Bones to pick.
I have to argue with virtually all of the costs cited.
Prices used are all Absolute retail, single or small unit quantities. The absolutely most expensive way to buy anything.
Those are the prices for ships, components and supplies a PC will encounter.
Fuel cost is going to be a commodity, and Buying it in bulk might save 10% or so. More if you are the main shipper and you can strong arm the local suppliers into discounts.
Everything else will cost less to a regional carrier by at a bare minimum of 80-90% for bulk contracts, reciprocal for items that one side can produce cheaper, and sharp trading.
Anything built in house would be 50% of retail or more depending on the markup for retail, and then heavy discounts from there for bulk purchases of raw materials. Any raw materials the company gathers as part of their business of ship will be decreased by the markups avoided on them as well.
Financing is going to be the same. It would be nuts to think that a company with hundreds of years of operation, with ships that will spend their life on a carefully proscribed route would get terms that even marginally equate to Joe Blow who has little history and scraped enough to to buy his ship 'Space time' ship sales.
Construction, operations, maintenance and financing are all going to be much smaller for even the regional carriers, and even the smallest fleets would have much better rates than that single far trader could ever hope to see.
Combine all of this and the operating expenses for a sector wide WOULD be probably 40% of what the little gypsy pays per DT hauled.
Megas that span multiple sectors could well have that again.
Also life times. I would think some one that is familiar with the lifetimes of commercial and cargo aircraft could easily project atmospheric ships from aircraft.
Ships that never touch atmo and going to last several times that, as 95% or more of the stress a ship deals with would be traveling though atmosphere and the changing effects of gravity. ( if the only force applied is along the axis of thrust, it is MUCH less stress that if gravity can be applied at other angles.)
I am starting a separate thread to outline the ideas that I have been thinking about, related to ship design and operations.
Feel free if you think my guesstimate are wildly off, but outside of acknowledging there might be discunts for high volume purchases, none of these factors have been more than mentioned in passing, and there has been no discussion at all about possible numbers.
Again, I have not read any of the canon or rules sources that discuss large scale economics, but I gather from the discussion none of these factors are dealt with in any meaningful way if they are mentioned at all.
just my retail .02 credits, take them for what you think they are worth.