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Re: Interactive Story - LARP/MMORG for the whole CofI to join in, if you like or dare

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In fact, Bromgrev had been staring - not at Cardelli, but at the silent one of his two bodyguards. Four years had passed since his covert service mission, but Franz Tagelli was not a face that was easily forgotten. Well, well. If it isn't my old buddy from the big wheel ... this could be a stroke of luck!

"Ah, Mr. Cardelli, it's a privilege to meet you! And to see you insisting on proper customer service standards! I'm afraid I must apologise for my rudeness. It took me a moment to recognise my good friend Franz, here. I was his manager for a little while in Freedom City. It's good to see you're moving up in the world, Franz!"
Ref says: "You know this clown, Franzie-boy? Tell me my good man, do you think it is a wise career move to block my way? You and Franzie can catch up on old times later...understand?"

With that there is a beep on Bromgrev's com.
Jame awakes from his slumber, and remembers that he was dreaming about Dorotea Innes, a noble who served under him in the Marines. They'd had quite a passionate affair, under the table of course... She'd mustered out the same time he had, but was home, a few systems from Farpoint - Jame is travelling through there to meet her now.

He arises from his bunk, stretches and wonders where his travelling companion, Dr. Harold Calis, is. He gets his comm and hand computer, plus his sword, and exits the hatch.
Usssep, chittering with indignation, barely manages to avoid being trampled by Cardelli as he leaves.

He waits for a quiet moment to address his companions: "Okay ... datanet up, checked gold cards. Crypto too hard to break, yes? Plus, if we copy RF signature, it shows up as new card or duplicate. Either way, we busted."

"Maybe three choices. One, we go talk to ship's officer."

"Two, we find high mucky-muck passenger and borrow card or convince we have need and get him to join us."

"Three, we copy the card's RF signature not one time, but ten or twenty times. Put RF transponder in cleaner-bots, same card show up all over ship at same time."

He holds the scanner module cupped in his palm: "Have card signature of Cardelli right here. You think he mind?"
"Haha! Usssep, my friend, please don't take it wrong if I say you would have gone far in the Scout Service! Eh? Excuse me a moment ..."

Interrupted by its insistent vibrations, Bromgrev fished his communicator out of a pocket to check its display. Who could be calling me here?
Jame sees Baron W. headed over to Security.

"Hail and snowflakes, Milord. How're you today?"

"Very well, Sir. I was wondering if I could see Dorotea."

"Yes, of course. Once we're at Farpoint, we can book passage to her world, where she is currently enfeoffed. No doubt she'd be happy to meet you!"
Ref says: Usssep did indeed catch the frequency on his portacomp. The casino seems to be focused upon their individual games. Even security seems to relatively bored.

Meanwhile, back at the Med. Lab.

Jeff blinks, it could be the Captain...I suppose.

"But, what the hell happened to them? What is that substance growing on their faces?" As an unconscious reflex looks one more time to check that his face is clear.

An elderly Virushi limping on the cane enters the room. It is the Ship's Doctor, Doctor Oomph. In a crackling voice, says, "Well, the best we can tell it could be a form of Terelepian Ebola. The cause and the vector remain unknown. With perhaps, a well stocked Laboratory on one of the Core worlds, I could perhaps know more. But with these primative facilities, I can only guess. Our instruments are not really able to postulate what it is."
Ref says: Bromgrev picks up the com and hears nothing but static but then it breaks for a moment. "S-S-S-Su-f-f-fering and D-e-ea-th-th-th." and then the static resumes.

Any attempt at call display or tracing the call results in failure.
Bromgrev, viewing his communicator with some distaste, turns back to his companions.

"How do you do, Mr. Jeffers? That's an interesting cologne you're wearing.

"That was either a crank call, a death threat or a warning. Usssep, I believe we should put our rude co-passenger's identity to good use at the earliest opportunity. The only question is where to investigate first, the observation lounge or engineering? My preference is for the latter, perhaps there we can get to the root of the problem."
Usssep nods vigourously.

"I agree to engineering. Try to find monitoring and control station. You can trace power flows, see what is going on, yes? Cut power to lounge if it looks like source of problem, maybe?"
Ref says: The ship undergoes another profound shutter. This time klaxons and red lights begin to flash. The Computer announces hull breach in Main bridge. All passengers are required to return to their quarters immediately. After a few moments, the computer announces an all clear. The Captain comes on the PA system:
"I do apologize, it does seem that our computer has developed a fault in its emergency response circuits. For your information, we will breaking out at Farpoint momentarily."

Then the voice of the XO comes on: "Turn that bloody thing off, can't you tell we have a bit of crisis here."

"Sir, the intercom is still on."

"Damn." replies the XO and classical music resumes throughout the ship.
Baron W. taps baron Jame on the shoulder

"How do you feel about getting into a Vacc Suit...just for an emergency precaution of course?. I have a nice tailored version I wanted to wear to a party to make a fasion statement in. Now seems a good time to make that statement!"
"I've got a Sylean-tech suit on right now! Let's go collect the rest of my party and get near an escape pod."
NPC: Assistant Steward Parmasson Galendi: Approaches wearing a fresh out of the package vacc suit with a silver band around the right arm and his visor open.

"My lords, gentlemen and sophonts, we are asking that until this minor glitch is cleared up that all passengers make their way aft behind the next set of pressure doors toward the escape pod bays as we may experience a slight change in pressure as we correct the problem. (He pauses as he listens to something faintly audible in an earpiece and begins to sweat as he smiles.) Ummm…with all due respect my lords please move quickly and know that we are working to correct the problem"

He gives a slight bow then turns to walk away as he quietly seals his visor.
Originally posted by Bromgrev:
"How do you do, Mr. Jeffers? That's an interesting cologne you're wearing.

It comes complimentary with the mini-bar. I really think that there is something not right about engineering. I saw what looked like a mimetic polycarbon doohickey slithering on some exposed wiring down that way.

(Turns towards Usssep) You don't know anything about something like that, do you?
"No. I have heard such things were possible, but never have seen. Could this be causing the power problem? Like a parasite on the grid?"

"Can we find, take sample of this thing? Would make for interesting study, yes?"

Usssep cocks his head at the PA announcement. Hissing in frustration, he says: "Kuatwi! Now back to cabin again. We must move fast before lockdown, and before ship have new problem."

"Matt Jeffers, you show us this, yes?"
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