Let me embellish on Savage's comment earlier with the way I would want CT Plus to work.
* Chargen that's somehow in between basic and advanced chargen. Education, yes. Special missions, no. Roll under characteristic for the career checks. Etc.
* Rules on how to use the senses.
* More than 6 careers, but not the COTI/MT list of 18 (some of those aren't careers, they're skills). Army, Navy, Marine, Merchant, Scout, Rogue, Scholar, Agent, Entertainer, Noble.
* Update the skills list to be narrower (and more) than CT, but wider (and fewer) than MT.
* Armor absorbs damage in combat. But also, I'd mine the Azhanti High Lighting personal combat rules for ideas. Ranges, mapped to range bands, would be standardized across the game and tuned to tasks in combat.
* Something similar to GunMaker, ArmorMaker, VehicleMaker, ThingMaker, Quality, Value, and Manufacturer data for enabling consistent design.
* Book 2 extended to include arbitrarily large hulls. Regularize the drives based on formula, update the available mounts and weapons, add defenses, armor, sensors. "Provide for" small craft design using these rules.
* Use simple mass fire rules to reduce the number of attack rolls. Replace Book 2 combat with a ship-based variant of personal combat, keeping the two as closely related as reasonable.
* T4's psionics.
* Genetic manipulation rules.
* Star system generation rules.
* World mapping rules.
* Generalized version of Book 3 trade. Scrap Merchant Prince.
* Replace animal encounters with a more robust Beast Maker system, and extend Sophont Maker from it.
* Replace Book 8 with a Robot Design system as a variant of Beast Maker.
There are 15 points of contention. I doubt anyone else will agree with 100% of my list. Potentially there are more than 32,000 ways to disagree with this list...
* Chargen that's somehow in between basic and advanced chargen. Education, yes. Special missions, no. Roll under characteristic for the career checks. Etc.
* Rules on how to use the senses.
* More than 6 careers, but not the COTI/MT list of 18 (some of those aren't careers, they're skills). Army, Navy, Marine, Merchant, Scout, Rogue, Scholar, Agent, Entertainer, Noble.
* Update the skills list to be narrower (and more) than CT, but wider (and fewer) than MT.
* Armor absorbs damage in combat. But also, I'd mine the Azhanti High Lighting personal combat rules for ideas. Ranges, mapped to range bands, would be standardized across the game and tuned to tasks in combat.
* Something similar to GunMaker, ArmorMaker, VehicleMaker, ThingMaker, Quality, Value, and Manufacturer data for enabling consistent design.
* Book 2 extended to include arbitrarily large hulls. Regularize the drives based on formula, update the available mounts and weapons, add defenses, armor, sensors. "Provide for" small craft design using these rules.
* Use simple mass fire rules to reduce the number of attack rolls. Replace Book 2 combat with a ship-based variant of personal combat, keeping the two as closely related as reasonable.
* T4's psionics.
* Genetic manipulation rules.
* Star system generation rules.
* World mapping rules.
* Generalized version of Book 3 trade. Scrap Merchant Prince.
* Replace animal encounters with a more robust Beast Maker system, and extend Sophont Maker from it.
* Replace Book 8 with a Robot Design system as a variant of Beast Maker.
There are 15 points of contention. I doubt anyone else will agree with 100% of my list. Potentially there are more than 32,000 ways to disagree with this list...