Hi all after being gone so long. A topic close to my heart. I redesigned HG for my own purposes. I love the HG feel of combat and design.
The design system was built AFTER the combat system. I decided how I’d like combat to flow, what would be the important tradeoffs, and how the mechanics would work and made the design support that. I use an excel spreadsheet to design but this can implemented in a slot/module approach.
Some of my ideas….
- There really should be some scaling up and down of armor (and meson screens.) Not only is this more realistic since the surface area of the ship (or the "bubble" protected by the meson screen) does not grow proportionally to the ship's volume - it would also provide a much needed boost to the survivability of larger vessels.
Agreed. I took an arbitrary thickness of armor, say 1m for armor factor of 1 then calculated the % of a ships volume consumed by that, for a sphere and a few other solids. The difference between shapes was minimal in the grand scheme but use a multiplier for dispersed design.
To avoid big ships have ridiculously high armor ratings, the armor scale is non-linear (as is all combat values in my redesign). That is, an armor rating of 3 would be 9 times thicker than 1. To keep big ships in line, I estimated that a fraction of armor includes “cross bracing” something a smaller ship would not need. So your advantage of being a big ship tails off.
Result, fighters might sport an armor of 1, mid size ships 2-4, and big ships 2-6. Given the non-linear scale getting a high armor rating is a sacrifice in other areas.
- I'd like to see some tech level scaling for Electronics and maneuver drives. For the latter, this could be accomplished relatively easily by a flat bonus for higher TLs. For the former, ...
I include this as an energy point or volume savings for the same rating. A simple slot approach would be to give a higher TL ship an effective higher volume for design purposes. For example a higher tech ship might get more slots/modules for a given volume than a lower one.
- "Military" components, meaning screens, weapons, armor and high-level computers, should be more expensive.
Yes. I scale cost with volume, as there is a non-linear scale; military grade ratings for weapons, etc. are very expensive. An average Free Trader may have Sensor 1, a Patrol Cruiser Sensor 4. I implemented a design parameter called “Structure.” Increased Structure increases the % of your ship you can dedicate to weapons, again the volume consumed is non-linear. A merchant or pirate ship can’t afford a huge % dedicated to structure, a military ship can as it is not expected to make money.
- Costs should rise with tech level. … The way it is now, a lower-tech, less capable ship is often more expensive than its higher tech counterpart.
In my design cost are in constant TL 12 credits. So low TL are “cheap” to build for a high TL planet but still budget busters for the low TL planet. For example, the Saturn V is expensive to a TL 7 culture but by TL 12 it is cheap.
- This is not a major point, but I'd prefer a quick and simple design formula for spinal mounts instead of a table which seems to have some regular progression in it.
Done. A spinal mount in my thinking is any weapon system fixed into the hull, for a given rating you get a volume savings for this (one derived from the HG bay tables vs turret tables). You can use up to a certain % of your ship volume for the spinal and weapons of any sort. In a slot/module design approach I would make this a simple cost savings as for larger ships as you pay a targeting penalty for a spinal. The fighter fixed mount idea is subsumed as a spinal.
Okay, let's not beat around the bush - combat is broken. The major issues:
- Inelegant line/reserve system.
For myself I’ve never been too perturbed by this. I do however make it easier to “break-through” the line and have included a rule where ships can “close” to get at reserves. It’s a simple roll modified by ship number difference and drive G difference. That is 1 ship can’t hold off multiple ships, or a bunch of slow ships are not going to stop a reasonable number of fighters. To better get my pacific theater fix, one weapon system you can have is called “point” which is a mis-mash of your TL fastest tracking and targeting weapons. This “flak” is a modifier to fighters getting through the line.
- Reliance on clunky tables. (Though that probably can't be helped.)
Everything I do is by formula. Original ones were derived from the HG weapon rating progression table. Every weapon follows the same progression (e.g. n^2+1) there may a simple scale factor and price and energy point factor. The energy point factor is the big one as the total weapon volume, when I did the design I took into account the total power plant volume you’d need to power the thing.
- Gazillions of die rolls with larger ships.
God yes. My redesign was motivated by wanting massive battles, quick and with a pacific theater/battleship duel feel. My solution, there are a couple ways you can roll your to hit, All-or-Nothing one roll for all your weapons (you get a +1 for this to encourage you). At worst each weapon type (spinal, beams, energy, particle, missile, etc.) gets one roll. That is, the details of how many beam laser you have and how they are grouped doesn’t matter. You have, e.g., 20 beam lasers. That is a rating 4, that is the modifier/attack factor for your beam. You make one roll with that factor.
At most you would have 7 rolls per ship. In practice maybe 4 as the crew requirements are higher when you have multiple different systems. There are no multiple table rolls, all bonuses and defenses are modifiers to the one roll. There are different tables and modifiers for each weapon type.
This, of course, presents a new problem, I’ll just make a bunch of small ships since those 120 beam lasers that give a rating of 7 can only fire at one. To address this, you can divide that 7 up into seven attacks of 1, still roll one time, and attack 7 ships with a factor of 1. Not an effective anti-fighter design as that factor 7 takes 42 times the space of seven factor 1’s. Note high factors are needed to punch through defenses, they are a modifier to you hit and damage roll. Second, depending on the battle scale, you need to group fighters and such into flights of 4, there are benefits but damage can spill over onto any fighter in the flight.
- Unrealistic design effects such as the good old damage-soaking single plasma gun battery.
No more. If you take a weapon 2 hit in my design two weapon factors need to go. If you are out of weapons? There is a chart for what is hit next.
- Inability of small, agile ships to ever hit each other (and if they do, to do any significant damage.)
In my design it is the relative agility of fleets that matters because you are not going to leave you slowest ship behind. Likewise I have a “closing” box/position. This is where you fighter duels may occur and where you went to send you fighters and agile ships so they are not hindered by the big ships. So the modifier of two equally agile ships/fleets is zero.
… It is especially unsuited for PC-level combat.
To make it PC friendly, crew skill/quality comes into play. Again top down design. In a fleet level scale it is simply a quality factor. For PC’s level combat, the weapons no longer need to be grouped, each gunner can roll independently for each gun, player description of what they do could be used to raise or lower a modifier etc.
There is a role for the Commander, Pilot, Gunner, Engineer, Sensor/Computer Officer, Doctor, and in certain scenarios the Science officer.
A great Sensor officer gives you an advantage on your Sensor roll (subsuming all jamming, tracking etc.) you win you get a + for that round.
The best Fleet Commander (Fleet or Ship Tactics) gives their fleet + to the initiative roll if you win you get to see what you opponent plans to do first AND you choose range.
Good Pilots mostly make the difference to fighters or in ship-to-ship.
Gunners, goes without saying.
Engineer, you get a repair roll each turn, these guys help with that.
Doctor, it’s not all machines, well maybe it is then the “doctor” is the Tech, you get a repair roll each turn to recover crew hits or thaw out the frozen watch.
In some scenarios you are facing unknown tech and species, you have a minus until your Science officer figures it out.
I posted on this several years ago. Since then I have taken to heart many of the comments and simplified.
It does not have grids, facing, etc. The focus is on ship design and strategy. There are strategic choices to make, where to place ships, reserve, line, close. Do you launch fighters and forgo an attack or repair roll? Or did you design you ship with launch tubes (a volume hog) so you can launch without penalty? Do you use missiles now while your attack factor may be high but you opponent’s defenses are unharmed? In this design you have a limited number of missile salvos (typically 2-10).
It is still not a “fast game.” A turn is 5-10 minutes for two fleets each with about 20-25 ships/fighter formations. Or upwards of 50+ ships in some games if fighters are counted individually. A conclusion is usually reached in 8-14 turns, so a game is 2-3 hours long. It is far faster than I could ever play HG for the comparable ship size and numbers.