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Perfect PC Sidearm

Perfect PC Sidearm

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Originally posted by Uncle Bob:
Uhm, you guys are aware that a high pressure water jet is used to cut thick plastic and sheet metal?

I won't laugh until I see the stats on that watergun.
It was actually written up in T4's Emperor's Arsenal. There were a few nice bits of hardware in there, including the water knife.
Originally posted by trader jim:
Well Darn...another of Trader Jims ideas ...SINK...get it???....water.....Sink...hahahaha...o well.... :rolleyes:
My good mercantile man, I must ask...do you fill the super soakers up with coffee juice, and if so, how concetrated of a mixture? Persoanlly, I like to have an IV of the fluid every morning. Keeps me alert for those long sessions at court where I have to promote and then execute my loyal citizens.
Originally posted by Shane Mclean:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by trader jim:
Hey Guys....I just sold LIAM hes newest side arm....its a great big SUPER SOAKER....HA HA....
get it.....SQUIRT SQUIRT....... :rolleyes:
Yep, but I heard he filled it with high-strength Coffee Juice TJ, so beware.....

Actually I modified it a bit, replacing all the low tech plastic out with High tech laminates and some metal parts... Instead of CJ juice, try XAMALOX, a TL-12 flammable liquid. Burns on contact with small igniter at muzzle. a 4 litre gallon tank goes a long way, upwards to 60 feet.

damage is burning time 2d6 per second. A squirt of Xamalox burns unimpeded for 6 seconds(before secondary fires from clothing fur, etc occur).

man portable, easy to use. Also called an Incinerator rifle in some parts of the known TU...
Gets rid of pesky varmints, like uplifted mice, Vorpal Bunnies, and other critters made in the labs of certain persons of this list...

(Can you say, "Flame-on!"? I can... ;)
In the series: The Adventures of Hobart Floyt and Alcrity Fitzhugh, by Brian Daley (which I much recommend to any Trav player) there is a weapon called the Captain's Sidearm. It is a large caliber revolver with a basket hilt, spring-loaded bayonet, a rib from muzzle to buttcap for deflecting blades, and is engineered for both a very enhanced report and larger than life flash. The intent is a versatile weapon for melee and putting down mutiny. Firing it in any indoor area is apparently similar to the flash-bangs used by SWAT people. I want one.
Originally posted by Father Fletch:
Are you serious that "normal" people such as yourself have this much firepower lying arround the homa and even carry it on your person!
Not quite that much, I've got a survival .22 single shot rifle (folding stock and lightweight, pretty dang accurate though), and am thinking of obtaining a pistol, but not sure about that. Also have 3 paintball guns, but don't think those count.

Charactor wise, my ex marine had a Gauss rifle (had been his sniper weapon), which he couldn't take many places. Another charactor had a sawed off shotgun installed under his control panel (he was the pilot) "just in case." I like gauss pistols, but you can't get anything for them anywhere in the games I've been in, too high tech. Very difficult to even find ammo. One other charactor had an autopistol with a laser sight, he could be intimidating with that thing... Especially where he placed that little dot...

Trader Jim wrote:

Hey Guys....I just sold LIAM hes newest side arm....its a great big SUPER SOAKER....HA HA....
get it.....SQUIRT SQUIRT.......
Actually, now that you mention it....I had a PC in a campaign long ago who played a scientist. He invented a weapon that fired liquid nitrogen. Getting a face full of that was a sure way to ruin a would be pirates day.

Six Actual, Out.
If you want a weapon that is always going to be useful you can't go past the Magnum Auto Pistol. The low tech makes it easy to maintain, ammunition is usually available at most ports and the design allows for unusual munitions to be developed.

A blade is the best standby that I have found. Thers is something to the line "They don't like it up them..." that just rings true in a sticky situation.

Mind you the gauss is an excellent greeting tool in complex diplomatic situations. Rapid fire thankyou's can really get you out of an awkward trade.
Originally posted by A'Rark:
Mind you the gauss is an excellent greeting tool in complex diplomatic situations. Rapid fire thankyou's can really get you out of an awkward trade.
The movie Fifth Element springs to mind for some reason.
Well it would depend on the situation, but the good old stand by is the body pistol or Combat pistol... and to balance you out a knife (for getting up close and personal).
Ballistic weapons:

Novomagus Combat pistol 9mm (Based on the Automag III) Six inch barrel firing a carbine round which allows him to have the same range as a carbine. 15 round mag.
SAR 12mm Rifle (Based on the Barrett 1982 .50 cal Sniper rifle) 10 round magazine.
M4 Assualt rifle with pump style 20 mm Grenade Launcher (Aliens 2) 30 round mag, 5 grenades in the pump action launcher.

Energy weapons:

Guass Rifle with built in suppressor (can be suppress since the round would make the same noise as a high power rifle). Use for stealth operations or when outnumbered by nasty creatures. Since the penatrator darts about the size of small nail 1000 round clip.
Laser rifle. 30 round clip. Fires a laser pulse for penatration and a force pulse for impact damage (.44 mag impact).
Ballistic weapons:

Novomagus Combat pistol 9mm (Based on the Automag III) Six inch barrel firing a carbine round which allows him to have the same range as a carbine. 15 round mag.
SAR 12mm Rifle (Based on the Barrett 1982 .50 cal Sniper rifle) 10 round magazine.
M4 Assualt rifle with pump style 20 mm Grenade Launcher (Aliens 2) 30 round mag, 5 grenades in the pump action launcher.

Energy weapons:

Guass Rifle with built in suppressor (can be suppress since the round would make the same noise as a high power rifle). Use for stealth operations or when outnumbered by nasty creatures. Since the penatrator darts about the size of small nail 1000 round clip.
Laser rifle. 30 round clip. Fires a laser pulse for penatration and a force pulse for impact damage (.44 mag impact).

Doesn't the TTB say that gauss personal sidearms are "absolutely silent"?
The round traveling through the air at high velocity will still make a sound when it exceeds the speed of sound. The rules are probably just referring to the lack of explosive sound from the propellant.

The problem, however, with suppressing a gauss rifle is two fold: first, suppressors work by forcing the explosion inside the gun to be dispersed through baffles to reduce the sound of the explosion. So this wouldn't work on a gauss rifle. In fact, suppressors really only work well (and at that they really just - except in some specific weapons - just lower the sound enough that it doesn't sound so much like a gun anymore, but they are not entirely silent except for those aforementioned special instances) if the weapon is single shot, or "sealed" - a revolver isn't a good choice for suppressing a weapon.

Second, suppressors use subsonic rounds to help lower the crack of the round itself as it travels through the air. Otherwise you get the same sonic boom effect a plane will cause at mach speed, just smaller. So that kind of limits the punch of a gauss rifle considerably. In spite of what you see in the movies rifles are not usually the weapon of choice for suppressing - SMG's or purpose-built carbines are because they use a smaller, more easily quieted round in close quarters. After all, if you fire a high powered rifle far enough away from the target, he'll be dead well before he hears the round firing. So not only is suppressing a rifle difficult, it takes away a lot for the weapon's utility as a long range weapon.

IMTU, gauss weapons make a distinctive snap! when fired; a little quieter than a regular slug-thrower but only in that they don't go BOOM and have muzzle flash.
IMTU the preferred sidearm is either the .50 Tannhauser, or the snub auto-pistol for it's versatility. An alternative selection is the gauss SMG with a single-point sling for handy carrying under a coat or vest. I have them about as big as an HK MP7a, solid state, and with a murderous 10 ROF (for 3 chances to hit at 3D6+3 each).

Gauss SMG:
Sabre, let's take your average ballistic weapon that is suppressed. It reduces the signature of the weapon (gas, flash and sound) at point of origin. The round still travels at the same velocity to it's target. If you stood next to the bullet's flight path you would hear the round whiz by you. In a guass weapon, you have no gas or flash but you do have sound when leaving the barrel. By baffling the muzzle you can reduce the "Bang" down to a "Pfffff". You can also reduce the sound by making the guass rifle fire at subsonic velocities just like they do with silenced weapond today. It would reduce the damage of course and it ablility to pentrate certain armors but it can be done.

What makes the Guass rifle so deadly in these games as well as Video Games, is this perception that the round doesn't make any sound. The real fact is it does make a sound at point of origin the discuss is just how much sound a this weapon makes. Being exmilitary, I can tell you without muzzle flash and smoke off a weapon it would be very difficult for a person to locate a weapon like this if the person is concealed. So there lies the confusion...
Not wanting to start a flamewar here, but as also an ex-military, and LEO who has an HK MP5SD-N1 for, er, certain incidents and training the other LEO's in my county as an instructor I understand what you are saying, but I think you misunderstood me.

By dialing down the velocity of a railgun all you'll achieve is a less effective weapon and reduce the potential for damage at long range. Then why use a longarm? If your target is engaged at rifle ranges then he's not likely to be able to tell where the round is coming from before you hit him anyway so long as you are using good tactics. As for the smoke and flash - well that still only works for spotting (at least in daylight) if you are looking in the right direction when the weapon goes off - and then the shooter (if he has any brains) will be moving to another position if one is available. And we are still only talking about a single shooter firing at ranges beyond 100 yards. And believe me, I fully understand the concept of the differences bullets make when they pass by you.

And since there wouldn't be any gases or bang coming from a railgun baffles wouldn't do anything to reduce the sound. It would still just be a snapping sound easily mistaken for anything other than a gun. My HK is so quiet you only hear the clicking of the bolt as it fires. No muzzle flash. Really nice and all, but it doesn't hit as hard as a regular MP5 or AR carbine since the rounds are subsonic. For anything but close tactical work the thing is zoomy and cool, but I wouldn't trade it for hitting power if I thought the other guy had armor for something that made a louder bang. That would be foolish, which is why I carry the carbine and the MP5SD - different tools for different tasks.

The trade off for a "silent" at the muzzle railgun wouldn't be worth the trouble really, just use it at a longer range, or use better tools for the job.

In game terms it also depends on the rules used: I use Striker which includes range attenuation in the damage potential as well as armor. So the farther away you are the less penetration - more realistic and it puts the need for longarms back in the game. CT rules put range attenuation in the roll to hit only, but allow for maximum potential damage regardless of how far the round had to travel. In my book that unfairly penalizes rifles because it makes them a pain to use at closer ranges, but rewards pistols and carbines for doing a lot of damage at ranges they shouldn't be able to.
I think we're drifting off the definition of "sidearm" in the original poll, which is just talking about pistols (okay, and "other").

As far as suppressed weapons go, clearly a suppressed gauss pistol will be quieter than an equivalent suppressed CPR pistol. If both are throwing identical slugs at the same subsonic velocities, damage will of course be the same. You're just using an electromagnetic weapon for its lack of flash/bang instead of its potential for higher velocity.

I still prefer dual-magazine snub pistols as a personal (semi-formal dress) side-arm for their versatility, and if you plan to shoot people more than one room away you should have brought a rifle.
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