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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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"My name is Franklin of Zeldar. Miss Oakie. Do you reference the Titanic in light of some design flaw? You seem to know much of this ship for someone fresh from a death chamber. Are you an engineer Miss Oakie?"
Ref says:
The Second Officer interrupts the Captain's train of thought, Captain, we seem to have a small craft docked on level 15.

The Captain's eyebrow cocks up, "Send a Security Platoon there and bring them to my ready room. If need be, ...supplement our forces with some of the local boys."

Flicking a switch, "Engineering/Boatswain are you ready. I have revised your timetable, you have exactly four minutes."

Turning to the Naval Lieutenant, "I am sorry Lieutenant, you will have to only interview Jeff Sawter once we make orbit around Farpoint, as you can see life is never boring once you cross over to the Merchant fleets." he says with a beaming smile.


Ussep looks at the package that Jeff imparted upon him shortly before his demise. This crystal, very bad karma... he silently thinks. Not wanting even to see its contents he looks for a trustworthy passenger to pass it off to.

OOC: We are need of a new player as Ussep is retiring from the scene to take up the holocrystal.
"I reference the Titanic in relation to the way it was handled. It was proclaimed to be unsinkable, yet it struck an iceberg and sank. Yes, there was a design flaw, but it was as much the result of the owners being in an inattentive rush."

Julie clears her throat, and then says, "I'm not a formal engineer, but I was an electronicist, roboticist and computer/commo expert. Why? You need me to work on something?"
"Curiosity is a trait of my kind. Friend. I am an engineer as well. We share common Interest. Which is always good. A pleasure to meet you. Please keep watch for a suitable place to set down."
"Sure. A vehicle bay would probably be best, unless there's a suitable vacc-suit for me here..."

Julianne looks around the decrepit old Astrin hopefully, looking for a vacc suit (in her size, at least).
Frank's left rear arm holds up a small cylindrical device between them

"Excellent. We did not recieve a lethal or detrimental dose of radiation. This trip is beginning to take an upturn."

Frank shakily guides the ship along the Pride's massive hull until he comes to the lip of the first landing bay he encounters, higher up away from the line of separation below.

"Such a fantastic view. Later we can toast never seeing it again and talk of robots. Yes?"
Ref says: The Astrin successful docks and the airlock made a successful dock. There is a slight tug, as both the Astrin and the Pride undergo upward acceleration, as collaborated with the view screen. The clouds of the Gas Giant are replaced with the inky blackness of space that is then with menacing visage of three Imperial Cruisers and a lone space tug.

"Pride, this Commodore Akira of the INS Relentless, are you in need of assistance?" a voice over the general com of the bridge & the Astrin.
Julianne looks around and says, "Looks like we're under weigh. I'd be happy to talk shop, but like you said, my fine Hiver friend, once we're off. Now, once I see if this bay has any vacc suit which'll fit me, I'm going to suggest that we find out how to find out what's going on aboard this ship, and get it dealt with."

She promptly goes looking for a vacc suit locker.
Ref says: As Julianne opens the locker a wide array of costumes fall out. Clearly, this scout liked to dress-up either as a LGM or wanted to blend in more with the locals (or, perhaps both).

Notwithstanding, no spare Vacc Suit can be found.

Underneath, a decaying ruddermeat sandwich is a heavy tome that looks like the spine was never cracked entitled "Operations Manual for an Astrin 505". The light on the Astrin's airlock has changed to green, indicating that pressure is now equalized and air exists in between the ships
"Great. Not one fracking suit in the Astrin. Now I'm going to get on the Pride and find a vacc suit there."

She picks up the book, uses one of the costumes to wipe it off and takes it, making a point of avoiding the sandwich. Then she enters the Pride and starts looking for a vacc suit locker.
Ref says:
"Stop, right there and lie on the ground with your hands behind your head" a voice barks out accompanied by the hum of several laser rifles being charged up.

Descending to the floor she sees about 12 moderately armored men & women with laser rifles cocked up.

"Are you a passenger or one of them pirates? If you are a passenger roll up your sleeve for a biometric sample to confirm your identity." another authoritative voice utters.
As Julianne gets down to the ground, she says, "I'm not a pirate." She rolls up her sleeve and hopes the Hiver manages to notice the armed people before they notice him.
Franklin steps boldly from the Astrin and bows to the company...

"Please lower your weapons, officers, we are harmless. I am Franklin of Zeldar, a middle class passenger.
I wish to report a murder."
Ref says:
"A murder, sir, indeed. Pray continue..." Frank recognizes the visage and voice of the officer that harried him and Baron Jame before their "departure" from the Pride.

"I dunno know, maybe they are pirates. The Capt'n would want to see them." says one of the junior Red Shirts.

"I have no objections to the Captain seeing them. Now Mr. Franklin would you extend your arm for biometric verification." as he approaches Juliane with a large hypodermic gun and takes a blood sample. "Madam, don't worry if you feel slightly dazed afterward, it merely the anaesthetic that neutralizes the pain of the needle." says the Law Enforcement Officer.
Franklin covertly flips his comm to open, on the general channel, and also increases the volume on his Voder.

"I am a Passenger. You will not be injecting us with anything. I accuse you Sir of the Murder of the Baron Jame Benson and the Lady Dorothea. In addition to Attempted Murder of Myself. You locked us all outside and tried to space us deliberately, even as we moved to assist other Passengers. I demand that you relinquish Command to your second and take us to the Captain. Under Interstellar Law I demand third party arbitration."
Ref says:
"Sir, I don't know what you are talking about. I have been in the lower decks all the time and only managed to come here when I was ordered here by ship's security.

As for arbitration, that will be for the Captain to decide...

And for the matter of Interstellar Law, [this is where the tone of his voice becomes much graver] I am not certain how it is the Hiver Federation but here in the Imperium the worlds are quasi-sovereign entities. And if you had read your travel documents the Imperium has ceded much sovereignty over the Farpoint government. Farpoint law clearly states those failing to take steps to establish their identity through biometric analysis may be held indefinitely without charge.

Now, Sir, we have recently been attacked by pirates and in fact several of my comrades are still fighting and dying trying to deal with remainder of the pirates on board.

I ask you one last time, extend your arm, otherwise, I will be forced to arrest you whereby you will be taken to a prison medical facility on the surface where, shall we say the methods are much less kind.

As for appealing for diplomatic status...Farpoint does not have any Hiver representation, I believe the nearest is somewhere in the Gateway Sector." responds the Law Enforcer in a very matter in fact tone.

The ship's security all nod in full agreement.
"Threatening me with torture will not alter the fact that you or perhaps your clone is a murderer. (extends arm) My FDA card has my biometrics on them as well, if you want to save your machine the trouble. It again will say that I am a Hiver.

I know firsthand that we are under attack from Pirates. I saw them after you locked us outside with them. Since I am apparently under armed arrest by a madman for wanting to survive how can I argue? By all means Sir. Lead on. We shall talk again of representation when I see you in irons and your men reduced in rank to scrubbing freshers for thier part in a diplomatic incident of this nature. Lead on."

Frank submits to the injection and hopes for the best. He submits in general for the time being.
Ref says:
Both Frank and Julianne feel the prick of the needle and sees their about 12 ml of their vital fluids being drained away and the same time a yellowy green liquid being injected into their arm. There is a feeling of numbing around the area of the needle followed by a levity and then euphoria.

"Thank you very much, Madam and Sir. As to the action of my clone, sir, I am not sure what you mean. Our entire police force are clones from the original Marshall sent to Farpoint. My number Keystone Spoc 89-101. Should you have any problem with any of my true brothers, you may lodge a complaint with the Ministry of Truth on Farpoint when you arrive. Unto the Captain then." the Officer dutifully reports and escorts them onto the Grav tube."

With a swoosh they arrive on the bridge in short order and are escorted to the Captain's ready room.

The Captain stands and offers a beverage to Julianne and Frank, and then sits down behind a wide oak desk and clears his throat, "Our sensor logs show that you came from the Scoutship that crashed into Deck 5. And that you are Manipulator Frank of Zeldar and you also indeed, a middle class passenger aboard who is continuing on to Regina."

"Our video cam also show that you were at a scene of a crime and refused to be tagged. Now, that in of itself is a pretty serious offence dirtside on Farpoint. By all accounts, you fled the scene and now you are making up some cock and bull story about being locked outside the ship. The airlock in question, was damaged shortly after you entered it, not by the law enforcement officer as you claim but perhaps an accomplice."

"Now, Sir, you are required to answer these next two questions as truthfully as you are able:
  • (1)Who is your accomplice on board?</font>
  • (2)What have you done with the Baron Jame, Countess Dorethea and Doctor whatever his name was?</font>
Otherwise, it might be you who will be facing the charge of murder..."

"I should warn you that lying will have the most serious consequences and your government will not be able to do anything about it, as murder is Capital Offence and according the Imperium-Hive Federation treaty dealing with high crimes and misdemeanors of 990, the Imperium retains the right to punish any citizen of the Federation of High Crimes as it sees fit and vice versa."

"Furthermore, your answer will be analyzed with the latest in voice tribulation technology on Farpoint. The sake of the community, I hope that you did not do it as on Farpoint the punishment for murder is the death penalty. So please M. Franklin answer truthfully."

"And, you Madam are a bit of mystery. By all accounts you seem to be a stowaway or captive...Naasirka policy for stowaways leaves it to the Captain."

"You both have a lot of explaining to do, I suggest you allow each to take your time and do not speak at the same time, otherwise, I will have no recourse except to believe that this is one giant manipulation and the blood of many will be on your hands." with the Captain seats back in his leather chair with a rather serene face.
Franklin Smells the beverage set before him but does not drink it.

"Thank You Captain.

First. I am Manipulator Franklin of the Zeldar System in the Hive Federation. I am a Federation Development Agency Representative travelling to Foreven scouting technical development prospects in the Sector. My Nest arranged for me a middle passage aboard the Pride, in cabin 2205. I was assigned my own cabin due to my physical structure.

Second. I was disturbed from my work by a scuffle outside my cabin door, where toughs sought to attack other passengers including Baron Jame and Dorotea. I kept company with the Baron as we proceeded to Lounge 5.

On the way we encountered an old woman screaming about a doctor being killed. The Baron and I looked into the scene, along with another man, a Priest. I am not sure what happened next. Someone was firing on us.

Soon one of these clone Security arrived. I remember him because he stuttered. He accused me of being a spy and demanded to "tag" me for Identification Purposes. I told him I would need a higher authority's authorization to that effect but also that I could easily be Identified. I am perhaps one of three Hivers in a hundred parsec radius. The clone left after threatening me for the first time. I offered him evidence of the identities of the toughs outside of my cabin. And he smashed my holocamera (empties pouch out onto table of broken camera pieces.)

As we continued on. Baron Jame and Dorothea and I began to notice power fluctuations and other signs of the ship being in trouble. I at this time contacted Chief Steward Jones and requested a cabin reassignment due to the encounter with the toughs.

As the ship's position deteriorated. We Three passed airlock 6d, where we moved to rescue some passengers trapped near there. While we were inside the airlock. Another one of these clones or possibly the same one from before cycled the airlock with us in it. Exposing it to the Hazard Zone of the Gas Giant. We felt an impact. Dorothea began to have convulsions of some sort. I spot welded my reflec shield to the external door to try and protect us from the radiation. I saw a Droyone outside the airlock. But he did not help us. I signalled repeatedly for help.

Having no other choice. The Baron and I and the unconcious Dorothea made a jump across to a Type S scout that had impacted with the hull. We intended to use the ship to shield us from exposure. Upon entering the ship. We were attacked by several robotic devices that shot down the Baron, Dorothea, and Dr. Oomph in cold blood. I survived because they were in front of me. They left me for dead. But I then doubled back and got onto the deteriorating scout ship's bridge. I found a human there crushed under a stringer. He sputtered about saving I suppose Miss Oakie from the cargo Bay. Having remebered the Vehicle Hangar aft. I made my way back and discovered Miss Oakie in a low berth module. I revived her quickly and we got aboard the Scout's Air Raft and limped back aboard the Pride.

Third. Upon arrival bback abaord the Pride. The Security Men made omimous threats about my not being in the Hive Federation. About not having Representation. I will assure you now that in this case. I am the Representation of my Nest and Federation. I have given you no more reason to characterize me as a liar as for me to characterize all humans as draconian thugs. I am a Middle Class Passenger. And yet so far I have been treated as a Criminal. You will understand that I am obviously curious as to why. As to my accomplices. Your Passenger Manifest will show I am registered as travelling alone. The previous events happened the first moment I left my cabin since launch.

Fourth. If this is indeed a misunderstanding between our species. Let me be first to apologize. Part of my mission to this area of Space is to bridge any cultural gap between our peoples in the area of my knowledge. I truly come to this area with the most peaceful of intentions. As would any from my government. Another part of my mission is also to find out if the same can be said for the Imperium.

Fifth. Your voice analyzer is useless in my case. What you hear is a translation of my signed language. (alters voice to female sounding one) I can alter it in any way. (alters it to sound like a child's voice) It is purely artifical. Translated by my computer. We Hivers do not share the same emotional responses as humans do. Further nullifying the test. With all due respect."
Ref says:
"Ah, that is most unfortunate, Manipulator Franklin. I had always wondered why Hivers carried around voder boxes...You are fortunate that most of our ship's own security system collaborates much of what have said, which I had the advantage of previewing upon your docking.

Interestingly, enough you mention Doctor Oomph and Countess Dorethea...were he and Baron Jame companions?" asks the Captain in an inquisitive manner.

Turning to Julianne with a wide understanding smile, and folders hands on his lap rolling the chair closer, "I am afraid you are going to wait, what our Hiver friend is telling us is most interesting."

At that instant two security guards enter and flank the Captain. "Pray, continue, Manipulator...out here on the frontier things are looser." purrs the Captain.
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