Firstly, four displacement tons is not a unit of mass but rather volume. This is a common mistake. Your weight is probably wrong considering an Air/Raft will both be built with High-TL composites and lack wheels, tires, and other accoutriments common to a wheeled vehicle. Most of those weigh 4000lbs ot less and I doubt it weighs anymore than a Sedan, probably much less.
An air raft is supposed to be able to be made at Tech Level 8, and is supposed to be able to carry 4 tons of cargo. To carry 4 tons of cargo, which I assume is actually mass, not volume, you need a reasonably substantial vehicle. I will stick with the 4 tons of mass rate, and simply assume that it might be carrying something.
Second, you’re applying the rocket equation, a mathematical constant of how hard it is to get X amount of payload into Y orbit and the energy needed to fight gravity on the way up. That’s all well and good - just not with a vehicle whose entire premise is flying by modifying gravity.
The energy requirement has absolutely nothing to do with the rocket equation, but simply indicates how much energy is required to put one pound of mass in orbit around Earth. That energy can come from a black powder rocket, Space Shuttle launch, Cavorite, Dean Drive, or the air raft lift and drive propulsion mechanism, but it has to be supplied. That does assume 100 per cent efficiency, so the actual energy required is going to be considerably more.
How much energy does manipulating gravity take? I dunno but presumably little, yet either way the 3I have made it practical. Unlike your B-17 example, Air/Rafts ignore the atmosphere and don’t lose thrust at extreme altitude due to atmospheric starvation. By their nature, Air/Rafts ignore the immediate conditions provided there’s gravity to play with.
How much energy does manipulating gravity take? I do not know, but I do know that it will take 550 foot-pounds of energy to lift one pound to 550 feet in one second in Earth's gravity. That is what one horsepower can do. As for ignoring the immediate conditions, the following comes from LBB Book 3, page 23, 1981 edition, my emphasis.
An air/raft can cruise at 100 kph (but is extremely subject to wind effects), with some capability of higher speed to about 120 kph.
An air raft has a cruise speed of 100 kilometers per hour in a standard atmosphere, with a top speed of maybe 120 kilometers per hour. That gives it range of between 62 and 75 miles per hour, or about the speed on an Interstate Highway. That is it. No faster. That gives it a power plant capable of forward motion comparable to the average car, so around 60 horsepower, or about 45 kilowatts. Then it has to add the energy cost of countering gravity based on the weight of the raft, passengers, and cargo. Now, you are telling me that this air raft, which cannot keep up with the average traffic speed on a U.S. Interstate, can generate enough forward motion to go into a stable orbit around Earth, requiring a velocity, however delivered, of around 26,000 feet per second. I fear that my "willing suspension of disbelief" becomes very unwilling at this point.