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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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Ref says: Owen shakes his head, "If we spilt up, we will be easier to scoop up and how will we coordinate our exit from here."

Indicating the large mountain of snow covering the sled, "It won't be long before they find that and when they do; they will sure as hell know this was not an artificial occurrence. I say we try to find a blind spot in their sensor and light grid. We have to take advantage that we have the cover of darkness right now. Just before we jumped I saw a figure that looked pretty important head toward that warehouse..."

Julianne concurs, "I agree, some of us, have a price on our head, if the capture Benny here, then we are gooselings in the same pot, it would take long for these Impies to calculate 1+1=2. The sensor grid seems to have a structural weakness not more 200m in that direction. I suggest that we take that route as they are busy unearthing the sled, they are not likely to notice that we are slipping in right under their noses. Don't suppose anyone figured to bring a toolkit with them? Or at least, wire cutters. Panthera, can you determine whether this route is safe, with you fancy helmet. As the structural integrity of my suit is giving way with this snow..."

Owen assumes a crawl position in the direction that Julianne pointed to cunningly avoiding the portable search lights that the Mercs have rigged. Upon getting to the fence does limbo and slides is body underneath. "Come on guys, it is as easy as Pi. SOP of any Imperial Depot, glad to say my 'ears in the Navy weren't only wasted by idle drinking and fast women..."

The others notice that his crawling had a very distinct pattern. The next one to go is Benny whose prints leave a distinctive RFID pattern for the others to follow.

They avoid the patrols of Mercs and Imperial Guards who seem to be rushing to mend the broken fence and come to the warehouse which seems unguarded. When they jimmy the lock, it reveals a large empty room with an elevator shaft leading down. The lock is persistent and resists an easy hack. It will take a further determined effort."
Just like clock-work! You see M'lord Count, they will be captured without any loss of life or even any shots fired.When they reach the bottom, and realize there is nowhere to go,noway to escape,they'll simply have to surrender;it's only logical.I have my team stationed all around the room, with a clear veiw of the lift.
ON COMS:"Kurt,you David and Mitch cover the bottom floornear the doors to the elevator; Erin,the minute the doors open you take a bead on whoever looks to be in charge ! "
"Roger that ccommander! I'm inposition ,just say the word ." Erin's reply was soft yet eager.The youngest member of the Black Dragons,she still feels the need to prove herself to the to older men.Zeke and Kurt chose her not just because of her considerable talent,but for her youthful zeal as well.
ON COM: "Easy there little miss! the boss just wants you to eyeball' em; Let'em know their done,so's they'll give up without a fight."
"Right Master Seargent!"
Once the lift reaches the bottom,Count,it will be disabled til David puts in the password;So they'll not be able to go back up!All in all,I'd say we're ready to recieve our visitors.Wouldn't you agree?
Benjamin hands Juli his snipjaw from his tool kit... suffice to say, these ain't yer Dad's wirecutters!

"Place the tip on what you want cut and turn the green sphere."

Ben looks around and straightens his Bandolier...

"Well. Only one thing for it. In the Likely eventuality that I am Killed. Please contact Six Hands Nest and describe breifly what happened into the answering machine."

He begins to march straight up to the main gate of the base, looking a lot like a black plastic bag topped by a fishbowl...

Ben adjusts his voder to audible, he also projects "help" in meter-high letters holographically on the falling snow directly above him...

"Hello? Is anyone there? There has been a transport accident nearby. Hello? Can anyone hear me? I have been exposed to the elements for a long duration. And could use shelter. Hello?"
As Ben departs to the main gate, Felix wishes him good luck but in the howling wind he's not sure the Hiver hears him or would even understand such a concept.

Felix quickly makes his way to the central warehouse and the top of the lift shaft. Julianne takes out Ben's snipjaw and, struggling to grip the alien device, begins cutting around the lock of the door. A white light plays out from the cutter and gradually turns green casting an eerie light around the interior of the warehouse. Despite the obvious sophistication of the cutter, it is slow work and a foul smell emanates from the lock as the first drips of molten material ooze from it.

Felix wanders off near the door of the warehouse as the work progresses. From there he can see the stabbing lights of torches at the perimeter fence as Imps investigate their arrival. Just as Felix is about to duck back inside the warehouse, an overalled individual carrying what appears to be a toolkit rounds the corner and makes straight for the entrance to the warehouse.

In a split second, Felix leans back into the shadows as the figure passes him and then lunges out at the man from behind, grabbing him around the mouth before he can exclaim at seeing the activity around the lift. The man wrestles under Felix's grip but the sound of the toolkit dropping to the ground alerts the others who quickly assist. Felix, selects a hammer from the toolkit, thrusts it in the back of the man and whispers to him, "One move and you're dead." On which the man falls still.

Felix edges the man towards the lift just as, with a satisfying "clunk", the lock falls out of place and the doors open to reveal the inside of the lift capsule. Julianne turns round and her eyes widen at seeing the scruffy looking maintenance man held in an armlock by Felix.

"We've got ourselves a hostage," Felix shrugs. They enter the lift capsule and as it descends, Felix pushes the man to front of it, just behind the doors.
Ref says:
Klaxons and warning lights are going off all over the base. You can see that Imps have found the sled and are proceeding to fan out around the parameter. It does not take them very long to back step and head toward the warehouse.

With that the lifts doors close and it starts its speedy decent to the bowels of the warehouse. A few seconds past, And the doors open once again to a non descript corridor (think of the Rebel Base on Hoth) with flickering lighting and steam being released from different vents. The maintenance guy shrugs, stomps on Felix's foot who is forced to let him go. He darts down the corridor and a siren is initiated. The doors of the lift firmly shut again and the lift violently descends further downward.

When the lift doors open there is utter pitch blackness, no IR or UV is able to penetrate the inky blackness that exists outside the pool of darkness. The only light source is the light flowing out of the lift which illuminates a path of not more a few meters. Thankfully, the sound of the siren seems awfully muted.

Even Benny's hologram is noticably damped when he steps outside of the lift's doors.
Peering into the darkness with his thwarted IR, Ben creates three holographic float lights that slowly arc in front of him as he steps forward. He begins sniffing everywhere...
Felix hobbles forward and mutters about his trampled foot and his bad leg.

As the party moves out from the lift shaft, the darkness quickly becomes impenetrable and Felix spends a few minutes looking for a light switch around the lift entrance.

OOC: Does Felix succeed?
Ref says:
Felix reaches the far end of the wall; it finds a panel that might be responsible for the lighting. Depressing the button, emergency lighting of sorts goes on, as it seems too effected by some external source creating a strobe light effect.

Creating visual impairments that cause the helmet visuals to short out and making regular vision difficult as shadows seem to appear and disappear. Fortunately, the atmosphere within the complex is breathable and seems to be also protected from the hostile outside environment judging from rad levels.

Ben detects a slight odour that he has sense before whilst on the space station above Farpoint, a Rimward scent that he could not place. The holographic lights flicker melding with the station lighting then also die out.

The panel that Felix operated seems to be a touch sensitive lighting panel with nothing extraordinary about.

A long corridor flanked by doors on either side reveals the exit. From inside the lift there is the sound of clanking of armour against metal getting ever closer.

Owen shakes his head, "I have got a bad feeling about this. But we better proceed."
Felix looks nervously behind him. "We need to get out of sight. Quickly."

He walks along the corridor, selecting the third door on the left at random he opens it a short distance and looks through the gap to see...
OOC: apologies for not keeping up - more hippy technology problems...

Panthera is having trouble dealing with all this now. The adrenaline high of the ascent and the descent has crashed, leaving her hollow and anxious. Just a week ago she was a happy-go-lucky tourist on an adventure holiday who likes to meet aliens. Now she seems to have fallen in with terrorists, picked up a potential murderer from an escape pod and is now infiltrating a top secret Imperial installation that has state of the art defenses. As her conscious mind starts to lose it's ability to cope her subconscious acts swiftly, prescribing 2 stims followed by a euphoric, leaving her personal medkit low on non-medical drugtabs but Panthera's peace of mind in much better shape!

"Wow, pretty lights.... Coooool....."

She doffs her helmet, clipping it to her pack next to her short skis, and sniffs the air.

"Old socks, my favourite"

Panthera has an urgent need to get out of her HES, specifically, she needs to pee.

Turning to Felix: "Hey handsome, hope you've found a little girl's room there"

She pushes past him into the room....
Ben retracts his helmet and enters the room, looking and discreetly holoing everywhere. He too sniffs the air...

"How does age affect the aroma of the socks?"

Ben scans the room for objects to borrow as he views the replay of his and Ditzie's wanted poster. He looks to see how they were designated. Were they named, or was it a bulletin about unknown suspects? Ben looks to see... maybe they only know him as Frank... Ditzie could be just another human... could be a good time for some disguise work...
"Now don't look boys"

Panthera goes behind a stack of shelves and peels off the HES, then slips on the poncho. She packs the suit up into it's carry configuration, still with the skis strapped to it, and leaves it on the floor behind the shelves. Then she looks around, spotting a mop and bucket. Picking up the bucket, and seeing a darkened alcove, she ducks inside.

The rest of the group hear a trickling noise and a deep, grateful sigh, then Panthera reappears, all legs and poncho.

Rummaging through her kit she picks up all that might be useful (comlink, vid-glasses, mPod, flare gun, ice axe, hygeine kit, lipstick, and deoderant), leaving the suit and her skis in their partial hiding place.

Panthera stretches. "Ah, that's better"
OOC: Keep it civil Klaus/Panthera...

Ref says:
Owen pops his head into another room, "Bingo! Ben, I think that you better have looky here."

Parting the door a little bit further there reveals a bank of monitors connected to a mainframe. Each monitors showing a different section of the base. Alarming it shows a squad of heavily armed and armoured individuals moving down the elevator shaft with rapid speed.

For the most part, the controls are encrypted with a Level 4 or greater security (OOC: Skill 4+ needed to attempt an Easy task). One of the monitors in a room located not far away does show an area where there is a large holding tank covered with some sort of tarpon. Above the tank, there is a viewing gallery of sorts. This area is not particularly well guarded but it is adjacent to several security stations and there seems to several guard posts between here and there.

Along the ventilation shafts, there is some movement, as well, but too small for the cameras to resolve just a shimmering effect that appears in front of a camera every so often.

Outside there is a rather prominent Merc who seems to be directing more of his forces away from the rescue effort and into the warehouse where the characters currently reside.
OOC: 8 to Bypass (and using my Traveller Dice! I found them on a game site!)

If access is gained, Ben immediately starts working to reverse the elevator or lock it between floors, halting the approach of the soldiers. Pehaps some cooling off time for them will ease tensions a bit...
A nervous knot appears in Felix's stomach at the views of the approaching soldiers. Not for the first time, he wonders how he has got himself into this situation. He wonders for a moment what whould happen if he were captured. Would he be believed if he said that the others had forced him to infiltrate the base? Probably not.

Felix urgently begins searching the room for any type of weapon that might be stored here while shouting, "Ben, if you can get into the mainframe, see if you can create some kind of diversion to draw the guards away from the holding tank. Maybe an alarm in another part of the installation - anything!"

"Also, can you work out a route to the holding tank?"

OOC: Are there any weapons in the mainframe room?
Maybe the euphoric was a bit too much

Panthera's vision is swimming somewhat in the low light, the bright monitors swirling colourfully in circular motions. She sets her recorder to auto-scan: at least if she can't see properly now she can review the jaunt later on (thats if there is a later on....). She directs it especially to the monitor showing the merc leader: the camera is clever enough to correct for pixelation and enhance the image. She faxes a copy of it to Owen and Benny.

"Anybody recognise this guy?"

Panthera breaks out a ration pack and passes round some rather tasteless nutrition bars, then after wolfing her's down in one gulp, attempts to apply a hint of lippy (well it can't hurt!)

OOC apply lipstick while somewhat out of it - Hard, Dex, 1 min
ROLL: 7, +4(Dex) = 11. off by 1.
end OOC

Not the best result: she puts on somewhat more than intended, looking now a bit like a child who's been eating a rasberry ice lolly. However Panthera doesn't seem to notice this.

"Ok, what's the plan?"
COMS: David,don't let them override the security in the mainframe!Keep them on the path we set for them. If they hack security they'll have access to everything! Kurt, try to motivate them to move on to another destination in the right direction. Rhodes out!END COMS
"Mitch,Erin,Your with me.we have to get to the Containment room and get ready for them.Get fifteen of the imperials and take the vent access to the bottom.
"Perhaps an indirect diversion will offset the opposition and buy us some time. Sprinklers perhaps? Please find a way to seal this room."

Ben now gears up to full on hack the heck out the mainframe, he is focusing all three views on it. He works laterally in the system, looking for weaknessess and back doors. Viewing the inferior human computer architecture with the shrewd eye of a Hiver programmer... he uses what makes his kind great with computers...
Ref says:
With the sprinklers going off full blast, in the elevator chute and the sudden and unexpected gush of water, it causes the armoured troops to loose their grip and fall a good number of floors. The ones on the bottom break the fall of those on top who proceed to clear the body. A smell of metal melting and human flesh is coming from a top of elevator car.

The computer indicates that there is a route using a series of corridors located behind what would seem to a service panel adjacent to the guard's station that would put one over the room with the holding tank. At the same time avoid those things that seem to be crawling over the ventilator shafts that seem to be undisturbed by the water save a little puffs of steam here and there, they have been rendered almost invisible by the water.

The nearest access panel to those corridor shows it is just past what would seem to be a natural chasm connected by a rope bridge not 50m from this location where the man-made tunnels start to give way to seemingly more natural rock formations. The entrance is only about 30m down but as the players are without a rope.

"Of course, we could always use the rope bridge itself." quips Owen

"Only thing, it would mean that we would have no way back." retorts Julianne in a flustered tone.

"Benny, any chance that you can override the computer and start the lift going up again. As if my smell is correct and I am not mistaken those troops will have no problem cutting that car with their FGMPs." says Owen pointing at the monitor.

"Panthera can you also make a scout around to find something more useful that might actually aid us in this endeavour. And, Felix what skills do have to bear. If you are thinking of hostage...just remember, the Imperium does not take too kindly to murderers. We will, I am sure hear the true story in time, but we got find a way of slowing those troops down and make our way to here and then find a way out quickly..." Julianne says with scorn.

Ben stabs deeper at the computer's file structure. He prepares a Loop Virus to lock the computer security into a loop of activity, as Ben chews away at the operation files. Reprogramming it into servility... taking control of the base could be our group's only hope!

"I don't understand. Do you want me to bring them here? We have nothing to combat them with but our wits. Just one Trooper so armored could kill all of us. This is a fight for survival. Again."
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