Well, that probably won't change much till the Juno mission spacecraft arrival some 3 years from now! See: http://missionjuno.swri.edu/
Got to hold one of the actual flight instruments in my grubby little paws (well, gloved in a clean room) before it departed.
There was lots of specialized shielding and fabrication involved in the Juno probe due exclusively to the extreme environment - dad spent weeks designing and precisely fitting exotic metal interlocking shielding plates in the instrument he fabbed - which was not a requirement for the similar instruments he had made for Cassini, New Horizons, Rosetta, nor LRO missions. The coatings and conductor routing on the Juno mission are also unique - and yet the mission life is still expected to be shortened appreciably. I was involved in several discussions with the design team of a very large Faraday cage for one of the test chambers that had to be specially constructed.
As for direct lethality of EMF - that is something on the order of a billion G (Gauss), IIRC - so no, not from Jupiter. However, the indirect effect of Jupiter's strong rotating magnetic field certainly creates an environment quite lethal to humans without extensive protection.
Very very cool, BytePro. I'm jealous

As for the EMF, wow. Someone's got some numbers out there, but billion Gauss is kind of up there. Could a starship even survive that, let alone the crew?