I think this has already been touched on, but Annic Nova was a bit of a yawner, and I'm guessing it was once more the referee's job to "spice things up" as it were.
Yes it was.
But the upside down version has been shown again and again, so it has become canon. If I tried flipping it over everybody would yell at me.
So, tell the truth: is that docking port on the cargo bay just available for use by the two pinnaces present, or was there originally a third pinnace docked there? Are those two pinnaces all there ever where, or is the third pinnace missing. We've been debating the fate of the original crew for decades.
T4 art did nothing for me, but otherwise I'm fine with the various products produced.
When all is said and done I just want to write for the game, and add my version of Travellerness to the pantheon of material.
A "new" direction? What, something OTHER than Virus or Rebellion? Meh, new geopolitical or interstellar tectonics of somekind don't do it for me. The official setting is there, but the Traveller system is just that, a system, and I'm somewhat shocked that no one bothered to spend the cash on another setting, other than Judges Guild or Gypsy Knights.
Oh well.
I like the "third boat, larger, now missing" hypothesis.
IIRC "garden" is size 5+ atmos 4-9 + hydro 4-8 and "rich" is atmos 6 or 8
so make (for example)
Grade A: size 5+, atmos 6 or 8, hydro 4-8
Grade B: size 5+, atmos 6 or 8, hydro < 4 or > 8
Grade C: size 5+, atmos 4,5,7 or 9, hydro 4-8
Grade D: size 5+, atmos 4,5,7 or 9, hydro < 4 or > 8
Grade E: not garden at all
Grade X: not garden + no gas giant or water
and assume over time the star port grade will gravitate to planet grade.
The planet profile would change to: planet grade, star port, size, atmos, hydro etc so it might be AA686etc for a grade A planet with a grade A star port. A grade A planet that has only been recently colonized might be AD686etc. A sucky world that becomes a trade hub because there's a long chain between grade A worlds might be EB600etc.
rolling for star ports first in the world generation.
Whilst there is a lot to be said for your approach Traveller isn't Star Trek, it's more Warhammer 40K.
The Terrans were forced to settle worlds the Vilani hadn't in order to try to outflank them, so lots of war torn and poor choice worlds then the Ramshackle Empire and Long Night, doesn't really improve things, even the refound 3rd Imperium has it's borders wars and in you go beyond 1116+ even worse stuff.
However, bear in mind that the Second survey was 1065 and in T5 we find massive investment in RU's in a huge number of worlds, which probably turn things around by 1105.
Not true. Or rather, only true until the Terrans broke out of their pocket fairly early in the Interstellar Wars.The Terrans were forced to settle worlds the Vilani hadn't in order to try to outflank them, so lots of war torn and poor choice worlds...
A lot of fringe cultures would have settled on sub-optimal worlds in order to get one of their very own, but most emigration during the Diaspora would have been to established Vilani worlds, and they tended to be human-compatible....then the Ramshackle Empire and Long Night, doesn't really improve things, even the refound 3rd Imperium has it's borders wars and in you go beyond 1116+ even worse stuff.
I believe the UWPs published with T5 imprimatur are for 1105.However, bear in mind that the Second survey was 1065 and in T5 we find massive investment in RU's in a huge number of worlds, which probably turn things around by 1105.
Whilst there is a lot to be said for your approach Traveller isn't Star Trek, it's more Warhammer 40K.
The Terrans were forced to settle worlds the Vilani hadn't in order to try to outflank them, so lots of war torn and poor choice worlds then the Ramshackle Empire and Long Night, doesn't really improve things, even the refound 3rd Imperium has it's borders wars and in you go beyond 1116+ even worse stuff.
However, bear in mind that the Second survey was 1065 and in T5 we find massive investment in RU's in a huge number of worlds, which probably turn things around by 1105.
That really doesn't speak to the situation of the player using the rules to develop his own sector. Seems to me the player should get to decide whether he wants to play Star Trek or Warhammer.
I believe the UWPs published with T5 imprimatur are for 1105.
Also, I can't believe there would be any radical changes in just 40 years. Lots of small ones, yes, but not a drastic overall trend. Inertia seems to be the Imperium's middle name. Hans
That really doesn't speak to the situation of the player using the rules to develop his own sector. Seems to me the player should get to decide whether he wants to play Star Trek or Warhammer.
There is absolutely no reason for a TL9+ (10+ in some versions of the rules) culture to ever bother with settling on a world.
They can hollow out asteroids and build fusion plants, they can install grav plates and hydroponics, they can make a garden world to raise their young inside.
Meanwhile they harvest the resources of other asteroids, comets and moons for the raw materials for their industries.
Systems with Earth like worlds could be set aside for agriculture, recreation and the arts, no need to mine resources when it is just as cost effective to harvest space.
I don't think people appreciate just how safe, common, and easy space travel is in TL9+ cultures.