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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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Ref. says:
The Captain of the Pride, nervously moves toward the control com. "Good, they haven't jury rigged the controls. I want to have immediate transfer of engineering to this Com, First Mate. XO, I want you see what salvable from our weapons turrets, I know they were not to be installed till we reached Farpoint but see, if there are any isolated areas of the ship that we could pack in material and release as a projectile or the very least a decoy debris."

The first mate and the XO nod.

Tapping several things into the computer, "Will the good news our engines are not completely shut down. If we can reverse the neutron flow here and join this tube to here to here." Activating the Com, "Boatswain, I need you take a group of men to go into Jeffreys tube#16 to connect it with the main L-Hyd tanks from 3-5 to the primary exhausts. Be swift, man, we don't have much time." Pushing the red button, "Security, report."

Through the crackle of the discharge of laser weapons, a strained voice can be heard, "Security Chief Bryans, here, sir. We are fighting off some sort of infestations of what appear to be some sort of robotic spiders which are disabling many of our main systems on the lower levels, we have shut down all systems but still they seem to find ways re-routing the program, almost as soon as we set it. Furthermore, there are gangs of brigands looting the remaining yachts."

"Chief Bryans, how many levels are affected by this infestation?" probed the Captain.

"Sir, as best we can tell, it so far the lower decks where we sliced by that raider there. Probably, no higher than Deck 75, but then again, my men could be dead."

The Captain folds his hands into a silent prayer under his chin for a moment. Well, there goes the rest of my entire career. Pity, so close to retirement... is his silent thoughts as he clears his throat. "New orders. Rally all your men together that you can and get all of them and any stray passengers or crew and get them above Deck 45. You have 15 mins, man. Get a move on". Folding his hands on his lap turning off, "Second Officer, initiate separation of the bottom rim. Flash out emergency protocol 1080." The Insurance companies are going to really going to kill us on this one...

"Sir... the damage to the ship will be huge. Separation was tried in the trails but thing of the cargo, the remaining yachts..." cries out the Second Officer.

"Second Officer, there are lives, at stake. Do it now." barks the Captain. Hopefully, the Adjudicating Commission will also be mindful of that fact.

Lights throughout the ship turn yellow and klaxons call out. Crews are escorting remaining passengers through all means upwards.

A lone 8-year-old boy clutching his teddy bear in the swarms of people calls out moving upwards and the little boy is pushing hard against the crowd, "Have you seen my mommy?"
Ref says: The Captain barks out over the general com: "Maintenance crews load the airlocks with bedding or anything portable that you can find. The clear everyone away from the airlocks locating them as close to the central core as possible."

"Sir, all weapons have been rendered inoperative save the pulse cannon on the mast and the gunner there is not responding." the XO reports.

"Number 1, I know that you did some gunning when you are in the Navy, and I cannot order you to go. Notwithstanding, it might be our only chance if that raider comes at us with another volley." the Captain says in a gentle but firm voice.

The XO unzips the bubble helmet from his flight suit and removes gloves and picks up an oxygen canister from the locker. Holds up his hand "Sir, say, no more. Duty calls." and departs in the grav tube.

The Naval Intelligence Officer awakens and after the Captain quickly briefs her, she takes the post of the XO calculating some of the numbers the Captain gave. "Captain, we may just have enough fuel in the reserve tanks to pull off this foolhardy move of yours but whose is to say that there is not more than one raider out there?"

"Who, indeed." responds the Captain "Flipping another com switch: "Boatswain, how is the connection going."

A crackle comes in from the other end. "Sir, its worst than the diagnostic computer forecasted, this job is going take at least 2 hours. The damage down here is quite extensive. And, even then the whole task is FORMIDABLE not to mention HAZARDS of the whole thing."

"Boatswain, you only have 10 minutes. I need this job done and you and your crew out of there by then."
Continuing on through the service condit, Frank glances at his ox-meter and narrows his eyes...

"Computer, begin audio count of remaining Oxygen, increments in Dhiybohch... check... Increments in Minutes Imperial.."

'29:50 remaining...'

Frank continues with a new sense of urgency. wether the chaos in the tunnel is caused by the impact, or by bad maint preactices is irrelvent now... escape comes to the forefront of Frank's will...

He deftly bypasses most of the Hazards before him until 2/5 of the way aft... when he jerks forward suddenly... his foot catches on a pipe bracket... Reaching back with a cutter, he zips off the bracket and continues.

'Life in the "dull" Federation seems appealing now. This must be what the humans refer to as "homesick"' He thought to himself . 'This is bad. I should never have left the Nest Major and gone on alone. Perhaps I shall die alone, as well."
Ref. says:
Frank approaches what he would believe to approximate the location of a small vehicle hanger or the cargo bay and comes across a large oblong box sitting where the service hatch. Back tracing his step narrowly avoiding a green spider with malicious intent. He notices all sorts of wires lead-in in a rather patchy attempt to siphon off some of the life support & electrical systems of the ship. However, crude some the work seemed it was done with careful care, so as it would not appear as nothing more an auxiliary re-routing. Only the presence of that box beneath the grav plates indicates that it was not so.

So...this old Scout was something of a smuggler too.

Frank silently thinks. Exiting through an auxiliary shaft. He comes back to the small vehicle launch bay. There he comes upon an Astrin Enclosed Air/Raft.

Not enough power in this vehicle to escape the gravity well of the giant but maybe just enough to board the Pride once again...he muses further.

Then his curiosity gets the better part of him. He decides to look where that box resided...maybe, this was the passenger that the old Scout was talking about.

Sure enough, he fines a hairline fracture with some effort succeeds in opening it. There resting in a low berth is a human female. He begins to cycle wake-up proceedures.

Her eyes suddenly flash open as does her mouth to let loose a scream.
Frank's hand shoots out over the woman's mouth as he pins her nto the box with his weight and all his limbs.

He projects a holodisplay before the poor human's face so she can see it clearly... it reads...

'Do Not Scream. We are in Danger. If you relax, and let me get us out of here. I will. Please be quiet. You must recover quickly and come with me on the Air/Raft. Nod if you understand me.'
Julianne nods. When the Hiver releases her, she carefully rises and heads for the air/raft.

She looks at the Hiver and asks, "Is there somewhere I can get a vacc-suit?"
Frank realizes suddenly that the box the female is in is a low berth module, and he recoils somewhat from it in horror... Low Berths kill Hivers placed into them.. He nods nervously and releases the woman's face.

He beams:
'Please do not speak until we escape. Ship is infested with some sort of robot. They will hear you. Do not know where you can get suit. Maybe you could stay in the box while I get Air/Raft Prepped. If the doors have no explosive bolts I am going to have to cut through or rip them off . If its any consolation. I am almost out of air myself.'
Ref says:
The Astrin on closer inspection clearly had seen better days...

The Communications suite was shot. The directional fins were rusted. Grav lifters were operational but tempermental.

However, its cover was solid and could concievable keep out the GGs radiation for a very short period of time. Remarkably, the spiders left this last piece of hardware untouched.

Whilst, we are on the topic of spiders...a lone spider enters into the cargo bay. It's sensor stalk fully extended and is proceeding toward the Astrin and the Cargo Bay doors.
Frank eyes the Spider's progress and looks around for a piece of pipe or else something to beat it with.

He open's the lid of the Low Berth and beams in:

'Ok. There is a robot right below. Blocking us from getting at the Air Raft. I will jump on it and try to trap it beneath my Reflec and smash it with a pipe or something. Get Ready to Run to the Air/Raft when I signal.'

He hands her his comm and gets ready...
Ref says:
The spider is making its way to the airlock hatch. Its gambit is probably to trigger an explosive decompression and carry everything out to space. If Frank wants to stop it is a DIFFICULT task, RECON, DEX. However, the door to the Astrin remains open.
Rushing forward, Frank releases the spring-steel framed reflec armor "shield" (a two meter circle of the anti-laser material) He leaps at the Spider, covering it with the reflec flat to the Bay floor.

He begins to bludgeon the lump beneath the reflec repeatedly, hopefully until something breaks...

'Now. Run. Get in the Air/Raft. Now.'

OOC: I rolled Boxcars! (12)

As soon as the strange woman is in the craft, Frank will run in after her and shut the door.
Julianne stays low and runs to the Astrin. When she gets there she huddles where she can't be seen through a window.
Ref. says:
One spider down, twenty more appear. They immediately scurry over to the airlock and begin to do their work. Watching through the viewscreen, Frank can EASILY see the Spiders exhibiting an enormous amount cooperation in their tasks. Clearly, showing a high level of synaptic reasoning bordering on a hive-like behavoir.

The airlock door blast open, the spiders, the Astrin are sucked out into the fury of the gas giant. There Julianne and Frank are witness to large space battle (think of the beginning of Revenge of the Sith) between the ailing spaceliner and a cruiser size vessel echanging pulse beams. Suddenly, a huge field debres fill the viewscreen clearly coming the liner. Making piloting the GRAV VEHICLE, A DIFFICULT TASK. However, it does not seem to have effected the cruiser, at all. The cruiser is coming about from below and fires several agressive bolts to belly of the liner. Then the seeming impossible happens. A third of the liner spilts off and comes crashing down on top the cruiser which is forced deeper into the Gas Giant.

One last scene from the failing scoutship, Frank can see that the spiders have formed a chain from the Scout buffering them forces of the Gas Giant. Then the Scoutship's stabilizers finally fail and the scoutship plunges into the depths of the Gas Giant.
Ref says: There are ecstatic cheers and clapping all over the bridge of the Pride.

The Second Officer cries out, "By George, Sir, I think we roted the bastards. Sensors can detect the cruiser and security reports that the majority of the rogues when down with lower decks."

The Captain unfolds his hands, flicks a switch, "Number One?, in an almost a whisper report." seeing the report that during the course of the firefight that the main turret was directly. When nothing but empty static comes back. He flicks the switch off and his eyes lower and looks at the ground. Tapping the com mindlessly, "Second Officer, how many did we manage to save?"

The Second Officer in somber tone dolefully reports: "Approximately, 350 and we...lost about 150 in assorted fighting and when the lower decks separated"

Flicking another switch, "Boatswain, what is the state of the repair?" asks the Captain.

"Another hours, at least, sir." the Boatswain replies.

"Boatswain, another 10 minutes that's all the time you have, I suggest that you..." the Captain barks back.

"Sir, we are detecting something large coming from below. I think it might be the cruiser has got its second wind...EMS is still over the place with the Gas Giant's storms." the Naval Lieutenant reports.
Frank looks over at the female...

"Brace yourself this could be rough."

Setting the G-modules to maximum, Frank strains the controls against the monstrous pull of the Gas Giant.

He crawls the vehicle on a lateral course back to the Pride. The pull makes it slow going, but he eventually makes it to the exterior skin of the wounded liner. He hovers centimeters from it, quickly setting the modules to cohesive mode, using the mass of the liner to guide him and take some of the burden off of the Air/Raft.

Craning his neck to see in a decidedly human manner, Frank begins searching for a way back into the Pride...

"We are fortunate that this vehicle is enclosed. Are you injured?"
"I was unable to get help to the Scout Captain. He was crushed under a stringer. I could not move it alone. He did mention you though. That I should find you. Two of my companions died also on that ship. Killed by the machines. I am not sure what sort of arrival to expect once we get aboard. A fair number of the passengers and crew were behaving strangely. One tried to kill me. And did kill my companions. Indirectly."

Frank continues to struggle with the controls on the well used grav vehicle.

"What are you called? What is your name?"
"Damn. And this voyage was supposed to go so perfectly. Kinda like a deliberate version of that ancient Terran Titanic..." She shakes her head, and looks sad until she realizes that the Hiver has asked her name. "My name is Julianne Okeefe. My shipmates usually call me either Julie or Oakie, so take your pick. Now, what's yours?"
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