Originally posted by Antony:
In the post virus era (1201 Imp) how would parts for this ship be acquired or built. Obviously much of the ship is still TL14 with electronics and weapon systems upgraded to TL15. Would the ship be sent (with a skeleton crew) into the old imperium looking for parts (an epic adventure).
NO! If I understand the situation right, this is an extremely rare find. And that means a valuable artifact in its own right. I am not sure about reverse engineering rules, exactly what limitations are there toward being able to manufacture parts based on extensive study of the ship itself, (or with aid of the ship's AI, computer and paper files, documents, manuals, etc.) But the last thing I would do is send a one of a kind high tech ship that is damaged, into any kind of unknown area.
You send a ship out, you risk losing it. You send it into an unknown region of space, you have an increased risk. Send it into unknown space while damaged, you see where I am going.
Take the ship into port. Study it, take it apart and see if you can advance the tech level of your star port. In addition...
Or would another ship be sent to scout out first?
This is a lot more reasonable. Send a smaller ship, possibly a freighter (Marvana or Beowulf, armed and armoured) and possibly with escort. It depends on just how much you know about the region, how it has faired since your last contact, etc.
Did I mention that the ships computer has a similar limited AI to that of the old Kinunir?
Or would the ship be broken up by Alston for parts?
What do people think?
Where would the parts go? Considering the firepower of the AHL, it seems keeping it together, OR disassembly for study and copying would be more reasonable approaches.
Who knows you have found this thing? Competing systems/government, or even non-government factions? Just because you are not traisping through space does not mean you ain't going to find adventure. Sometimes the adventure comes to you.