Some of these posts have gotten me thinking about the old Book 2 and High Guard rules and I was wondering what others thoughts are on some of the basics. Specifically, I've always wondered what others thoughts are on what a turret, barbette, and other type weapons really are and what they look like.
I know over the years my views have changed on many of them, but to tell you the truth I never really understood what a berbette is really supposed to be.
Maybe this might be best as a separate post though, but I'd really be interested in other peoples thoughts. (I'll try and maybe put one together tommorrow).
A barbette is a semi exposed weapon that fires from behind a piece of protection. Which has always puzzled me, since this implies that the weapons for starships were mounted externally, or had an engineering that implied some form of firing from "behind the hull" so to speak, but without the full protection of a proper turret.
Think of a canon on a sailing vessel, or rather a battery of them. That's a barbette.