Ken,Originally posted by Supplement Four:
Right now, under my house rules...
Please don't misunderstand me. I like the UGM. If I ever get the chance to run a campaign again and the players aren't too wedded to one RPG system, I'm going to give it a try. I like the fact that you and 2-4601 have kept a continually updated 'open source' document for it too.
I also very much like the fact that you've been kind enough to provide COTI with a sort of 'live action' designer's notes. We've got to see the system being built from Day One and we've got to see why you made the decisions you did. It's been fascinating watching it all come together.
What I'm worried about is that you might not know when to quit. My friends who write for a living tell me the hardest part about writing is knowing when to quit. You get lost in a maze of corrections, updates, and whatnot. I don't want UGM to end up being tinkered to death.
That's always a good idea. Sometimes the results help you with what you already have. Sometimes the results help you with another project entirely. Knowing when not to add something is the hardest thing to learn.I was just exploring options to improve the system...brainstorming, if you will.
I guess the best analogy I can come up with is the light speed limit, and it's a poor one. As you get closer and closer to the limit, it takes more and more to increase your velocity. You get diminishing returns. The same holds true in game designs. Let me bleat on about that with another example.
A minis group I belonged to had a member who wanted to write a fast, moderately detailed, Age of Sail ruels set that emphasized command & control, seamanship, and gunnery in that order. He began quickly and we tested various rules for him at our weekly meetings.
He reached a point where the rules were 'good enough', all they needed was some polishing and a bit of streamlining. We enjoyed playing them and they emphasized what he had wanted them to at the beginning. Then things changed. He kept chasing some chimera, kept looking for the next tweak that would 'finish' the rules and make them closer to 'perfect'. Updates came further and further apart. He didn't want to make copies because they weren't 'ready' yet. Years later he still hasn't 'finished' them although they've gotten more and more baroque.
He got mired in the process and lost sight of the goal. He forgot that each additional tweak needed to be examined very closely. He forgot to be ruthless with his design, he forgot to protect it even from his own ideas.
And now he has nothing.
You already adjust to-hit rolls by DEX in UGM. GDW felt that DEX limits modeled recoil issues well enough. Might DEX limits do the same in your rule set too?
Have fun,