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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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Ref says:
After repeated messages of "Access Denied", Access Denied", Access Denied", Access Denied", Access Denied", Access Denied". Ben finally gets a message "Stage 1 Access Granted, Welcome to Area 51 Imperial Research Installation on Farpoint/Foreven".

The smell of smouldering metal and flesh is becoming increasingly acute as Owen turns to Ben, "We need to do something about that lift - NOW!"

Julianne comes back with a partial grin, holding up to flash & shock grenades. And proceeds to the area where the lift is to set up a booby-trap. "Back there is an armoury of sorts, only non-lethal stuff but if we are smart, we can use it to slow them down. Owen, Panthera, Felix get the webbing guns and what else you can salvage." tossing over a laser cutter,

"The locks on them are old fashioned tumble locks but if you burn more, or Ben once you finish with the lift, see if there is some sort of electronic override. Just I wonder why the guards from this part of the complex have not already converged on our position...my guess, this is our objective..." she continues pointing to the large holding tank surrounded by a viewing gallery dais.

"Find out the least path of resistance and I suggest we make our way there ASAP." barks Julianne.
Moving as fast as possible, Ben adjusts the lift control before it is destroyed by fusion fire... he works frantically to set the lift to go back up and lock. (OOC: 9)

Ben then searches quickly for any and all defensive or offensive security systems and brings them online at all exterior points from the party's location. Perhaps locking down the base will buy more time. He will look to minimize fatalities by letting the base's own defenses work against its staff. (OOC: 6)

With his third perceptive range, Ben reencrypts the main base security codes with a multilayered hex-cyphered code prefix, while the computer defenses are weak from battling the Loop Virus.
He attempts to lock the base controls to his own computer, making it the only useable control terminal on base. (OOC: 10)

"Standby... I will try to find us a way off this place. There must be a vehicle hangar nearby. We shall secure a craft and return to the Centaur. Before these lunatics kill us. Prepare to run for your lives."

Ben's multiple eyes flash over the controls, calling up floorplans of the base... (OOC: 9)

"FGMPS. Against unarmored targets. What sort of beings are these? Have they no moral center? Barbarians.
"Ajax. (OOC: Ben's Computer's name is Ajax) prioritize the following post current operation:

Display Base ECM Telemetry of all external ground, air, and space units.

Compose false Highest Level security alert. Redirect units to response at maximum speed.
Suggest Starship collision/possible attack by outside party for catalyst.
Felix grabs the webbing gun and slings it over his shoulder. In one of the drawers of a cabinet he finds a maintenance knife - not long enough to use as weapon but sharp nonetheless.

As the others begin to barricade and booby trap the lift door, Felix runs down the corridor in the direction of the chasm. The heavy, hot air of the installation rapidly changes to be cool and fresh as the corridor turns a corner and the chasm suddently opens up in front of him.

It is dimly lit and as Felix looks upwards, he can't decide whether it is the sky above him or an enclosed rock face. However, on the far side, directly beneath the other end of the rope bridge, he can just make out the access panel: a rectangle of polished steel that contrasts with the rock face.

Studying the rope bridge, he notices that it appears to be somewhat over-engineered for the task at hand. As well as two ropes supporting the slats, there are two higher ropes that form part of a handrail on either side. Some thinner cords form occasional uprights between a supporting rope and the handrail rope above it.

Felix rubs his chin, "Well, it doesn't look structural..." and begins cutting at the near end of one of the handrail ropes. The knife is surprisingly sharp and makes short work of the rope. As it cuts through the final strands of the rope, the other ropes seem to creak slightly but the bridge holds its shape. Felix then proceeds along the bridge, severing the rope from the uprights. The bridge sways slightly and Felix feels very exposed with no handrail on one side but eventually he stands at the far end of the bridge and drops the rope down towards the access panel.
Ref says:
"Hey, Felix, what about us?" calls out Owen from the other side of the chasm.

Ben manages to convince the computer that a collision with a starship is immanent. There is a rumbling as two large mason guns swing on their axles and begin shooting into space. With each shot, the lights dim slightly and then return to normal.

The Marines and Mercs on the surface are then scrambling to take up defensive positions around the parameter. From the corner of one of his eyes Ben can see a golden syrupy liquid emerge from the ventilation shaft and seems to spreading across the floor in a methodical, almost sentient way.

"Nanites! You got to get out of here." screams Julianne throwing one of her blast grenades. A blinding flash, a moment Benny finds himself scooped up and placed on Julianne's back escorting him from the control centre to the chasm where everyone is watching Felix.

"We Must Negotiate. Felix has trapped us. I have a plan. It will take too long to explain. Just be prepared to go along with it. I will Manipulate the situation to our favor. But you must follow my lead. I must subvert my disgust at this situation for now."

Ben activates his comp...

"Ajax. Load and form identikit program Flint1Sec. Scan three nearby and extrapolate Kit for Agent Names Owen, Pantera, and Juli. Export and form."

He turns to his freinds, holding up three ficticious security ID slugs...

"If you will all adopt an authoratative or perhaps arrogant demeanor. It would be helpful."
On all screens, comps, and HUDs in the base, a bright red test screen appears, with bright yellow galanglic letters...


"Failure" flashes repeatedly, it cannot be missed...

Ben hacks the Comm System and puts on his best authoratative voice...

"This is Inspector Flint of External Security. My orders were to evaluate this facility's securtity. I have done so. All units will cease hostilities. Base Commander, XO, and Operations Officer will report to my location immediately."
Ben turns to his companions and speaks privately...

"There. Now at least if this doesn't work we will get prison time instead of execution. Everyone act indignant. But don't over do it."
Ref says:
The nanites pause for a moment, as if actually receiving their instructions from the security computer's mainframe but they do not retreat. Indicating that there is a third force at work in this station. Or it could be that Merc equipment while compatible with the Imperial protocals runs off a separate operating system, as the Imperial Computer identifies them as Friend rather than Foe.

With a swoosh, the security door opens in front of Felix, just as steps through the door closes behind him just as quick. He appears to on small retracting ledge below him is at least a 200m drop down to some sort of reactor core that is powering the station from river of magma.

The burn mark circle in the lift that conveyed the players down is getting ever larger. It seems like these people's communication units are either faulty or they are taking their orders from elsewhere. However, their ruthlessness and barbarity means that players had better leave this area, asap lest they want to be skewered and toasted.
Ben begins to try to climb back onto Julianne's back, intrigued at the woman's carrying capacity...

"Right. Well. Who has plan B?"

Electronically, He returns to "Ben" mode, abandoning his Inspector Flint disguise as a red herring for his pursuers... he mutates the identity into another Loop Virus, one that is busy reencrypting and shutting down most base systems...
Ref says: Julianne strains for a moment with the sudden weight of Ben on her back.

There is a dull thud of metal moments later a couple of troopers drop out setting up a defensive parameter around the lift as others begin sliding down. Their FGMPs make short work of the barricades erected around the elevator. The setting off of the flash grenades momentarily halts their advance.

Notwithstanding, they quickly make their way to the control centre and attempt to wrest control of the computer from Benny's Virus. However, none of the troopers have sufficient electronics skills to overcome the firewalls that Ben had put in place. Hooking the mainframe up with a wireless moments issuing some sort of code to a third party.

Owen puts his finger to his lips to silence the rest of the party. In Hiver sign language, he indicates, "Plan 1b."

A lone trooper is approaches the supplies depot, where upon Owen emerges from the shadows and clubs him with a fire axe, which causes no real damage but knocks him out cold. He proceeds to strip the trooper down to her briefs and wrapping in webbing from a web gun and covers her mouth with duct tape and stuffing the limp body behind a ventilation shaft and sealing it up with glue.

Looking at the others, "What? It had to be done."

Looking over at the stationary nanites who are proceeding also in their general direction, taking a fire extinguisher, he gushes the liquid in the path directly in front of them and then takes out his lighter and a cloth, lights it and tosses it behind them. Soon the air is filled with the acrid smell of burning plastic. The nanites halt their advance to investigate the reason for some of their losses.

"We still have to find a way to get down there, when I get my hands on that weaselling murderer." mutters Julianne.

OOC: Just to clarify, Felix has not cut the bridge completely. One handrail has been cut but the bridge is otherwise intact.

Felix looks around himself and bites his lip at his predicament. The magma is an amazing sight but Felix can feel the heat emanating from it even at this distance. Felix ponders whether this was the route Ben intended but after a while he sees another access panel leading into the reactor room just to his left, about 5m away. "Perhaps that's the way to the holding tank..." he muses.

Taking aim with his webbing gun, Felix tries to fire at the rock face just above the access panel so that he can pull himself across to it and gain entry.
OOC: Ok, I get it now. I thought that you had cut the supporting struts in which it would cause the bridge to fall away. So if I visualize this correctly the whole bridge would be a 90* angle as the whole thing rests on strut or alternatively just very unstable...

Ref says:
Felix shoots, however misses his target by hitting below his intended area, checking the cartages he finds that they have all been depleted. He might be able to loop end piece back on top of the door's arch (by rolling against his Dex on a 2D6) and then climbing up (rolling against End) which would beat being burnt by magma, as the platform continues to retract at a steady pace.


Looking around for something that resembles manacles, Owen quickly fashions crude looking set in which he slips around Julianne and Ben. "Sorry about this, guys, it seems like the only way is go forward right under their noses, like the original Plan A."

Escorting the remaining characters down the corridor, they come across the first checkpoint. Owen puts on a deep, authoritative voice, "These are the terrorists we have been searching for. I am escorting them to the Detention Block where the Base Commander is waiting to question them."

[ OOC: Ref silently rolls a few dice. ]

The Guard at the station scrutinizes Julianne, Ditzie, and Ben for a moment and looks over Owen, indicating for others to stand aside. "Ok, you may pass. Just get me something from the canteen on your way back, missed the meal shift in commotions that was on the surface."

"Uh, ok, will, Roger that. Thanks." says Owen keeping his authoritative voice.

"You're bezt (sic) Jayne**." as the Guard motions and the others depart back into the security nook.
**Or it could have been Jane...
Felix unslings the webbing gun and drops it into the magma far below him where it is immediately swallowed up in the roiling lava.

As the ledge retracts further, he looks above and sees a section of jutting rock that seems to be just within reach. With only seconds to spare he jumps upwards and catches hold of the rock surprisingly easily [OOC: Rolled 4] . Then, exerting all of his strength, he tries hauling himself up. With great difficulty, he manages to reach into a crevice a little higher up and pull himself onto the jutting rock [OOC: Rolled 7] .

Breathing heavily, Felix grips tightly on to the rock face. The ledge, below, has completely retracted and Felix tries to climb over towards the other access panel.
Ben notes the range of the web gun and clambers off of Juli's back. (OOC: I was going for a bit of Marty Feldman humor there.)

"Let us get out of here. I will try again to find us a ship.."

Ben looks in the records for anythig that will help. A floorplan, a map, anything that may show them the way out.
Ref says: Julianne hushes Ben's voder, "Not right now, we have a mission and damn it if I am going to let a bunch of flat footed Impies & Mercs stand in my way. She veers off to the right slips off the "cuffs" and removes an access panel. "This ought to lead directly to that large observation room" as she scampers down the tunnel, followed by Owen & Ditzie.

The shaft drops down into a gentle slide those piles up the characters in a contortionist's ball. Owen pulls out a toolkit and begins to unfasten the bolts. Thereupon, their exit the come to a large circular chamber with seats all around a large draped canvas covering a very large object. In that instant, a door hisses and Felix emerges looking rather stained and sweaty.

Zeke rounds the corner and sees a solitary Hiver matching the description of the terrorist standing beside an end of a corridor. "Stay right there in the name of the Imperium." Suddenly, the lights go out in then turn bright red. In the confusion, he un-slings his FGMP and lets off a shot narrowly missing Ben's head. When the lighting returns to normal. The Hiver is gone. Ben can hear him cursing and opening multiple doors and hears him say, "I don't care what the orders are the policy from above now is shoot to kill they have compromised our security way too much to live."

There is a shuffling of boots along the corridor, Zeke barks out, "How did you let them escape?"

"Well, sir, they were restrained and was wearing a uniform only later did your men see Jane tied up there." says a nervous grunt.

"What seems to be the problem here?" an authoritative voice calls out.

"Nothing that my men, can't handle, your highness. We will route out the terrorists and they will be brought before you, as wished," mutters Zeke. Dead or Alive...the ticket was not terribly specific. Well, we will let the lawyers argue that one out... Zeke silently ponders.

"Why haven't your men restored full power yet?" says the voice.

"With all due respect, we have been carrying more than our fair share of the work around this base, it was your men who allowed the terrorists to compromise our security and gain such easy access to the security room. If you only followed the 51 suggestions that I had, nothing would have been able to come within a kilometre of this base." Zeke retorts.

"Enough commoner, know your place when addressing the Imperial Nobility, I will excuse your behaviours this one time with a mild reprimand." with that there is a sound leather striking the other man presumably across the face.
"What kept you?" says Felix.

"We ran into some old friends," replies Julianne. The phrase seems vaguely familiarly to Felix but he can't quite place it.

Felix asks where Ben is but the others just shrug.

Felix sidles up to the object. "Looks like this is what we've come for. I hope one of you has got the camera." Felix puts his hand up to the canvas and is just about to pull it away when he thinks he can hear a humming noise coming from underneath. There's something about the noise that fills him with a sense of foreboding.

Steeling himself, he grabs the canvas and pulls it off, revealing the object beneath.
Ref says: The object is metallic but organic at the same time. The humming does not die down. It is large oblong shape with struts jutting down from the undercarriage. The front which resembles a snout of a large predator is in fact a drill composed of thousands of drill bits. All told it must be 200m in length. When the object is touched it has almost a plastic texture which follows the contours of the hand/tentacle, yet when struck, it harder than any thing that hits hit.

There are tiny lights that illuminate the length of object as well in a few places lights that illuminate a path to the top of the object.

No where are joints or rivets, it would seem like the entire object was created like a soap bubble, seamless with a smooth surface. Save the appearance is that of a darkened reddish black metal.

It is like nothing the characters have not seen before nor a technology that is even anything that the characters have ever seen before.

The humming for a moment subsides to be replaced with a gentle vibration then that in turn stops. The lights wink for a moment and drills activate then everything goes dormant. The whole experience is unnerving in strobe irregular lighting that fills this section of the base.
Peering from the packing crate he has settled in... Ben watches and films as much of the event as possible.

On a secure comm to his Comrades...

"What is that? I am not sure what I am seeing."
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