I''ve played ST:RPG but can't really remember it but I did inherit my friend's Star Trek Starship Combat Simulator when he moved house which I used to play a lot until I bought Star Fleet Battles.
I agree with you about lack of adventures - they're more important to me than rules expansions. I'm not clever enough to come up with decent ones myself.
No, I think that's still the case. At least it is round here (Sheffield, UK). Though our biggest book shop does now have an "urban fantasy" section as well.
To me, and this is all hindsight mind you, Traveller is a kind of cops-and-robbers in space kind of game, with a smattering of special-ops sprinkled in here and there. Traveller's model, again this is my personal judgment, is based on the lifestyle of a certain kind of independently wealthy person who wants to do good, and finds themselves travelling overseas to intervene in local disputes.
The real world contemporary analogy is templated into the Traveller Rule Set, and ergo you get adventures about having to fight off natives or explore vast treks of territory, or even opponents who are pretty much like you and I, but you never get the adventure where, oh, say, you have to travel to the middle of a planet and find a bunch of dinosaurs or something.
I think part of it is because Marc Miller wants to push Traveller's real science edge, but I also think it's intentional because Traveller might be used as a training tool for criminologists. You'll see adventures about social and political uphevals, but you'll never see an adventure where some scientist drank his own elixer and is now fifity feet tall and rampaging in downtown startown-X.
Even so, Traveller can be fun. But I now understand why you don't see Star Wars or Star Trek kind of adventures published for the system. You don't see a team of adventurers jumping into a ship to confront "The Doomsday Machine" (though it would be most entertaining to see how they tackled that scenario). You don't see time travel plots, nor "evil robots taking over the world" kind of tropes. You don't see monsters invading a planet. Nor do you see strange super powered beings rampaging through Regina.
I kind of understand why now. Hell, it only took me what ... picked up the game when, in 79? 80? When did "Star Smuggler" come out?--because that was my "gateway drug". And here we are in 2014, and it's only now that I'm smacking my forehead and saying ... "Oh wow...is that why?!"
But, like I said elsewhere, even so, I grew up with the game like I did with my model trains, and it's a hobby I can put down. Ergo I've stuck with it.
Oh well. I should be sleeping. Tomorrow, I go back to shooting films...now in my 40s, writing for a quasi mediocre successful game, I wonder how this is all going to pan out.
...I sure could go for a double whopper with cheese about now...and a chocolate shake. That would make my life a whole lot easier