Smeg Yeah! (Oh, and don't forget CARL, what's a starship campaign without an intelligent vending machine!

There's actually an RPG (about 10 years back) for Red Dwarf... though never played it myself.
I've got it. Rules aren't bad, but the success chances make Lister's player out to be the luckiest SOB alive... or using loaded dice. Or cheating and using 2d3 instead of 2d6.
It's a 2d6 for ≤(Stat+Skill+DifficultyMod). Roll Low.
Skills range 2-5 for typical starting PC's, with the occasional 6 or 7, skills 0-3, maybe one at 4. No unskilled penalty, per se, but it would make it just too hard.
I find It runs a WHOLE lot better if one borrows the dice pool mechanic from it's mechanical cousin, Arrowflight 1st edition; Roll stat d6's, each for an individual TN of ≤(Skill+DiffMod) with number of dice making it being the margin of success; TN's greater than 5 provide (TN-5) bonus successes if any are rolled, more than 3 1's rolled is roll again and add those successes, and more than half 6's is a botch unless TN is 6+. Todd and Gavin, the designers, disagree, having switched arrowflight over to the 2d6 mechanic. Note that all of Deep7's XPG games are the same basic range of stat and skill for starting characters, and the XP guidelines mean ubermenschen within 48 sessions... It's actually worse with the 2d6 system, since there is no maximum success chance, so a 12 or higher total of stat+skill is always makes.
I've run several campaigns of Arrowflight, with great success, but RD as written falls really flat when everything you try fails.