According to Agent of the Imperium the Imperial government has had jump 6 capability since the 700s - I'll check the exact date.
This is where we start running into CT starship construction version issues.
Per LBB5 you have to have TL=15 in order to have Jump-6 drives.
Per LBB2 you can have Jump-6 standard drives as early as TL=9 (C drive in a 100 ton hull).
For both starship construction systems, you need to have a model/6 computer to control Jump-6.
The model/6 computer type requires TL=12.
So in all versions of CT starship construction, only LBB2 standard drives permits construction of a Jump-6 starship at TL=12 ... which theoretically could easily have been the top end of Imperial technology in 718, so the notion is certainly a plausible one.
Just for fun, I threw some standard drives into the TCS Ship Designs site to test how small a starship could be and still support Jump-6 while fitting everything needed into the hull. Answer ... with standard drives ... 200 tons.
Imperial Express, Fast Express
200 ton, TL 12 Civilian Design, 196.00 MCr
4 crew (Command: 1+0, Engineers: 1+1, Medic: 0+1)
no passengers
| ___.__ | _22.00 | _.__ | Cone, streamlined, fuel scoops
| _20.00 | __1.00 | _.__ | bridge
| __7.00 | _55.00 | 5.00 | computer model 6
| _35.00 | _60.00 | _.__ | drive jump F #6
| __3.00 | __8.00 | _.__ | drive maneouver B #2
| _19.00 | _48.00 | _.__ | power plant F #6
| ___.__ | ___.__ | 4.00 | agility #2
| _60.00 | ___.__ | _.__ | fuel, PP endurance 4 weeks (24 weeks powered down)
| _40.00 | ___.__ | _.__ | fuel, jump range 2 parsecs
| _16.00 | __2.00 | _.__ | staterooms x4
| 200.00 | 196.00 | 9.00 EP used, PP generates 12.00 EPs
197.96 MCr (first ship, includes architect fees) built in 48 weeks
156.80 MCr (20% discount in volume, TCS) built in 39 weeks
CT Ship Designer by Matt. Visit
Obviously there is some room to play with the specifications (dropping down to 199 tons removes both engineers and the medic, saving 12 tons worth of stateroom space and life support+salary costs). Additionally, as a "pure" LBB2 design, it has no fuel purification plant (which requires 6 tons at TL=12) and there is no cargo space ... the starship is entirely dedicated to hauling data, not physical cargo (and the model/6 could easily store all the data you want to transmit).
With no revenue generating capacity integral to the starship itself, such ships could only be operated at a direct loss (because the ships themselves do not earn revenue) ... cue the tax write off shell game. However, the advance notice of interstellar information such ships would be carrying could potentially reap incredible rewards "off book" from the starships themselves, mainly through insider trading opportunities.
Knowledge Is Power ... and forewarned is forearmed (and all that).
Note that such a TL=12 LBB2 starship would cost slightly more than three Type-Y Yachts to buy, so definitely not something for the "low end information broker" racket.
The point that the government and megacorps can operate their own jump 6 couriers is a good one - they have a vested interest in getting the information first.
More like they would be the only ones able to buy and operate such courier ships at a loss AND have the means to profit from the information that such courier ships would be carrying.
Early OTU fluff mention an upgrade to the xboat network to jump 6 using drop tank equipped boats. Then suddenly sabotage happens. I used to think this was likely the Ine Givar and other factions out on the frontier not wanting faster communication, and therefore increased Imperial control, but this thread has me thinking that the megacorps and frontier dukes may well not want the unwashed masses to have a jump 6 network as they would lose an advantage.
Everything about the Jump-6 XBoat Network upgrade flows from the Fifth Frontier War boxed set.
The inevitable conclusion that I drew from that info was that the Jump-6 XBoat upgrade "threatened" the territorial gains of the Zhodani Consulate in the Spinward Marches, since it would (in effect) draw the "fringes" of the Third Imperium "closer" to the Core in terms of communication time delays, allowing the Third Imperium to respond more quickly to any ... pressure ... put on their borders in the Spinward Marches.
In other words, for the Zhodani Consulate to continue expanding to Trailing and Rimward through the Spinward Marches, they had to do it "now" (in 1107) rather than later once the Jump-6 XBoat Network came online. The Zhodani Consulate, through allies, agents, traitors and all manner of infiltration arranged for the insurgencies at Efate/Regina and Extolay/Lanth (involving supporting the Ine Givar), in addition to industrial sabotage and a lot of other "mischief making" in preparation for what turned out to be the Fifth Frontier War ... which kind of caught the Imperial Navy off guard due to incompetent leadership (that the Duke of Regina was forced to overrule and get replaced in order to win the war).
So the whole L-Hyd Drop Tanks on XBoats thing was merely one of the contributing factors to precipitating the Fifth Frontier War. There were other factors, of course ... but the "threat" of a Jump-6 XBoat Network coming online in the future certainly helped to precipitate the march towards the sneak attack at Ruie and the declaration of the Fifth Frontier War.