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Problems with the Classic Traveller CD-ROM, Take #1


Ground Rules: Once this thread becomes clogged with garbage, I'm going to announce I've abandoned it, and open Take #2. I'm almost curious as to how many takes and threads we'll need... :eek:o:

However: At the moment, all I am concerned about are graphic readabiity issues with the PDFs. OCR content is NOT what I am looking for. I'll ask for that later. :mad:

So, please name the pdf file (like "CT G11 Game 11a Yaskodray vs Primordials Book1.pdf") and the image issue ("unreadable page 974, in the Interstellar Fleet Teleportation chapter").

And far-trader had a great idea, so I'll use this first post as a status indicator...

The Traveller Book.pdf: No identified issues.
The Traveller Adventure.pdf: page 37 rotated.
Traveller Starter Edition.pdf: page 8 upside down; all pages fuzzy resolution; need rescan.

B00 Book 00 An Introduction to Traveller.pdf: page 10 upside down; fuzzy resolution; need rescan.
B01 Book 01 Characters & Combat 1981.pdf: Confirmed no issues.
B02 Book 02 Starships 1981.pdf: Confirmed no issues.
B03 Book 03 Worlds and Adventures 1981.pdf: Confirmed no issues.
B04 Book 04 Mercenary.pdf: page 44 different size.
B05 Book 05 High Guard 1980.pdf: page 17 different size.
B06 Book 06 Scouts.pdf: double page 30, missing page 31, page 52 upside down; fuzzy resolution; need rescan.
B07 Book 07 Merchant Prince.pdf: page 4 upside down, 8, 9 and 27 have issues.
B08 Book 08 Robots.pdf: fuzzy resolution; need rescan.

00 Book 00 Understanding Traveller.pdf: No identified issues.

A00 Adventure 00 The Imperial Fringe Sector Map.pdf: Confirmed no issues.
A00 Adventure 00 The Imperial Fringe.pdf: Confirmed no issues.
A01 Adventure 01 The Kinunir.pdf: Confirmed no issues.
A02 Adventure 02 Research Station Gamma.pdf: fuzzy resolution; need rescan.
A03 Adventure 03 Twilight's Peak.pdf: pages 51 - 57 different size.
A04 Adventure 04 Leviathan.pdf: No identified issues.
A05 Adventure 05 Trillion Credit Squadron.pdf: No identified issues.
A06 Adventure 06 Expedition to Zhodane.pdf: No identified issues.
A07 Adventure 07 Broadsword.pdf: No identified issues.
A08 Adventure 08 Prison Planet.pdf: No identified issues.
A09 Adventure 09 Nomads of the World Ocean.pdf: No identified issues.
A10 Adventure 10 Safari Ship.pdf: pages 15 and 25 upside-down; fuzzy resolution; need rescan.
A11 Adventure 11 Murder on Arcturus Station.pdf: fuzzy resolution; need rescan.
A12 Adventure 12 Secret of the Ancients.pdf: No identified issues.
A13 Adventure 13 Signal GK.pdf: No identified issues.

AM1 Alien 01 Aslan.pdf: No identified issues.
AM2 Alien 02 K'kree.pdf: No identified issues.
AM3 Alien 03 Vargr.pdf: double page 20, page 16 missing. NOTE: page 28 is missing because it was originally BLANK.
AM4 Alien 04 Zhodani.pdf: double page 23 and 24; page 42 missing.
AM5 Alien 05 Droyne.pdf: No identified issues.
AM6 Alien 06 Solomani.pdf: No identified issues.
AM7 Alien 07 Hivers.pdf: page 45 upside-down.
AM8 Alien 08 Darrians.pdf: double page 32.

D01 Double 01a Annic Nova.pdf: fuzzy resolution; need rescan.
D01 Double 01b Shadows.pdf: fuzzy resolution; need rescan.
D02 Double 02a Across The Bright Face.pdf: No identified issues.
D02 Double 02b Mission On Mithril.pdf: missing page 6.
D03 Double 03a The Argon Gambit.pdf: No identified issues.
D03 Double 03b Death Station.pdf: No identified issues.
D04 Double 04a Marooned.pdf: No identified issues.
D04 Double 04b Marooned Alone.pdf: No identified issues.
D05 Double 05a The Chamax Plague.pdf: No identified issues.
D05 Double 05b Horde.pdf: No identified issues.
D06 Double 06a Divine Intervention.pdf: No identified issues.
D06 Double 06b Night of Conquest.pdf: page 13 upside down.

G00 Game 00 Imperium Chart.jpg: No identified issues.
G00 Game 00 Imperium Complete.pdf: No identified issues.
G00 Game 00d Imperium Map Basic.jpg: No identified issues.
G00 Game 00d Imperium Map Expanded.pdf: No identified issues.
G00 Game 00e Imperium Chart1.jpg: No identified issues.
G00 Game 00e Imperium Chart2.jpg: No identified issues.
G00 Game 00e Imperium Chart3.jpg: No identified issues.
G01 Game 01a Mayday Rules.pdf: No identified issues.
G01 Game 01b Mayday Counters and Maps.pdf: No identified issues.
G02 Game 02a Snapshot Rules.pdf: No identified issues.
G02 Game 02b Snapshot Counters and Maps.pdf: No identified issues.
G02 Game 02c Snapshot Map.pdf: No identified issues.
G03 Game 03a Azhanti High Lightning Rules.pdf: No identified issues.
G03 Game 03b Azhanti High Lightning Deck Plans.pdf: No identified issues.
G03 Game 03c Azhanti High Lightning Counters and Charts.pdf: No identified issues.
G04 Game 04 Fifth Frontier War Complete.pdf: No identified issues.
G05 Game 05a Invasion Earth Rules.pdf: No identified issues.
G05 Game 05b Invasion Earth Charts and Counters.pdf: No identified issues.
G05 Game 05c Invasion Earth Map.pdf: No identified issues.
G06 Game 06a Dark Nebula Rules and Charts.pdf: No identified issues.
G06 Game 06b Dark Nebula Maps and Counters.pdf: No identified issues.
G07 Game 07a Striker Book1.pdf: No identified issues.
G07 Game 07b Striker Book2.pdf: No identified issues.
G07 Game 07c Striker Book3.pdf: No identified issues.
G07 Game 07d Striker Book4.pdf: No identified issues.
G07 Game 07 Striker Box Cover.pdf: No identified issues.

M01 Module 01 Tarsus.pdf: No identified issues.
M02 Module 02 Beltstrike.pdf: No identified issues.
M03 Module 03 Spinward Marches Campaign.pdf: No identified issues.
M04 Module 04 Alien Realms.pdf: double page 32.
M05 Module 05 Atlas of the Imperium.pdf: significant problems; need rescan.

S01 Supplement 01 1001 Characters.pdf: No identified issues.
S02 Supplement 02 Animal Encounters.pdf: No identified issues.
S03 Supplement 03 The Spinward Marches.pdf: No identified issues.
S04 Supplement 04 Citizens of the Imperium.pdf: No identified issues.
S05 Supplement 05 Azhanti High Lightning.pdf: No identified issues.
S06 Supplement 06 76 Patrons.pdf: No identified issues.
S07 Supplement 07 Traders & Gunboats.pdf: No identified issues.
S08 Supplement 08 Library Data A-M.pdf: No identified issues.
S09 Supplement 09 Fighting Ships.pdf: No identified issues.
S10 Supplement 10 The Solomani Rim.pdf: No identified issues.
S11 Supplement 11 Library Data N-Z.pdf: No identified issues.
S12 Supplement 12 Forms & Charts.pdf: No identified issues.
S13 Supplement 13 Veterans.pdf: missing pages 34 and 38.

SS1 Special Supplement 1 Merchant Prince.pdf: No identified issues.
SS2 Special Supplement 2 Exotic Atmospheres.pdf: Missing page 5.
SS3 Special Supplement 3 Missiles.pdf: No identified issues.

And, of course, items missing from the CT CDROM:
B01 Book 01 Characters & Combat 1977.pdf
B02 Book 02 Starships 1977.pdf
B03 Book 03 Worlds and Adventures 1977.pdf
B05 Book 05 High Guard 1979.pdf
D07 Double 07a Memory Alpha.pdf
D07 Double 07b Stranded on Arden.pdf
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Hmm... maybe the CT CD-ROM was released with no issues.
Great. Guess this issue is closed!

In this stickied thread, I noted the following: There are eight books that seemed to have been scanned at very low resolution. Printing the pages produced very fuzzy and difficult to read text.

CT Traveller Starter Edition
CT B06 Book 06 Scouts
CT B08 Book 08 Robots
CT A02 Adventure 02 Research Station Gamma
CT A10 Adventure 10 Safari Ship
CT A11 Adventure 11 Murder on Arcturus Station
CT D01 Double 01a Annic Nova
CT D01 Double 01b Shadows
CT Traveller Starter Edition
Resolution too low - fuzzy images on all pages
pg. 8 upside down
CT B00 Book 00 An Introduction to Traveller

Scan too small/low resolution - all pages fuzzy.
pg. 10 upside down
CT B01 Book 01 Characters & Combat 1981 (no problems)
CT B02 Book 02 Starships 1981 (no problems)
CT B03 Book 03 Worlds and Adventures 1981 (no problems)
CT A00 Adventure 00 The Imperial Fringe Sector Map (no problems)
CT A00 Adventure 00 The Imperial Fringe (no problems)
CT A01 Adventure 01 The Kinunir (no problems)
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CT B04 Book 04 Mercenary
pg 44 - different page size (trivial)

CT B05 Book 05 High Guard
pg 17 - different page size (trivial)
CT B07 Book 07 Merchant Prince
pg 4 upside down (trivial)
pg 8 flaw in text scan (minor)
pg 9 flaw in text scan (minor)
pg 27 different page size (trivial)
I was going to not look at other threads, but I had some spare time, and hate not having information that's already available...

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