highly classified, the multiple names, the cost, the weird combination of systems and most importantly the drop capsules tells me that the class type and names were just a smoke screen for a classified project. After all would you really want to advertise what your SOF teams were going to arrive in?
Actually Larsen, I was referring to Thierry's comments about ancient globes with my 3:52 message. Sorry, for the ego blow but I didn't even read your 3:47 note.
... but if we want to go there, I suppose I should try and catch up.

First things first, I never called the A1 version is perfect. I'm certain a traveller design contest would come up with a better 1200/1250t multi-role design given similar criteria;
- energy weapons, marine contingent with deployment equipment, basic cargo space, secondary bridge, average performance, a BG,...
- It appears to me that if this ship was anything its only purpose wast as a marine squad deployment platform.
- Post CT releases made efforts to improve this ship
- HG2 hindsight is 20/20 and a waste of time to discuss. Most early designs were flawed.

Secondly, you may call it a floaty toy instead of a cruiser for all I care. Several vessel in CT are mis-categorized.

Third, Older vessels make fine test beds for the effectiveness of new functionality and research. If your only testing a particular line of vessels then the others will suffer greatly.

Most colonial cruisers served an ISS, system patrol squadron or liason role of some sort.
They're designated lead for a number of scouts, gazelle or missile corvettes assigned to them. I operate MTU at two levels capital ship squadrons and small mission squadrons. I'd say the later is the norm they fit into. Capital ships are expensive to operate and in a shattered imperium too precious to risk without due cause.

Of my Kinunir class almost all have been modified, upgrades or changed in some fashion to better handle an assigned role. Very rarely do they need to operate alone. But I've upgraded many other vessels too because that's how my navies solve their problems.

If you don't like the 10% flicker replace it with armour...or eat up precious cargo for a few extra capacitors and a larger BG or better damper.

1. Does everyone in your campaign get all of the nukes they want? In my shattered Imperium they're looked at with more distaste than ever and considered a "last resort" weapon. Unless we're discussing suicide strain virus...
2. Does your Imperium upgrade vessels or start from scratch after each first generation?
3. On a constructive note, if we're making the Kinunir class most effective, what is the best system upgrade?

The bottom line:
The Kinunir is a ship that was built in the imperium IMTU and I don't believe the navy would willingly waste resources without working to improve the product first. We're not talking about Sgt York here. The Imperium had 20 units, more on order, and a significant manufacturing investment.

Originally posted by Savage:
The bottom line:
The Kinunir is a ship that was built in the imperium IMTU and I don't believe the navy would willingly waste resources without working to improve the product first. We're not talking about Sgt York here. The Imperium had 20 units, more on order, and a significant manufacturing investment.
Just to toss in another factor to consider: Only one third of the marines in the sample crew in The Kinunir (that of the Luuru) has battledress training. And as we all know, Imperial marines all have battledress training. To resolve this discrepancy, I've decided that the Luuru belongs to a subsector navy (probably the Duchy of Regina Navy) and that those are Duchy of Regina Marine Corps marines rather than regular Imperial Marines. (Note that IMO subsector organizations still count as 'Imperial service').

I haven't made up my mind about all the ramifications. Did the IN build all the Kinunirs and later transfer some or all to subsector navies? Or did it start out as a joint venture, the IN buying half and a couple of subsector navies buying the rest? Certainly the Regal Splendour must have belonged to the IN for Empress iolanthe to be the one to donate it to the Vegans. And two of them were built on Mars...

Did the IN build all the Kinunirs and later transfer some or all to subsector navies? Or did it start out as a joint venture, the IN buying half and a couple of subsector navies buying the rest?
Rancke you bring up a fine point which I've considered. Presently, my players are on a mission to recover cargo from the Luuru in a mission in Corridor 1212. I've made some efforts to help them learn about the Imperium by showing the differences between their vessel and the Luuru. I've also upgraded her to meet Fighting Ships specs plus a few other changes.

We know that the several shipyards built the Kinunir class and that it was modified with increased tonnage and nuclear dampers in Fighting Ships. And that Supp9 refers to is as a better escort but it also several other designations.

When planes are built in today's world the builders will get airlines or others to partner on the construction and/or purchase the first X number of planes. There is a break even point and the partner can profit moving forward.
I'd expect that the original class failures would result in efforts by all builders to improve the series and efforts by the navy to refit existing units. The missing Kinunir would be the only ship meeting the original specs eventually.

Its probably the best option for a refit, and start producing it again type vessel. Although, no canon says it was produced again, it would be a significant waste not too, even if it only filled out subsector patrols.
It did appear again as a common vessel in TNE: BL with several changes including missile storage in the cargo hold, a 30t ships boat instead of a pinnace.

Your assumptions works for me.

Savage wrote:

"Actually Larsen, I was referring to Thierry's comments about ancient globes with my 3:52 message."

Mr. Savage,

Oops, mea culpa.

"Sorry, for the ego blow but I didn't even read your 3:47 note."

Please don't waste any time worrying about my ego. I never do!

"First things first, I never called the A1 version is perfect. I'm certain a traveller design contest would come up with a better 1200/1250t multi-role design given similar criteria; ..." (snip of criteria)

The A:1 design is poor and, as you point out, cannot and should not be viewed in hindsight. Kinunir was 'built' before HG2. Trying to understand it in HG2 terms in futile. Sadly, HG2 is our only large look at the Imperial Navy; especially given the status of MT's 'Fighting Ships' publication. We've been trying to come up with a plausible, in-game reason for the Kinunirs' oddities. You've suggested one, I've suggested another, and, depending on various personal criteria, one or the other or neither may fit other peoples' TUs.

"Secondly, you may call it a floaty toy instead of a cruiser for all I care. Several vessels in CT are mis-categorized."

True. We know the meta-game reason for this; they were created prior to HG2. What is your in-game reason for it though?

"Third, Older vessels make fine test beds for the effectiveness of new functionality and research. If your only testing a particular line of vessels then the others will suffer greatly."

Sorry, I don't buy that. In the real world, you don't 'test' or 'research' particular lines, or classes, of vessels. You test or research particular equipment and then see if that equipment can improve various vessels. Improvements come more from without than from within.

Look at the 688s. The 'Los Angeles', despite being the lead vessel, may as well be a completely different submarine than the later hulls like 'Topeka' or 'San Juan'. However, they didn't build 'Los Angeles' simply to 'test' or 'research' the 688 class of SSNs and improve on the follow-up hulls. She was built to be a working vessel in her own right. The submarines that followed her were improved upon primarily through advances in various technologies that were then made to work within the 688 hull. 'Topeka' and 'San Juan' carry better and different weapons, better sensors, better computers, and so forth not because 'Los Angeles' exhibited flaws that needed correction but because advances in technology made certain equipment available. Yes, there were lessons learned from 'Los Angeles' that were incorporated into later hulls, but those changes are just a tiny portion of the sum total of upgrades.

Kinunir cannot be nothing but a lashed up guinea pig of a combatant smoke tested in order that her failures can make the follow-on vessels better. She needs to be a working vessel in her own right and her job, a described in A:1, is ludicrous. Her actual job must be something else.

"IMTU: Most colonial cruisers served an ISS, system patrol squadron or liason role of some sort. They're designated lead for a number of scouts, gazelle or missile corvettes assigned to them."

That's a very suitable role for them. Kinunir's marine contingent would give those vessels an option they normally lack.

"I operate MTU at two levels capital ship squadrons and small mission squadrons."

IMTU, I use task forces. Each is put together from the assets a fleet has at hand. Squadrons are primarily administrative groupings that focus on the specialized training and supply needs of each broad combatant classification. YMMV.

"I'd say the later is the norm they fit into. Capital ships are expensive to operate and in a shattered imperium too precious to risk without due cause."

True. Capital ships are capital intensive, both in terms of manufacture and supply. The various factions of the Shattered Imperium may find them constrained in their operation.

"Of my Kinunir class almost all have been modified, upgrades or changed in some fashion to better handle an assigned role. Very rarely do they need to operate alone."

Given the economic constraints the Shattered Imperium's factions face, wouldn't a vessel with relatively limited combat capabilities that very rarely operates alone be a bit of a burden? Your Kinunirs only deploy as part of a squadron. That rather limits their operational flexibility, doesn't it?

"But I've upgraded many other vessels too because that's how my navies solve their problems."

Surely that's how all navies solve their problems.

"Suggestions: If you don't like the 10% flicker replace it with armour...or eat up precious cargo for a few extra capacitors and a larger BG or better damper."

Therein lays the rub. When Kuninir was designed for A:1, there was no other type of BG - they arrived with HG2. If we want to avoid looking at Kinunir through HG2 hindsight, as you suggested, we've got to make her work 'as is'. I've suggested that she is a multi-role vessel specifically built to operationally test and take advantage of a piece of bleeding edge Imperial technology. You've suggested she was originally a mistake and has been continually upgraded into some form of utility. Who knows? Folks will choose the answer that best suits their campaign.

"Questions: 1. Does everyone in your campaign get all of the nukes they want? In my shattered Imperium they're looked at with more distaste than ever and considered a "last resort" weapon. Unless we're discussing suicide strain virus..."

Nucs are available to navies and not to the general public. 'Distaste' with their use is limited to their use in biospheres. They're just too useful in space. You list HG2 as a favorite supplement in your profile. Look at the damage tables, do you want to suffer that +6 DM on the damage rolls all the time?

With regards to suicide strain Virus, is Virus using the nucs or are Virus' opponents using the nucs? I'm assuming the former as it would pretty odd to have a section of your missile magazine labeled 'Only For Use In Case Of Virus'.

"2. Does your Imperium upgrade vessels or start from scratch after each first generation?"

Upgrade naturally, but they also cut their losses. If a class is a dog, or technology passes it by, or fails to meet requirements, or the tactical idea or role it was meant to fill was wrong, why keep producing it? New vessel classes (hopefully) build on the lessons learned from previous classes too.

"3. On a constructive note, if we're making the Kinunir class most effective, what is the best system upgrade?"

Armor for starters, then a better damper. Dump the big boat to get some dTons to work with. Max out the turret loads too and add sandcasters if the EPs start creeping up. Drop the gees in order to get some agility. The BG is a puzzle. As I previously posted, a 10% flicker rate really doesn't confer any advantage in combat (that is one reason why I went looking for a non or semi combat role for the vessel). Either dump the globe or add capacitors; 900 EPs can arrive in a hurry and the Kinunir can't shed them that quickly either.

"The bottom line: The Kinunir is a ship that was built in the imperium IMTU and I don't believe the navy would willingly waste resources without working to improve the product first."

Ever read any naval history? Especially that of the pre-dreadnaught era? Let's start with USS Vesuvius, a 'dynamite gun cruiser' that lobbed 15-inch shells filled with dynamite pneumatically. She actually deployed off Cuba during the Span-Am War. A complete lemon, nothing to improve there, after ripping out her 3-gun battery she was still too slow to work as a message sloop. How about USS Katahdin? A semi-submersible steam ram of the same vintage built with the 'lessons' of the 1866 Battle of Lissa firmly in mind. Torpedo-shaped with minimal and sacrificial upper works, she was designed to ram vessels attacking harbors. It was even claimed she'd pass right through their hulls! Ramming looked good on paper and on the sand table, but proved nearly impossible in practice though. A 'good' idea proven wrong during actual testing and a vessel built that had no other use.

Next, peruse the French fleet of the period. Every ship there was an experiment, they even had trouble finding vessels whose steaming speeds were close enough to allow them to work as a squadron. They also eschewed large guns for dozens of quick firers, the 'storm of shells' idea that the Japanese proved so very wrong at Tsushima. Google the circular Russian river ironclads next. Lovely vessels, plenty to 'improve' on there, couldn't even steam in a brisk current and they built a half dozen or so before giving up. Take a look at Britain's WW1 steam driven 'fleet' submarines next. Built on the assumption that Kaiser Bill had U-boats that could keep up with the High Seas Fleet, they sported actual boilers to make high surface speeds and killed most of their crews quite handily. Testing that line of vessels proved nothing but the fact that men can't breathe water.

"We're not talking about Sgt York here."

Oh yes we are! Check out the USN's pre-WW2 subchaser idea. FDR loved them, too bad they didn't work worth a damn. Too small to carry enough depth charges, too small to handle bad weather, not enough speed in heavy seas, no endurance, we built dozens of the worthless things instead of the militarized USCG cutters Adm. King's design board suggested. They were eventually 'upgraded' and 'improved' after 'testing', upgraded and improved into anti-submarine net minders in various harbors that is.

"The Imperium had 20 units, more on order, and a significant manufacturing investment."

Bull. Twenty Kinunirs equals only 25,000 dTons and the Third Imperium has single cruisers that displace more than that alone. Building twenty Kinunirs was a drop in the Imperial construction tonnage ocean.

I'll stick with my original take on the Kinunir; The Imperium produced its first black globe that didn't need Ancient relic parts. A class of vessels, the Kinunirs, was designed to fit around the specific capabilities of the new globe, test the utility of it, and hopefully use it for an edge in combat. Unfortunately, the combat utility of these wholly Imperial manufactured globes proved to be very limited and the class of vessels was unable to fulfill their designed role. Construction of additional hulls was stopped and other roles were scrounged up for the vessels already built. Some were upgraded to meet new requirements, some were scrapped, some were given away, and some found a new life as the odd patroller, but all were a failure in their originally intended role.

Naturally, YMMV and that's what makes Traveller so much fun.

Originally posted by rancke:

And as we all know, Imperial marines all have battledress training.
I believe that this idea was introduced with MegaTraveller and not Classic Traveller, and therefore can't apply to A:1.
Larsen, True Traveller is a great game. And where else could we have such a hardy debate over 25,000t of starship...as you put so well.

True. We know the meta-game reason for this; they were created prior to HG2. What is your in-game reason for it though?
Excessive expansion and tech changes in the Imperium. What was occuring in the IN at core was not always communicated well to the Marches.

With regards to suicide strain Virus, is Virus using the nucs or are Virus' opponents using the nucs? I'm assuming the former as it would pretty odd to have a section of your missile magazine labeled 'Only For Use In Case Of Virus'.
IMTU nucs are limited. Virus has an easier time obtaining them and absolutely no issues in using them. Energy is good. Some Imperium remnants have them but use them only when required.... labelled 'for bad days only'.

We're not talking about Sgt York here."

Oh yes we are! Check out the USN's pre-WW2 subchaser idea. FDR loved them, too bad they didn't work worth a damn. Too small to carry enough depth charges, too small to handle bad weather, not enough speed in heavy seas, no endurance, we built dozens of the worthless things instead of the militarized USCG cutters Adm. King's design board suggested. They were eventually 'upgraded' and 'improved' after 'testing', upgraded and improved into anti-submarine net minders in various harbors that is.
Naval history sure. Ah..no there not. My point was that York was dumped when it failed. We see the Kinunir continue as a Colonial Cruiser (upgraded) into TNE. This requires explanation. We've arrived at two of them.

Given the economic constraints the Shattered Imperium's factions face, wouldn't a vessel with relatively limited combat capabilities that very rarely operates alone be a bit of a burden? Your Kinunirs only deploy as part of a squadron. That rather limits their operational flexibility, doesn't it?
Burden. Ships are at a premium in the shattered imperium. If it can be more effective by upgrading then by all means, do so. Then place it on patrol or destroyer escort duty. Although, I do agree with your upgrades. I'd leave the globe. The 100% On feature is useful.

Here's my take on the idea of a Kinunir replacement. I eliminated the drop capsule tubes and she drops into the atmosphere to deploy her marines.

Ship: Totfleisch
Class: Totfleisch
Type: Provincial Destroyer
Architect: Leslie Bates
Tech Level: 15

DP-A2447G2-200510-50206-0 MCr 1,319.868 1.2 KTons
Bat Bear 2 2 1 Crew: 69
Bat 2 2 1 TL: 15

Cargo: 17.000 Fuel: 569.000 EP: 84.000 Agility: 0 Marines: 35
Craft: 3 x 8T G-Carrier, 1 x 30T Ship's Boat
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops and On Board Fuel Purification

Architects Fee: MCr 13.009 Cost in Quantity: MCr 1,059.694

Detailed Description

1,200.000 tons standard, 16,800.000 cubic meters, Cone Configuration

12 Officers, 22 Ratings, 35 Marines

Jump-4, 4G Manuever, Power plant-7, 84.000 EP, Agility 0

Bridge, Model/7fib Computer

12 Hardpoints

6 Triple Missile Turrets organised into 1 Battery (Factor-6), 4 Triple Beam Laser Turrets organised into 2 Batteries (Factor-5), 2 Particle Accelerator Turrets organised into 2 Batteries (Factor-2)

Nuclear Damper (Factor-5), Black Globe (Factor-1) with 24.000 tons of capacitors (storing 864.000 energy points), Armoured Hull (Factor-2)

3 8.000 ton G-Carriers (Crew of 0, Cost of MCr 1.000), 1 30.000 ton Ship's Boat (Crew of 1, Cost of MCr 16.000)

569.000 Tons Fuel (4 parsecs jump and 28 days endurance, plus 5.000 tons of additional fuel)
On Board Fuel Scoops, On Board Fuel Purification Plant

38.0 Staterooms, 17.000 Tons Cargo

MCr 1,313.877 Singly (incl. Architects fees of MCr 13.009), MCr 1,040.694 in Quantity, plus MCr 19.000 of Carried Craft

123 Weeks Singly, 99 Weeks in Quantity

TL-15 Imperial Provincial Destroyer
Designed with High Guard Shipyard
I'm not trying to rewrite history or do anything else Orwellian, I just thought I'd float an idea and see what people think.

Is the Kinunir really just a platform to transport, support and defend a Marine company (is that the right size unit)? It's not really suited, apparently, for ship-to-ship/major combat ops in a post HG2 reality but it seems to me to be a good next step up from the classic Type T patrol cruiser.

Just a thought. . .
Well in a post virus universesurviving Kinunirs are battlecruisers, ummm. Here we go again.

Seriously though in wilds areas where the average PE has dropped to TL11 or 12 an operating Kinunir with or without a BG is a capital ship. THE TNE version with the big lasers can actually penetrate pretty thick armour (1386 to be precise) though at that hull thickness no internal damage results. I find it quiet funny that the ship works better in TNE than it does in the system it was most used in. But each to their own. In a blasted universe the vessel is a battlecruiser in a more established setting they are back at small task force leaders and escorts.