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New Broadsword deckplans posted

Originally posted by George Boyett:
Hey Guys! I just found the GIF of the Corsair deckplans! :D :cool:

Nishenami Corsair

Please note this is not my creation. I found it somewhere on the web. If anyone knows the name of the creator would be helpful for all.
Thats the MT li'l devil, she is... Good scholarship GAB!
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Thats the MT li'l devil, she is... Good scholarship GAB!
Actually it wasn't that hard. It was on an archive CD that I just happen to be using this weekend. :D
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by George Boyett:
Ah two more souls to bring back to the True Canon.

Time to get the Tomes out and light the brasiers!
You'll need more than Bell, Book, and Candle lad.
;) :D
</font>[/QUOTE]Did I mention what I had in the brasiers?

Oh I have a whole of bunch of fun toys!

If the heretics really, I mean really annoy me. I can always get out the soft cushions and the Comfy Chair! :eek:
Originally posted by George Boyett:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Thats the MT li'l devil, she is... Good scholarship GAB!
Actually it wasn't that hard. It was on an archive CD that I just happen to be using this weekend. :D </font>[/QUOTE]---------------------------------
I was expectin' "Elementary my dear Liam", actually!
SSSSSH! Yer reputation as a miracle worker is in jeopardy with lines like that!
Originally posted by George Boyett:
Time to get the Tomes out and light the brasiers!
You'll need more than Bell, Book, and Candle lad.
[/QUOTE]Did I mention what I had in the brasiers?

Oh I have a whole of bunch of fun toys!

If the heretics really, I mean really annoy me. I can always get out the soft cushions and the Comfy Chair! :eek:
Here that lads? Game at GAB's house!!!! :D ;)
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by George Boyett:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Thats the MT li'l devil, she is... Good scholarship GAB!
Actually it wasn't that hard. It was on an archive CD that I just happen to be using this weekend. :D </font>[/QUOTE]---------------------------------
I was expectin' "Elementary my dear Liam", actually!
SSSSSH! Yer reputation as a miracle worker is in jeopardy with lines like that!
</font>[/QUOTE]No it's still a miracle because I found the right archive while redoing my computer library. As I was getting an unrelated doc I just happened to see in a download folder the GIF.
Originally posted by George Boyett:
No it's still a miracle because I found the right archive while redoing my computer library. As I was getting an unrelated doc I just happened to see in a download folder the GIF.[/QUOTE]
Well, well done anyways! I have some PC's wanting to know what the interior looked like (had to let the bugger "get away" for now. I shall amend that letting them get a closer look at their quarry this wekend!

Thanx a bunch!
your friendly neighborhood heretic at large..
I luv the Deck Plans, My GM is happy as a clam that i found them,

now what could i do to get a Solomani Torp Boat maybe???

Keep up the great work!!

Originally posted by Solomani Marine:
I luv the Deck Plans, My GM is happy as a clam that i found them,

now what could i do to get a Solomani Torp Boat maybe???
Got some stats and or illos of one? Is this a PT-boatoid or an SDB?
Originally posted by Tanuki:
I've posted new/varient deckplans for the 800 dton Broadsword Class Mercenary Cruiser at http://www.sff.net/people/kitsune/traveller/

Please take a look. I'd appreciate comments and suggestions.

I'm calling this the Longsword subclass as it differs quite a bit from the old GDW deckplans. I computed volumes and the Broadsword, as published, is actually over 1200 dtons -- a bit more generous than the usual 20%. This one is a lot closer to being the right size.
Hey! Great Deckplans Tanuki!

Do you mind if I ask what program you built them in?

Yes i was looking for a Layout for the Small Jump Capable TorpBoats like the ones in the reprint of Imperium 3rd...

high Missle firepower, no beams at all, but very good at expending them selves for high damage return..

Thanks for considering it..

Also, i got the Beta1.14 of the Shipyard but cant get the T20 system to come on, any Hints maybe??

Originally posted by Solo:
Hey! Great Deckplans Tanuki! Do you mind if I ask what program you built them in?
Thanks. :cool: I use CC2 Pro (latest version of Campaign Cartographer) and PaintShop Pro.
How many missiles?
Here's the rest under the Freelance Trav Shipyard HG2 fixes section:

HG2 Retrofit: Missile Bays
A giant missile turret, firing enlarged heavy missiles or "torpedoes". Before the introduction of nuclear dampers and meson guns at TL12, the primary ship-killing weapon. (Retrofitted to the original CT starship design system from High Guard 2.)

50-ton Missile Bay
Size -- 50 tons
Cost -- MCr 12.5
Crew -- 2
Capacity -- 50 heavy missiles, can fire 5/turn

100-ton Missile Bay
Size -- 100 tons
Cost -- MCr 21
Crew -- 2
Capacity -- 100 heavy missiles, can fire 10/turn

Heavy Missile
An enlarged missile fired from Missile Bays. Commonly called a "torpedo" or "bay missile" to distinguish it from the smaller "turret missiles".

Size --1 ton/round
Cost/round -- 5 x standard turret missile
Damage --1D x 1D hits

-------------------------------------------------- SHip at TL-11:
"This is a family of Tech Level 11, 300-ton warships using a "mini-spinal" mount to pack a 50-ton Heavy Missile Bay, giving them the highest firepower-to-size ratio of any ship in the sky. They are intended to kill medium ships with one salvo or large ships in a "swarm" attack, and form the mainstay of small navies at TL11-12, where missiles are the main ship-killers.
MB Missile Corvette (TL11). 300 tons.
Jump-2, 4-G. 100 tons fuel. Model/5.
8 staterooms, 4 low berths.
1 50-ton missile bay, 2 triple turrets (BSB fit).
25 tons cargo. Streamlined. 10 crew.
MCr 205.8; 16 months.

--by Ken Pick/ Frelance Trav.
There ya go Tanuki... ;)
Thats the Idea im after guys, The Terrans bulit lots of them in tring to hold off the larger Imp fleets, was gonna try to slip one in as salavage during our game, would make a nasty suprise for any Pirate tring to move in on our arms trade on the Rim...

Thanks for the help.. got to head back to work

Liam, Why JPG? You do realize that jpeg format is suboptimal for line and solid color types of graphics, right?