How many missiles?
Here's the rest under the Freelance Trav Shipyard HG2 fixes section:
HG2 Retrofit: Missile Bays
A giant missile turret, firing enlarged heavy missiles or "torpedoes". Before the introduction of nuclear dampers and meson guns at TL12, the primary ship-killing weapon. (Retrofitted to the original CT starship design system from High Guard 2.)
50-ton Missile Bay
Size -- 50 tons
Cost -- MCr 12.5
Crew -- 2
Capacity -- 50 heavy missiles, can fire 5/turn
100-ton Missile Bay
Size -- 100 tons
Cost -- MCr 21
Crew -- 2
Capacity -- 100 heavy missiles, can fire 10/turn
Heavy Missile
An enlarged missile fired from Missile Bays. Commonly called a "torpedo" or "bay missile" to distinguish it from the smaller "turret missiles".
Size --1 ton/round
Cost/round -- 5 x standard turret missile
Damage --1D x 1D hits
-------------------------------------------------- SHip at TL-11:
"This is a family of Tech Level 11, 300-ton warships using a "mini-spinal" mount to pack a 50-ton Heavy Missile Bay, giving them the highest firepower-to-size ratio of any ship in the sky. They are intended to kill medium ships with one salvo or large ships in a "swarm" attack, and form the mainstay of small navies at TL11-12, where missiles are the main ship-killers.
MB Missile Corvette (TL11). 300 tons.
Jump-2, 4-G. 100 tons fuel. Model/5.
8 staterooms, 4 low berths.
1 50-ton missile bay, 2 triple turrets (BSB fit).
25 tons cargo. Streamlined. 10 crew.
MCr 205.8; 16 months.
--by Ken Pick/ Frelance Trav.
There ya go Tanuki...