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So Where Do the Express Boat Tenders Stay


Subsector capital, and the edge of the Imperium.

You think Regina waits to get its Xmessages from Dinomn?

I don't.

I think it buys, builds, or hires a colonial Jump-5 Fleet Courier to jump to Inthe, and shaves a month off of the age of its data. In a way, this is a small version of the Imperiallines "TJ" couriers (or whatever they're called).

Since that courier is not part of the Xboat network, it probably can't share that data with the IISS. Bureaucratic messes.
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But the XBoat system, as portrayed, is a combination Pony Express and Post Road system. The XBoats travel this route, and only this route, however well place or plotted. Meanwhile, ad hoc, perhaps routine, perhaps not, Courier ships connect the off route worlds to the main backbone.

Trade lanes are trade lanes after the fact. Trade lanes manifest themselves based on observation and traffic. You won't have a "Major" trade route with no traffic. The route doesn't make the traffic, the traffic makes the route. If there's little traffic, it's de facto not a "major" trade route. Trade routes appear organically based on the systems involved.

This. The Xboat network is a government-built network. There are no economics of any kind involved. There could well be politics involved.

Trade lanes are the opposite. Economics -- efficiency -- defines those.
Please ... now you're being insulting.
If an Admiral was aboard a Fleet Courier, they wouldn't be limited to Jump-4 and they wouldn't be limited to the Express Network.

Besides, the rule in question is explicitly labeled XBoat Movement.
Kind of presupposes that Admirals can be passengers on actual J4 XBoats (which have 2 staterooms, so 1 passenger is possible on an XBoat).

On the contrary. I can see it now: a Grand Fleet Admiral busting a Lieutenant down to Private for even suggesting that he ride aboard a ship that is incapable of surviving a misjump, incapable of carrying any of his security or staff, incapable of PROTECTING him in case of misjump, and quite likely to threaten his Sanity.

Oh yeah, that's an efficient use of an Admiral.

But, the argument doesn't really require the shunning of Xboats. In wartime, the Xboat can bypass worlds -- I get that. But that's war, son. Incidentally, I think it's likely an artifact of the logistics-aspect of the game that the Xboat can't jump to a nearby branch, but that's ok. It just means that FFW is a distinct specialization of Traveller with its own special rules to make the game effective.
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Pardon me while I do a little bit of formatting to help with clarity for what I'm about to explain and demonstrate with a concrete example.
Trin, Katarulu, Nexine, Palique, Maitz, Fornice, Carey, Capon, Resten, Fosey, Icetina, Ivendo, D'Ganzio, Lanth, Ghandi, Dinomn, Regina, Roup, Feri, Boughene, Efate, Lysen, Jewell
  1. Trin . J4 . Katarulu
  2. Kararulu . J2 . Nexine
  3. Nexine . J1 . Palique
  4. Palique . J3 . Maitz
  5. Maitz . J2 . Fornice
  6. Fornice . J3 . Carey
  7. Carey . J4 . Capon
  8. Capon . J1 . Resten
  9. Resten . J3 . Fosey
  10. Fosey . J4 . Icetina
  11. Icetina . J1 . Ivendo
  12. Ivendo . J4 . D'Ganzio
  13. D'Ganzio . J2 . Lanth
  14. Lanth . J4 . Ghandi
  15. Gandi . J4 . Dinomn
  16. Dinomn . J2 . Regina
  17. Regina . J3 . Roup
  18. Roup . J2 . Feri
  19. Feri . J2 . Boughene
  20. Boughene . J2 . Efate
  21. Efate . J4 . Lysen
  22. Lysen . J2 . Jewell
Total Jumps = 22
4+2+1+3+2+3+4+1+3+4+1+4+2+4+4+2+3+2+2+2+4+2 = 59 parsecs
59 / 22 = 2.68 parsecs per jump (average)
XBoat Route Map (image link)
Actual "shortest route" distance (ignoring everything) between Trin and Jewell = 40 parsecs
59 / 40 = 1.475x parsecs traveled compared to actual minimum distance
40 / 59 = 0.678

Thank you @whartung ... that is EXACTLY what I was expecting from you and @mike wightman ... a 22 jump route averaging less than 3 parsecs per jump while staying "vapor locked" on the Express Network lines on the map. And before you say anything, yes ... 2.68 parsecs per jump sounds suspiciously like an average of 2.6 parsecs per jump between the Core sector and the Spinward Marches sector. Noted without additional commentary.

Compare and contrast that performance with MY understanding and expectation of how the J4 Express Network ought to be operating in actual routine practice at all times.
  1. Trin . J4 . Katarulu
  2. Katarulu . J3 . Palique
  3. Palique . J4 . Fornice
  4. Fornice . J3 . Carey
  5. Carey . J4 . Capon
  6. Capon . J4 . Resten
  7. Resten . J4 . Ivendo
  8. Ivendo . J4 . D'Ganzio
  9. D'Ganzio . J2 . Lanth
  10. Lanth . J4 . Ghandi
  11. Ghandi . J4 . Dinomn
  12. Dinomn . J2 . Regina
  13. Regina . J3 . Roup
  14. Roup . J4 . Efate
  15. Efate . J4 . Lysen
  16. Lysen . J2 . Jewell
Total Jumps = 16
4+3+4+3+4+4+4+4+2+4+4+2+3+4+4+2 = 55 parsecs
55 / 16 = 3.4375 parsecs per jump (average)
XBoat Route Map (image link)
Actual "shortest route" distance (ignoring everything) between Trin and Jewell = 40 parsecs
55 / 40 = 1.375x parsecs traveled compared to actual minimum distance
40 / 55 = 0.727

So ... the conclusion I want everyone to draw from this little exercise is ... "how far away" is Trin from Jewell by XBoat on the Express Network?
22 jumps ... or 16 jumps?
Note that both answers are "possible" using a J4 XBoat Network.
However ... when one route is 22/16=1.375x faster than the other with no change in technology, personnel or procurement outlays needed ... only a change in doctrine and standard (best?) practices within the capabilities of the existing network ... the question must be asked ...

Who are the traitors/saboteurs at the IISS Communications Office who insist on slowing down the Express Network to 16/22=72.7% of the data forwarding transmission speed it is demonstrably capable of achieving (in wartime and peacetime both!) when its assets are employed and deployed correctly? 💣

I now invite everyone reading and/or following this thread to offer their opinions on the Analysis Of Alternatives (AOA) for how the Express Network ought to operate under routine conditions.

Cross-comparison of the two routes provided are easiest to understand and visualize when the two route map links are opened in different browser tabs that you can flip back and forth between to see the subtle yet all important differences.

Subsector capital, and the edge of the Imperium.
You think Regina waits to get its Xboat from Dinomn?

I don't.
I do ... for XBoats.
The only XBoat route into Regina/Regina/Spinward Marches from Rhylanor/Rhylanor/Spinward Marches is through Lanth subsector.

J6 Fleet Couriers are a completely different matter, since they are IN (Imperial Navy) not IISS (Imperial Interstellar Scout Service) assets. Consequently, I would expect J6 Fleet Couriers to only be available in systems with a(n Imperial) Navy Base (such as Regina/Regina) and be routing high value fleet traffic between subsector capitals (such as the 2 week transmission of the Declaration of War from Regina to Rhylanor that started off the Fifth Frontier War across the 10 parsecs between Regina and Rhylanor).

Which is a long winded way of saying that Fleet Couriers are not going to be anywhere NEAR as numerous (or routine) as the operations of the Express Network. In that respect, Fleet Couriers are "special duty" starships ... and while transporting an Admiral to their Fleet can certainly be classified as a "special duty" for a Fleet Courier to undertake, there might not always be "enough" Fleet Couriers around and available for an Admiral to just snap their fingers and have one (or several) standing by ... except perhaps at a Fleet Headquarters or other similarly equipped station.

However, you are correct in one somewhat bass-ackwards way about getting communications out to Regina by the Express Network.

Ironically, any communications bound for Regina from the Corridor sector will probably wind up getting routed through Aramis/Aramis/Spinward Marches ... after which the fastest route to Regina is:
  1. Aramis/Aramis . J4 XBoat . Risek/Rhylanor
  2. Risek/Rhylanor . J4 XBoat . Inthe/Regina
  3. Inthe/Regina . J2 Scout/Courier . Yurst/Regina
  4. Yurst/Regina . J2 Scout/Courier . Yori/Regina
  5. Yori/Regina . J2 Scout/Courier . Regina/Regina
Compare and contrast that to the "Klingon Hook" needed to run through Rhylanor and Lanth subsectors from Aramis/Aramis while staying on the Express Network the whole way.
  1. Aramis/Aramis . J4 XBoat . Celepina/Rhylanor
  2. Celepina/Rhylanor . J4 XBoat . Rhylanor/Rhylanor
  3. Rhylanor/Rhylanor . J3 XBoat . Equus/Lanth
  4. Equus/Lanth . J2 XBoat . Ivendo/Lanth
  5. Ivendo/Lanth . J4 XBoat . D'Ganzio/Lanth
  6. D'Ganzio/Lanth . J2 XBoat . Lanth/Lanth
  7. Lanth/Lanth . J4 XBoat . Ghandi/Lanth
  8. Ghandi/Lanth . J4 XBoat . Dinomn/Lanth
  9. Dinomn/Lanth . J2 XBoat . Regina/Regina
So you tell me which is the faster way to get communications through Aramis/Aramis to Regina/Regina.

Like I said previously ... it's an absolute CRIME that Pirema/Lanth/Spinward Marches isn't on the Express Network. It would shorten the Express Network jumps between Regina and Rhylanor from 7 down to only 3 (Regina -> Dinomn -> Pirema -> Rhylanor). :oops:

Shaving ONE MONTH off routine communication times like that ought to be a strategic advantage (in more ways that one!).
Here's an even sillier example of the kind of "can only color within the lines" mentality that @mike wightman and @whartung have been displaying in this thread so far.

Mora/Mora/Spinward Marches via Express Network to Persephone/Lunion/Spinward Marches.

First ... the "must follow the lines on the map no matter what" operational approach.


  1. Mora/Mora . J2 . Fornice/Mora
  2. Fornice/Mora . J3 . Carey/Mora
  3. Carey/Mora . J4 . Capon/Lunion
  4. Capon/Lunion . J1 . Resten/Lunion
  5. Resten/Lunion . J2 Lunion/Lunion
  6. Lunion/Lunion . J1 Shirene/Lunion
  7. Shirene/Lunion . J3 . Strouden/Lunion
  8. Strouden/Lunion . J2 . Persephone/Lunion
Total Jumps = 8
2+3+4+1+2+1+3+2 = 18 parsecs
18 / 8 = 2.25 parsecs per jump (average)
Actual "shortest route" distance (ignoring everything) between Mora and Persephone = 9 parsecs
18 / 9 = 2x parsecs traveled compared to actual minimum distance
9 / 18 = 0.5

Compare and contrast that routine procedure with the "if it's within 4 parsecs, skip all the systems in between and just jump there directly" approach that I've been advocating for as the correct interpretation all along. Use that and suddenly you get ... THIS ...


  1. Mora/Mora . J4 . Carey/Mora
  2. Carey/Mora . J4 . Strouden/Lunion
  3. Strouden/Lunion . J2 . Persephone/Lunion
Total Jumps = 3 :oops:
4+4+2 = 10 parsecs
10 / 3 = 3.33 parsecs per jump (average)
Actual "shortest route" distance (ignoring everything) between Mora and Persephone = 9 parsecs
10 / 9 = 1.111x parsecs traveled compared to actual minimum distance
9 / 10 = 0.9

Any questions? :rolleyes:
Didn't think so. :sneaky:
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When it comes to timing, there are several places in the canon where the inefficiency of the x-boat system is noted as essentially a design feature that gives the IN and the various other governmental units (and the nobles) a significant advantage because they "know what's going to happen" before anyone else does - heck there there's a canon short story, IIRC, where that's how Norris decides what to do in reaction to the Stephon's assassination. Information is both a strategic and a tactical asset, the Imperium was very good at keeping the powerful in power. Sure rumors could and would arrive faster, some more and some less credible than others - but until the "official news" arrived it could be downplayed, ignored, and most importantly planned for...

When it comes to timing, there are several places in the canon where the inefficiency of the x-boat system is noted as essentially a design feature that gives the IN and the various other governmental units (and the nobles) a significant advantage because they "know what's going to happen" before anyone else does
Knowledge Is Power™ ... and all that.

Where life gets interesting around the Express Network is figuring out the "shortcut spaces" along the routes where going "off route" via Scout/Courier(s) to get past a gap (like the Regina to Inthe 5 parsec gap) as a kind of workaround for the length of the route the XBoats take to deliver information and communications can become something of a lucrative opportunity in which "knowing faster" can increase opportunities to be exploited.

The more things change, the more they stay the same (or words to that effect).

Still, you're up against the limitations of being able to cycle jump drives determining how fast the baton can be passed in the relay race across Charted Space.
This. The Xboat network is a government-built network. There are no economics of any kind involved. There could well be politics involved.

Trade lanes are the opposite. Economics -- efficiency -- defines those.
This. This is is how governments work. Does it make sense....ROFL. Does it work...define "work"? It is a government project (read boondoggle) used to foster communications and trade amongst the member worlds. It also gives them control of the flow of information. Control is power.

Hell, look at how well the Dept of Transportation works :eek:

The trade lanes are the flow of money.

Look at it this way: XBoats = nervous system, Trade Lanes are the circulatory system. They complement each other, but they are separate systems.

Spinward Flow, it seems to me you are trying (too hard imho) to smash the two together and graft it to a board game. If that is what you want, so be it. That is "Your Game". But beating on everyone who don't/can't grok your vision is not going to sell it to the masses.

You see discrepancies, errors or violations of logic, I see an adventure in need of a poke with a stick.
expectation of how the J4 Express Network ought to be operating
And this is the rub.

While you have an expectation of how it "ought" to work, for whatever reason, after a 1000 years of Imperial rule and design, it DOES NOT work that way.

Bus stops don't just mark where the buses stop but also the order that the buses stop at them. Bus routes are a fleet of buses that make themselves available at every stop on the route.

Riders did not skip Pony Express stops.

Otherwise, again, still, if it were the way you think it "ought" to work, then there would be no reason for the actual routes to be plotted. Rather, we'd just have dots on the map showing available destinations. Showing depots and tenders.

But we don't. The rails are there for whatever reason the creators deigned to do it this way.

To repeat what I said earlier:
But there's no real point in making a "better" network save for an ATU. The "game" is dealing with the network that is in place. Designed using whatever opaque criteria the Powers That Be chose when they laid it out.
It is what it is. Your XBoat net in your TU can work however you like, but it's clear that the one portrayed in the OTU, does not work that way.

The Admiral mechanic from FFW is just that. A board game mechanic to limit Admirals and their travels within the board game.
Riders did not skip Pony Express stops.
Did riders use Jump drives on interstellar routes? :sneaky:
but it's clear that the one portrayed in the OTU, does not work that way.
I'm just going to have to sit back and laugh at your dedication to enforced incompetence detrimental to all of Charted Space.
Truly, there is no hope for you.
Who are the traitors/saboteurs at the IISS Communications Office who insist on slowing down the Express Network to 16/22=72.7% of the data forwarding transmission speed it is demonstrably capable of achieving (in wartime and peacetime both!) when its assets are employed and deployed correctly? 💣
Found one ... and probably at least two ... :unsure:
In the OTU, drop tanks exist. But fuel shuttles do not exist.

A fuel shuttle is a drop tank with a motor. A reusable drop tank. The ship "drops" the "tank", and then Jumps. If you can have a drop tank, you can have a powered, reusable, drop tank -- a fuel shuttle. It drops, it accelerates away, and the ship blinks out, tank gets reloaded and plugged in to the next ship. You can have a tank that can somehow move 100,000 tons of fuel in 20 minutes (or however long the jump sequence is), but put a motor on it so it can get out of the way and not be destroyed on use? Unpossible.

If you have a fuel shuttle, then you suddenly have long jump freighters. Large freighters using < 10% of their volume for fuel making J6. You have an entire infrastructure built around instantly doubling the efficiency and speed of trade in the Imperium. If you think route hopping XBoats is a big deal, bump trade volumes and speed 100%.

But you know what?

This infrastructure does not exist. There are no fuel shuttles. Somehow drop tanks are a dime a dozen, but a fuel shuttle and network along major trade route boosting volumes 100%? Nope.

Does. Not. Exist. An apparently unsolvable engineering problem after 1000 years of living with Jump.

Not Canon. This is why we can't have nice things.

The Emperor, Zhodani, Vargr, Aslan, etc. and their lackeys apparently want "enforced incompetence in all of Charted Space" because that's the XBoat system that's Canon.

To paraphrase Kyle Reese:
Dr. Peter Silberman: Why don't you jump from system to system? Why do you have to stay on the published routes?

Kyle Reese: You go along the routes. Something about history, and traditions, and polities. XBoats only fly point to point along charted routes.

Dr. Peter Silberman: Why?

Kyle Reese: I didn't build the f****g thing!

Do what you like in YTU. In OTU, XBoat incompetence is Canon.
That's it. I'm giving up on you.

According to you, you need to jump-4 in order to transit 3 hexes because of how lines are drawn on a map.
Umm, no, that''s not how jump drives. A jump 4 ship can make a jump of up to 4 parsecs, so it is allowed to only jump 1, 2 or 3 parsecs.

The fact that you can't recognize how utterly ridiculous that notion is ... let's just say that only proves my point even more forcefully.
Proves nothing since once again your preposition is preposterous.
The lines drawn on the map indicate which systems are ON THE NETWORK.
And right there is your error.
The lines on the map represent the route the xboats have to follow. Canon is pretty clear on this.
The lines drawn on the map do NOT indicate the pathing through jump space that must be taken.
Wrong, that is your 'innovation' not backed up by canon - which actually states the xboats have to follow the lines.


I've tried to be polite, patient and understanding while explaining what ought to be a simple and obvious answer to a straightforward question. I've even used maps and explicit examples. At this point, I feel like I've gone above and beyond to be clear and obvious ... and you still refuse to accept what is placed in front of you.
Just as you refuse to accept canonical fact.

I can't help you.
Nor I you it seems, since you ignore canon.

I've given you concrete examples ... and you still can't realize what you're doing wrong.[/quote Shall I requote FFW? You have to follow the lines.

So with a Jump-4 XBoat you can only do a Jump-3.
No, a jump 4 boat can do 1-4 parsecs.
Here is a question for you - what is the quoted average speed of the xboat network for communications from core - using your model jump 4 would be the norm. But since xboats have to follow the printed jump routes it is much slower.
Umm, no, that''s not how jump drives. A jump 4 ship can make a jump of up to 4 parsecs, so it is allowed to only jump 1, 2 or 3 parsecs.

Memorialized for the ages. :oops:

A Jump-4 starship can only transit up to 3 parsecs.


Who are the traitors/saboteurs at the IISS Communications Office who insist on slowing down the Express Network?
That's two confirmed traitors/saboteurs to the core mission (and competency) of the IISS Communications Office.

Anyone else care to join them?




All kidding aside ... I can easily believe that between 624 and 718 (Third Imperium) while the Express Boat Network was initially being built out that there were only enough XBoats and Tenders available to the network for single jump round trips to single destinations.

So a location such as say ... Feri/Regina/Spinward Marches ... would have INITIALLY had XBoats departing from Feri exclusively to Boughene and Roup as the closest systems on the Network in (let's call it) 718 when the first phase of build out of the network was completed.


By 1105, just prior to the Fifth Frontier War, the Express Boat Network would have been in operation for over 380 years(!) which is actually at least 7 generation cycles of 40 year starship lifetimes. In other words, the IISS would have had plenty of time to review, revise and update operations above and beyond Initial Operational Capacity build out of the network.

So while the XBoats may have been limited to following the lines on the map EXACTLY as presented on the maps initially (in the 718-800 year time frame) while the network was first getting set up and the IISS Communications Office was building up its skills, expertise, operational procedures, procurement plans, sustainment paradigm, logistical tail, etc. etc. etc. ... once the network was up and running and additional capacity continued to be added to the network after initial buildout ... that is when (later) I would expect the doctrine of "from here to there" routing for actual XBoats would have shifted from following the lines on the map EXACTLY AS SHOWN to be something more akin to "if both ends of up to Jump-4 are on the network, ignore the lines on the map and make the jump" so as to speed up the flow of communications across the ENTIRE Express Boat Network throughout ALL of the Third Imperium (not just in the fringes like out in the Spinward Marches).

In other words, the capabilities of the network would have been built up in phases, where first you get initial operating capability so as to get ON the network at all ... but then once that is achieved, the building out of the infrastructure of Tenders and XBoats doesn't stop at the mere initial operating capability. With additional XBoats available along each "node" in the network, those additional XBoats can be dispatched more widely than just the immediate nearest neighbors on the map.

So while a world like Feri/Regina/Spinward Marches might have only had direct single jump links to Boughene and Roup when the initial network buildout was completed in 718 ... over time as additional XBoat capacity was brought online and worked into the system (over the next 380+ years!), Feri would have become capable of dispatching XBoats to any other system on the Express Boat Network within 4 parsecs of Feri so as to bypass intervening systems and speed up communications along the entire network.

So in 718 ... Feri might have been only able to dispatch XBoats outbound to Boughene and Roup.
By 1105 ... Feri would have been capable of directly dispatching XBoats to Efate, Pixie, Boughene, Roup and Kinorb in a single jump, because all of those systems are within 4 parsecs of Feri/Regina/Spinward Marches and all of them are on the network (just like Feri is).

Now if @mike wightman and @whartung want to advance the notion that after the initial buildout of the Express Boat Network over 380+ years between 718 and 1105 has added NO CAPACITY TO THE NETWORK OF ANY KIND WHATSOVEVER after establishing initial operating capacity in 718 ... they can take that stance (and to date, they have). But it's pretty nonsensical to believe that the IISS Communications Office is somehow "stuck" in a time loop from over 380+ years ago with no way to get out of it. Even better yet, it makes no sense to believe that keeping the IISS Communications office "starved" of the resources needed to speed up the entire XBoat Network using already existing proven technology (that works!) that is already in mass volume production across the Third Imperium for centuries is in any way in the "enlightened self interest" of the military, political or economic interests of the Third Imperium writ large when they have J4 XBoat capability at TL=10.

Or to put it another way ... if you can speed up XBoat transmission of communications by as much as an average of +1 parsec PER JUMP simply by adding more capacity of already existing starships to the network (no new designs required) enabling a revision in standard operating procedures thanks to improved capacity ... WHY WOULDN'T YOU? :unsure:

Answer: traitors/saboteurs to the core mission (and competency) of the IISS Communications Office

And so far, in this thread, we've already had 2 of them unmask themselves.
Anyone else care to join them? 💣
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In practice, this speed is somewhat reduced by the fact that trade routes do not follow straight lines and that not all jumps are made at jump-4. Nonetheless, the system achieves approximately jump-2.6 per week.
Messages destined for worlds farther down the line are transmitted to a waiting Xboat which then jumps for the next world in the network.
Express Boats (xboats) travel standard, established routes within the Imperium
Express boats relayed the message from system to system along the established routes
Xboats in the OTU Third Imperium setting travel along the lines drawn on the map.

Answer: traitors/saboteurs to the core mission (and competency) of the IISS Communications Office
And being that it's been this way for 380 years, one must question what is the true core mission of the IISS Communications Office since improving the network is clearly not one of them.
It has already been explained, well it has in my head :) - the xboat routes were mapped on top of the major megacorp trade lanes and the megacorps want to keep their advantage on those xboat/trade routes and thus maintain the status quo.
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And being that it's been this way for 380 years, one must question what is the true core mission of the IISS Communications Office since improving the network is clearly not one of them.
Considering the IISS and the megacorps each have their own faster internal courier networks...

Those in power (Emperor, peerage, megacorps, etc...) want to know what is going on before its members/clients. You cannot control what you don't know. What you know before anyone else is an ace card.

Forewarned is forearmed. Four armed, you're an alien.
And being that it's been this way for 380 years
1105 - 718 = 387

2021 - 387 = 1634

In 1634 CE ... Terra was still TL=2 and armed men wore exoskeletons of tempered steel crafted by hand.
In 2021 CE ... Terra is TL=8 and battery powered electric vehicles with autonomous driving features are becoming a reality for the civilian consumer market.

A lot can happen in 387 years worth of time ... even in a place as stagnant as the Third Imperium.

I guess the UWP population codes for worlds in the Spinward Marches of 1105 are completely unchanged from the year 718 as well.
Oh and there were four TL=15 worlds in the Spinward Marches back in 718 too ... Glisten, Rhylanor, Mora and Trin ... just like in 1105.

How time flies when nothing ever changes ... ⏳... EVER ...