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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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"Please Sir. Franklin will do. I cannot tell by your inflection and repetition of the term Manipulator that it may hold some negative connotation. I must assure you that is merely my Title. Synonymous with that of Administrator. Being a Manipulator is an indicator of status and achievement among my kind. The meaning is different.

There is not much more to tell but I am an Engineer of Senior Class. The Baron gave his life in the protection of others. He was a brave man. Too brave to have been squandered by being locked outside. He saved my life."
Ref says:
"Oh I know all about you kind. You see, for a spell I served with the Imperial Navy posted in the Expanses region. There we saw many of your kind, Manipulator, I mean, Franklin up close and I was witness to psycho-historical techniques that treated people as mere atoms. One thing that you will have to learn is that the children all grown up. Notwithstanding, do tell me more of the fate of Doctor Oomph. You first saw him, when?" asks the Captain inquisitively.

Two more security guards enter the room and block the exit. Their hands are resting upon their tasers.
"An atom is not always such a bad thing to be. What is an atom to the matter it constitutes? Interesting perception. But again you assign beligerence where there is none.

As to Dr. Oomph. It is unclear to me if he was the man killed or who killed himself in the medlab. Or if he was one killed on entering the scout. You must realize that you are asking me detailed questions of people I had met only today. I am not sure if I ever met him."
Ref says:
The Captain once again eases back into his chair and folds his hands under his chin, "You see, my dilemma is that the Doctor Oomph that you claim only met today died several hours before in the Medlab. In the Medlab there were several Hiver robotic devices..." his pulls out a Mark III Hiver Securitybot with its blaster blunted and flicks a switch showing the dead Virushi,

"This is Doctor Oomph, Franklin. Now you claim that you were in your cabin all the time yet the security cameras blanked out on this entire level just moments prior the time we were able to establish his time of death. Furthermore, the main Security Computer was being hacked into."

His face turns into a nasty visage, "Now, I am afraid that I must insist that you turn over all your electronic peripherals and consent to your belongings in the cargo bay. In the meantime, I have arranged for a trial on the Count's residence. You Franklin are accused of murder of the first degree and attempted escape. You will be detained until further notice in our brig until you may safely escorted to the Count's custody." with that Captain snaps his fingers and leg irons clamp on Frank's arms. "I wouldn't try to run, Manipulator, I am told that the electrical charge that these cuffs delivery is quite painful."

"And, now, Madam, I am ready to hear your statement." turning to Julianne.
"This is Outrageous. I have no Robotic Devices aboard. I had my luggage checked by customs prior to boarding. You are making a grave error here. Do you plan to impound my speech voder as well? I am sure it would speed the process of justice if I was unable to speak. I demand Counsel."
Ref says: The voder is promptly disconnected. "All these items will be returned to you at the time your trial. Counsel has already been assigned. Gentlemen, throw this Hiver into the brig." with that the four security officer detail pick Frank and carry out, a mild tranquiler is administered that makes Frank's body go limp.

"And, now, madam, you were to tell your story. Hivers can be most annoying, sometimes."
"I was aboard the scout/courier in an attempt to catch up to the Pride; I was supposed to be a passenger at the last stop but missed it. Bromgrev agreed to fery me here so I could meet it; apparently there was a problem and he died. That Hiver found and rescued me from the low berth I was in and some robotic spiders - which were not his; then we found an old, abused Astrin which he piloted over here.
"As to what's going on here, I'm clueless."
Ref says:
"That is most interesting, Miss. As the Pride is on its premier flight. The Scout Bromgrev was a passenger on board. Now I can only presume that he had some nefarious purpose for transporting like he did in the low berth. A pity that he is not here to answer for his crimes. On behalf of Naasirka may I offer you a free High Passage ticket for the next jump destination for all the trouble that you have been through. If you wish to continue on the Pride, I am afraid that she will be indeed of major repairs and will not be ready for another month, at the very least. In the mean time, you may enjoy the wonderful tourist facilities that planet side will have to offer. I am sure we could pull an educational certificate, should you wish any training at any of the fine educational establishments. On behalf of the Pride of Naasirka, may I bid you welcome." the Captain says with a cheerful voice.

"In the meantime, whatever skills you might offer to help with the repair effort, an extra set of hands is always appreciated." as he escorts Julianne to the door.

As the door slides shut, the Captain returns to his desk, flicks the Com: "Good news, the troublesome Baron and Countess have been eliminated. I am pretty sure that we are ready for stage two."


As Julianne takes a moment to acquaint herself with the Pride's computer system she slips in a disc and proceeds to the casino where she has to meet a certain man with a tall hat.
Julianne smiles pleasantly to herself as she slips the disc into the computer. She lets it do its business and heads for the casino, where she takes a moment to order a mint julep. Once the drink comes up she brings it to the meeting location, sits and sips it.

I wonder if I can cash in one of my TAS high passages here? she thinks to herself as she's waiting. I'll have to see if there's a TAS facility aboard...
Ref says:
In the casino, she immediately spots the man in the tall hat, "Ahh, Julianne, we were beginning to think that the Boy Scout would not have pulled through. Now we are only a stone's throw from the Consulate. It is my part of this little drama to exit. I can only assume that the 10,000 Altarian Credits are already in bank account? Otherwise, I am sure that you have been made aware of the consequences," booms the Yilean in a robust haughty tone. "Your temporary id, will suffice on board this ship, we have rigged the computers that way. Nevertheless, if you make your way to the Sorority Alpha Alpha Omega, there you will find your more permanent travel documents. Be careful down they're the locals are quick to jump the gun," he says in almost a whisper.

[Several days past and the Pride is towed to an Orbital Dock for repairs.]


Frank wakes up and finds himself on plush pillows and in gentle pink and lilac surroundings in pitch black, his items have been arranged in front of him. As reaches forward to strap on his voder and some of his other equipment. His chronograph reads that three days have past since the incidents on the bridge of the Pride. More alarmingly he finds that the electronic cuffs are still attached.

Suddenly, a spot of blinding light illuminates the spot where he is. As his eyes get use to the light, he sees another spot where a hooded figure in light green vestments arranged in the manner reminiscent of the Vilani First Imperium Noble attire. A viewscreen opens to reveal the darkness of space with a sphere looking like a dirty snowball offset by the mauve swirl of gases of an active brown dwarf.

"Ah good Friend Hiver, you are awaken, I am afraid those fools on the Pride miscalculated the sedative that they administered." the hooded figure says in a dream-like voice.
Ref says:
The man sizes Julianne up and down for a moment. "Well, naturally, there is one other thing...We never met." with that the man disappears into the crowd of high rollers and soon disappears all together.

She overhears that in a couple of days the Pride will be entering into Space Dock for much needed repairs, as compensation Naasirka has purchased several suites in hotels on Farpoint for all passengers. Those desperate to continue on, Naasirka will do its utmost to find alternative passages.

As Julianne scans the news feeds much has happened whilst she was sleeping. Unfortunately, she does not find a TAS rep willing to cash in her High Passage ticket at any thing less 75% of its value.


The green hooded figure chuckles, "A prison? By the Emperor's name, no. Although, it does feel like on, at times. Forgive me for my impoliteness, I am Count Illyan Piriko, the ruler of that snowball that fills our screen. Perhaps, better known as Farpoint. Tell me, Friend Hiver, what do you know of Psychohistory?"
"You will have to pardon my impoliteness as well Count Piriko. Incarceration brings out the worst in me."

"On any other day that question would be strange. I assume you are not some hallucination from the hypo.

"I believe the phrase was coined on Old Terra late in the 20th Century. Federation scholars look on it with interest as it has crude parallels with Manipulation. I think the Great Eneri used the term in his book. Why?"
Ref says:
"That is quite understandable Friend Hiver. I can understand your angst. Much aggression has been directed toward your person and I am in the process of sorting it all out."

"Notwithstanding, please illuminate me more of what you Hivers call Manipulation, if you are not directly familiar with the term psychohistory, although, I was given to understand that they are separate but interrelated, as many things are in this cosmos of others."

"Your question, "why?" is a very good one, for I have a keen events of the future. Like most of us, I hope to profit from knowledge in order to make a better universe for us all. Tell me then based upon your knowledge, what do you see as the possible futures of grand and noble Imperium? Using your knowledge of "manipulation" how can we begin to alter events." the Count says in what seems to have been a well-rehearsed speech.


Several shuttles are berthed with the Pride to take passengers down to the surface. Julianne presents her ticket and takes her seat, almost immediately a Steward, comes up to her with downcast eyes, "I am sorry, Madam, you cannot sit here. This seating is reserved for Second Class passengers only. If you would like to wait in the First Class Lounge on the Departure Deck, a First Class Shuttle will be arriving once these ones depart." with that he points friendly toward the exit.
Julianne goes to the TAS rep who'll give 7500 credits, and decides to take up the offer. Once she gets that, she heads for the stores and buys a hand computer.
"Sucessful manipulation is an art. It can take years to master. Lord. What sort of changes do you seek to initiate? To what end? That is the most important aspect of Manipulation. The End Result.

I can tell you that my mission in Foreven is to assess the overall state of technological development and report. If our paths and goals overlap. And if my meager skills can be of aid. I assure you that the feeling in the Federation towards the Imperium is one of Amity. We seek a solid foundation on which to build trust and hopefully in the future. An Alliance."

Franklin pulls out his deck of cards and shuffles them with keen precision.
Ref says: "Ha, Ha, my good Friend Hiver, well met. I am beginning to see why psychohistory is called Manipulation by your people. An alliance between your Federation and the Imperium is one of my goals when I return to the Imperial Court." the Count says with a chuckle.

"I shouldn't be telling you this, but Our Emperor has retained many psychohistorians on staff and he meets with them on a monthly basis. I need to find out what they are discussing. My attempts to penetrate that circles have thus far foiled. This is where I hope that you can either call upon your knowledge or the knowledge of your people. I am prepared to offer you a full ammestry for all your crimes - real and alleged, in exchange, for your commitment that you will bring several nests that specialize in psychohistory here to Farpoint. Facilities of the university will be naturally be made aviable to them. Here they shall labour under my direct supervision with the aim of creating better worlds for us all." although the Count is hooded, Frank can almost see a Chestershire smile.

"So, Hiver what do you know?" the Count says with a calculated prose.


The Merchant who sells Julianne, the handcomputer says that it is the latest import from the Avalar Consulate (TL D), although it has been Farpoint certified and wishes her a nice day.
Once Julianne (who has 6500 Cr now, plus a hand computer), hears the instructions about the First Class waiting location, she goes up and waits there, seeing what's there.
Ref says:
Julianne sees an elaborate spread of champagne, caviar, and other fine foods laid out before her. Around her there are various individuals in fancy dress. Looking upon Julianne's costume, they begin to snicker. A majestic Pinnacle pulls along side the Pride and a soft chime informs First Class passengers that the boarding sequence has begun. Julianne can overhear her fellow passengers.

Most of the conversations dealing with: </font>
  • the tragedy that Winter has been too severe this year to allow for skiing in the Northern Pole but the Southern Pole is as good as ever.</font>
  • Some socialites wonder why Varian had to leave so quickly and where he might be hiding.</font>
  • The Barbarity of Zhodani space in relation to the fact that one cannot find a Grav saleman who will ever reduce his prices.</font>
  • With the damage done to the Main Dome, where will they possibly shop. It would mean the plebian startown, if one exists to buy souvenirs.</font>
The pinnacle departs with little fanfare. The good eating including, some strange tasting blue sauce is abundant quantities.

Upon arriving planetside, the Starport is a large glass structure meant to look like the ice of the surrounding world. Everything is made with translucent blue-white-clear plastics. The sky seems to shimmer. The customs officer explains that is the shielding against the deadly radiation that rains down upon the surface that the atmosphere. (think of Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson to description of shield). Beyond there is not much a Startown, rather it the externality line seems to be a series of turnstiles indicating that Port is controlled by the local Planetary government rather than the Imperium.

Upon closer inspection one notices that the SPA patches are green in colour with the planetary emblem underneath. The customs officer causally explains that is indicative of where soveriegnity
lies. Provides Jullianne with a travel brochure, warning her of the High Law level (for details of all consult Technical Details portion).

A Vacc Suit she muses...a few dozen stores await. But, she really needs is warmer clothing.
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