Originally posted by Employee 2-4601:
Exactly;what we need is a simple and elegant "component" (LBB2-style) system, where the base chassis is selected from a list, a power plant/locomotion (combo?) dropped in, and the rest of the components added in a one-by-one basis, probably with a relatively low amount of additional data (i.e. no power allocation for most sensors/devices?). The system should be close enough to realistic to keep suspension of disbelief, yet abstract enough to fit most situations without ocver-encumbring ourselves with too many rules. Sure, designing things with Striker is fun, but it takes ALOT of time...
That's my thinking, although I like the LBB5-style.
Off the top of my head here at work, with tangental thoughts built in, on a design sequence that might flow (I want to avoid having to recalculate ala Striker if you add a turret.)
In some cases locomotion size is most important start design there. In others the package carried is most important, start there and then figure out how much locmotion you need to carry the mass. In some cases the guy doesn't move so ignore locomotion.
(1) Locomotion: (a)determines mass can carry, (b)build in power/fuel requirements assume base duration for activity, (c) effective dex and type determines max. volume, as a multiple of locomotion volume, it can carry before it can't balance, (d) performance stats besides mass are Dex. and speed (break biped legs that can run out into separate group from walkers) A more general system provides (a) mass lifted to volume of drive ratio (basically power to weight ratio refigured in relevant design parameters).
After adding on all the components, extra mass carrying capacity can be used to carry things.
(2) "Tool": This is the thing the robot uses to do whatever it is it does. The three broad categories are Manipulators, Sensors and Cargo.
(2a) Manipluators: (a)by type determines activity (b) performance stats: dex (e.g., flexibility, number of joints) strength (e.g., lift); (c) volume to performance number, e.g. performance number is STR + STR + DEX (Cost might be STR + DEX +DEX); (d) mass is a base number for a given TL, can decrease by using lighter more exspensive materials to a point; (e) power built into volume. Simple sensors such as position, acceleromters etc. needed to work manipulator assumed built in.
(2b) Sensors: Like for maipulators, power requirements built in to volume/mass.
(2c) Weapons: build into a manipulator and use 90% of volume weight of non-robotic vrsion to reflect integration.
(3) Cargo: Basically a chassis/body with mass for an open volume of a given type. Things like seats etc. are fittings that can be added in.
(4) Brains:
(4a) Simple radio etc. the robot has only limited local processing (assumed built into components)
(4b) More complex: stat as wish but a component that is ameable to fixed size components. Some basic brains can be assumed to be built in but they factor into cost.
(5) Power plant. Not explicit, it is built into the components. Thus, no back re-calculations where you see, oops not enough power, you up power plant and think sh*t now its too big...etc.
Power plant type is chosen for the component based on TL. A more refined component chart would list components and assumed power source. For example, legs (battery powered); legs (fuel cell powered), legs (extension cord), would have three different component rows for each leg-power type.
A fancy version would list the fraction of a given component that is assumed to be power plant/fuel. Then all these volumes could be summed to give a power plant volume and weight. At this stage you might switch out the power plant for a better one.
Then you can add more stuff. I think this is a better interative process because as you add and switch you are monotonically approaching max build out, not oscillating as can happen in a Striker design sequence.
(5b) Auxilary Power. Power plant tables so you can add a back up, more power, do the switch out etc.
This process of course glosses over things like your legs may work better with more power etc, or still work with less power but with lower performance.