...Should a vision of the future stay fixed, despite us having a seen much more than what it could originally contain? ...
Well, no, but it would also be nice if the
known parts that we have become comfortable and familiar with don't suddenly morph into something strange and bizarre. That was a good deal of the unhappiness with the Rebellion milieu, if I recall. As with a
Marvel or
Star Trek movie, you risk alienating a segment of your old fan base if the familiar elements are too casually twisted or warped in the search for something new and exciting with which to bring in new fans.
...It certainly does that, but the elements of the Technology chapter specifically refer to the 3I. The vessels given as examples are from the 3I. While the mechanics of Traveller can be used for any setting, they're customised for tech 3I. Why fight it? ...
See note above on alienating a segment of your fan base.
I play CT. I'm learning some of the positives of MT, and I'm tasting bits of GURPS and Mongoose. I do not yet own T5. It's on the list, but these moments sometimes make me think twice about that. I'm not bashing it - I do not know enough to form any sort of reasoned criticism of it. That being said, while I have no problem with a third (or is it fourth) alternate reality of the TU setting coming onto the scene, I do have a problem with the setting I've known for 30+ years, the setting on which I have 30+ years of notes and files and what-nots, being sent to the dumpster so a new rules system can claim pre-eminence.
Some of the MegaTrav rules have made their way into the CT rules system by way of ret-conning and errata. It happens, I adapt, it's usually better for it. If they choose to do that with the some of the T5 rules - the bot thing in particular coming to mind - I'll have no complaints, it'll most likely be better for it. Well, no complaints after I've had a chance to calm down, anyway. I'm not wedded to a particular view of the milieu, though a few things like Virus make me wonder at some people's - umm, best not go there.
However, telling me that the milieu I've spent the last 30 years with no longer applies to the rules I own because there's this new rule
set some people like and they feel like the old rule
set should just be shoved to the side and ignored - that one gives me a bit of concern. That one is where we end up with divided camps of Trav players who trumpet their favorite rule set while criticizing the other guy's rule set - and I think we've already had too much of that.
This'd be limited by the social contract as I commented on
here. ...
This MIGHT be limited by the social contract as you commented on there. Or it might not, and Rancke's point might be valid. Either view has equal validity in a high tech universe in which the truly powerful have the technology to guarantee the agreement of their supporters. For every Honecker there is a Stalin, using guile, craft, careful control of the flow of information, careful use of propaganda and deceit, the careful balancing of competing interests against each other, and a ruthless but carefully reasoned application of fear, intimidation and lethal force to maintain their power. I don't want to think too hard on what a Stalin could do with TL15 information gathering and control at his fingertips, nor how long he could endure given full access to TL15 medical resources, because the prospect is really quite frightening when you look too closely.
3 in this context clearly does not mean
The Traveller Book, and I do not own T5, which Aramis tells me is the other frequent meaning of B
3. Therefore, I can provide no useful comment on the subject of synthetics as they are defined in T5 beyond a few generic speculations. Sorry; they are beyond my current knowledge base. Maybe if I get lucky for Christmas.