mike wightman
SOC-14 10K
Welcome to my worldBecause I'm getting fed up with people changing the setting around me. Please note that I'm not invoking any special privilege to not have the setting changed around me; I'm just getting fed up with it.

We have pre-HG 1105 3I, we have a post-HG 1105 3I described by CT, MgT and partially by GT. We move to the MT era and completely different underlying technology, and then on to TNE where the technology paradigm changes yet again (and yet is retconned to have existed during the earlier eras). Now we have T5 and yet more changes to the technology, some of which have major setting implications.
It's never really been a shared setting - it has been a sandbox setting for the game designers and exemplar of how a Traveller setting could function. Just about every author has changed significant stuff, often due to their own misunderstandings, lack or research or just plain prejudice towards how they think it should be done.A shared setting like the OTU that has been 35 years in the making? Yes. Yes, it should,
I know you have spent years trying to iron out the inconsistencies, suggest fixes and retconns and make a coherent setting out of the OTU, but such a vision is only possible for the author of the original setting, and when MWM decides to change stuff in T5 we have to ask the question 'how does this change the setting', not 'does this apply to the OTU'.
Isn't there a law of unintended consequence?