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Question for "Piper" about "Vehicles"

I just downloaded Piper's "Vehicles" supplement from the file section on this site. I must say, I've really been looking for something like this for some time. I used to design vehicles for my Striker, MT, T4 and T20 campaigns, but I really got tired of taking an hour to stat out a truck.

I also wanted to start a new campaign, use just good old CT, and be able to shoot at a vehicle if I needed to.

Piper's supplement was really just what I needed, and well pleased with it. I had one question, however.

The design example paragraph (a TL 9 recon grav sled, p10) has a "light weapon" railgun, with PEN of 18 (=tech level times 2); and a "minor weapon" Gauss SAW, with a PEN of 9 (=tech level). Those PEN values match the tables on p13.

But, the write-up of the sled gives the railgun a PEN of 9 and the Gauss SAW a PEN of 5 (half the other values).

Are the table (p13)/example sequence (p10) correct, or is the write-up on p11?